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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Oh….dunno, a reduction of word count, not sure I can manage Depends on my muse TBH.
  2. Thanksgiving turkey recap:  It was tasty/delicious, didn’t bother with gravy based on the QA taste test :)

    Being single & celebrating by myself, I opted for a turkey breast (which is less than a full bird).  Started this on Monday, when I let the thing soak in a bath of orange juice mixed with sugar, salt, & spices.  Yesterday, fired up the propane meat smoker, used cherry wood chips, let it sit for four hours inside.  (Also had some chicken thighs along for extra meat to enjoy later.)  Only mistake, didn’t fully dump all the OJ bath out, so it was still in the cavity at hour three, dumped that then … so at that exact spot, it was a tad under cooked despite the rest being well-done (I’ll get it with the microwave on leftovers).

    All in all, quite pleased with how it turned out.  Quite moist, tender, and bursting in flavor with every bite, hence the decision to skip the hassle over gravy.  Carcass is now in the freezer, I’ll take it out once I’m inthe mood for turkey soup.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Turkey breast would’ve fed a small family’s feast w/o an issue, and way less effort than a full bird :fthrower:

    3. BronxWench


      But I like the whole bird… :D

      Actually, for a family dinner, a turkey breast is fine. It’s just not quite Thanksgiving for me. 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      A whole bird would be nice, gotta admit, but then I’m one mouth, and that’d be a month of leftover turkey...gets old after awhile.  So, considering all angles, made the right choice IMO.  (Of course, having family living closer to go and join, that’d be even better, TBH.)

  3. Well, if you want to twist the classic, make the trolls out to be nice, polite, and keeping people away from those nasty Ratmen.
  4. Death penalty for spammers, anybody got an issue with this?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      It’s not just the forums; I’ve been getting a lot of spam “reviews” in the archives, too.

      But yeah, the wicker man solution sounds valid. :)

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Cross my fingers, not an issue in my reviews, yet.  But yeah, tar & feathering’s too good for them.

    4. Melrick


      Not even spammers review my stories, so I’m fine. lol

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