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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Knowing people are reading is great, but also knowing they’re reading your perversions (and enjoying them) is definitely cringe-worthy too.
  2. Note to self, I can’t keep adding inches to this character’s todger every time he visits the hospital wing!

    1. InvidiaRed


      Not with that attitude you can’t =p

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I do like to stay semi-realistic with sizes, so no forty feet (unless there’s a potion/spell involved).  A few inches is average, and this particular character’s still growing, so he’ll be above average when done.

  3. I’m annoyed because it feels like the only thing visiting my “clean” version of my fanfic on FF.net are bots stealing it – I post, and a half dozen bots lift it inside a day or two; at least one a day after that.  Feeling like I should simply abandon the clean version, and only pursue the explicit version on AO3.  That’d make writing easier, but also jerks around anybody still reading the clean.

    1. BronxWench


      Honestly, if I thought it would do any good, I’d say to file daily complaints with FFN. Is it being reposted elsewhere? Perhaps you can file complaints with those sites as well.

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      A google search later, some of the ghost mirrors (mostly), thinking they’re redirects for … countries with more restrictive internet policies.  Plus a (small) blurb on one hacked website. 

      But the aggravating part is simply that it drowns out the real readership numbers, because all I now see in the stats is bot after bot after bot slurping up 700k, no humans (about 300k of new material + 400k of the old yet-to-be-revised).   Until now, I had been trying to maintain  “explicit” vs “clean” versions, carefully marking up my story as I rewrite it (only way, TBH), close to a 3:1 word ratio; but if few to nobody is enjoying the clean, if they’re all enjoying the explicit, then it makes sense to not bother with the clean version given the extra hassle it takes.

  4. I imagine December 2021? Halloween’s not quite upon us, but not too soon to be thinking up of a story. Dunno if I’ll participate, depends on how engrossed I am by my potter story whether I want to risk the diversion or not.
  5. 246 years ago, today, was the Battle of Bunker Hill.

  6. Today, I’m annoyed due to a flakey internet connection.

  7. Don’t need to write out a sentence, I already know I’m an idiot (got the ID-10-T form to prove it) – oh, you mean grammar checker, well, still applies cause I’m still it.
  8. Favorite shout, from the “Sheogorath Shout – Call of Madness” mod, rains down hundreds/thousands of cheese wheels, and will tick off about everybody around you despite trying to cure hunger! Of course, the merchants should be suspicious of the shady character pawning off a thousand cheese wheels, but they don’t seem to care.
  9. If you’ve got the patience, the stealth armor is about the best, IMO, at least for me. Snipe out a bandit, duck back somewhere to hide. Of course the others might say “nothing to see here, must’ve been my imagination” next to their dead friend, guess loyalty doesn’t run very deep there.
  10. Grind your character high enough in any skill set and it’s nearly a one shot/punch to take out a dragon; two if you’re not quite there yet.
  11. @Ditmag You can tell how the interesting conversations go around here, start off with a good question, and now it’s skyrim tactics
  12. Think I spent way too much time playing that game. Preferred the stealth/sniper build myself, and got annoyed at mandatory companions who’d ring every doorbell, set off every trap, and push me over cliffs.
  13. FIRST time somebody asks via comments if I’ll write a particular crossover between fandoms, I’m a tad annoyed, but I’ll politely decline.  SECOND time means they feel entitled if they can’t be bothered to read my reply to the first one – DELETE.  (BTW, it’s on AO3, so that button’s available to me.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thundercloud


      Wow...a button here on AFF to remove reviews on AO3!

      As a software developer I am suitably impressed by the dragons that runs this place...

    3. BronxWench


      *sticks tongue out at @Thundercloud*  We have the ability to delete reviews here, which is not the most obvious feature, sadly. I just thought I’d do that educate folks thing we mods are supposed to do from time to time, to earn our, well, nothing, but you know… :lol: 

    4. Desiderius Price
  14. I’ve got stories posted to three archives, AFF, AO3, & FFN. Only FFN with my main potter fanfic seems to be getting hit by bots. AO3 & AFF both seem to be bot-free. 11k in 100 days might be bot driven, however, some fandoms are more active than others.
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