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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Heads are easier to carry, and it’s a good way to get ahead of the competition
  2. Of course, I’d settle for spammers’ heads lodged on spikes…
  3. What sucks is I’m on my second power outage of the day :(

    1. BronxWench


      Dear gods… I’m sorry! :hug:


    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Luckily, it’s come back (for now), so I made sure to heat up some dinner!

  4. First time is the warning, the second time completes the set! :)
  5. But actually made from the foreskin of the previous bloke who crossed her?
  6. Wishing Dirty Angel another happy birthday!  (Maybe she’ll bless AFF with a visit?)

  7. In longer stories with multiple sex scenes, I tend to shake it up, positions, whether there’s actual penetration vs mutual masturbation or stimulation, who’s on top/bottom, locations, etc.
  8. Like this FB meme going around.  “There are literally NO rules saying your New Year’s resolutions can’t be for evil.”

    1. InvidiaRed


      The inverse is also true.

      World Domination can be used for good :spank:

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Good vs evil can be in the eye of the beholder too.  Ends justify the means sort of thing.  Aside from Halloween fics, I tend to write my originals like this, where both sides believe they’re doing good even though it’s interpreted as evil by the other side..

  9. Happy New Year.  May 2022 fare better than 2021.

  10. My first thought was “this completes the set.” (of whatever).
  11. Why would that stop us from creating a whole new one? To stay on topic, never got around to writing a holiday fic… heck, still on the Halloween episode to this story I’m working on.
  12. Why do I feel that a discussion of sex scenes deserves a whole new topic?
  13. New Years Resolution: I'm going to strive to avoid making resolutions/goals, I'll only let myself down.

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