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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Jefferey, episode #17 (Nine) has been posted to both archives. Enjoy.
  2. Eventually we’ll have fifty shades of AI. For those that want to use a small snippet for their stories, I’d suggest we have the author mark it out, treating it like any other quotation/excerpt, not to exceed up to, say 10% of content? And if we get a fully sentient self-aware AI, doubt the posting rules here will matter, we’ll be adopted out to responsible AI overlords. Based on the GoT HBO series, doubt AI could make the ending any worse…
  3. I’m on the fence, with the thought we should stick to what we have, that the uploading member asserts that it’s a product of their authorship, their creativity, simply because there will be levels of “AI assistance” that’s between zero and full writing. For instance, when I’m creating a character, I will typically use random generators to assist as I’m terrible with blank sheets of paper. So having a modest list of random names, traits, hobbies, etc to choose between helps me focus, helps me define that character faster. Is that AI assistance? Spelling & grammar checkers are getting better, incorporating AI into them, and SUGGESTING improvements that’d be AI-based. I can also see AI creeping into developmental, copy, & line editing, helping the human write their book better. How about AI creating background material for stories? Like news paper articles, pictures, and the like? AI’s only as good as it’s training set of data. If I train an AI up on JKR’s works to help with my potter fanfic, well, I’m already infringing her copyright on Harry Potter by writing a potter fanfic, what’s a little extra AI assistance? Similarly, if I train an AI up on my existing original works, there’s no copyright issue if I leverage that to write more of my stories, faster. What if AI’s the only way for G.R.R to finish his book? (Or done posthumously.)
  4. Well, crossover, bring in Hagrid’s “Fluffy”.
  5. You know…. by now I’m sure at least one fanfic writer’s come up with a better “ending”, lets use them as an impostor / “body double” instead.
  6. Um… is he remembering to renew his contract? We all know what happens to GoT characters when the actor forgets/declines to renew.
  7. Nah, nah, took a night king to torment us with its warning about those who dare to resist him with a book that’ll never finish!
  8. Given we’re on a website for posting fanfiction, I’d say somebody writing fanfic for your books would be a sign of success. Me… never got into writing until I had read/watched *ALL* the available material for that universe (at that time), yearned for more, and found fanfiction, wasn’t satisfied and began to write.
  9. This is where it gets dicey with ordinary copyright too. Ideas themselves can’t be copywritten. So the idea of a werewolf teenager slaying vampires isn’t covered, but it’s how you execute it, the words you choose. Lifting their words, their expression, their execution, is infringement. Creating your own narrative with your own words is fine. Now, if the AI is indeed lifting snippets of existing works… then it’s skirting into infringement. If it’s generating its own prose completely, then it’s creative and its own expression. How small do those snippets need to be until it’s not infringement and creative in its own right? Guess we’re debating running Shakespeare through a blender vs handing a paint brush over to Data (of Star Trek TNG).
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