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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Getting a bit out of my league. I’d suggest a proper name, a common name, and some slang (both good & bad). Have people who swear by it, others who despise this act? Age limitations on where it’s acceptable? What happens if it’s done in public?
  2. If I used human anatomy as a guide… he’d be “titting out his dick”? Or nippling it? She’d be “nursing from it”? Sucking the werewolf milk out of him?
  3. This is intriguing. I’d assume organs/body parts have been around generations if not forever in the species collective memory; so slang/vulgar terms for them will likely exist too. Don’t forget to relate their function to things human readers will understand… they’ve not been replaced by AI (yet).
  4. Alright, sharing this from my story ideas/notes scratchpad: A pastor giving a children's sermon on vestments asks, "Why do you think I wear this collar?" One kid answered, "Because it kills ticks and fleas up to 30 days?"
  5. Nurse’s cabin. (ie, Jeff’s getting medical treatment)
  6. While I don’t think we’ll go 100% AI …. yet. I’d expect to see AI creeping in with fake actors for those “extras”. Even if the AI costs the same, less problematic, less risk to the schedule, than dealing with the hassles of “people” As to deep faking sexual situations…. yeah, legal or not, might not be contained to “adult” actors being faked in either.
  7. Heard foxnews recently let go one artificial air-head…
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