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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Ah, able to withhold/delete all other reviews until my stories get some flattering ones?
  2. Hmm, maybe we ought to make AI-generated-reviews a FEATURE? Author wants such a review, press the button, ask ChatGPT for its opinion on your story? (Secretly, we’ve hot wired it to troll/flame mode.)
  3. More fodder for the debate. Sentient AI? AI writing assistance?
  4. Mine… in the cleaner version, it’s Harry/muggle, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Colin/Ginny, know, pretty typical there. In the explicit, it’s a bit more fluid, where it’s more like Harry/muggle/Ron/Hermione/muggle2 and I poke a bit of fun at the Harry/Ginny crowd. Wish I had more feedback than hit counters, however, few readers bother to drop reviews/comments, so gotta take what I can. (FFN & AO3 let me track numbers of subscribers, favorites, bookmarks, kudos so a bit more to go on.)
  5. The “feedback” I pay attention to are the hitcounts, simply because that helps me gauge that people are reading/enjoying what I’m writing. Like I know on AO3 the “explicit” version to my potter fanfic is way more popular than my “clean” version (as I post both there). Taking the bait to derail Harry/Ron is totally viable IMO, not a bad pairing either, except if it’s exclusive, it undercuts Hermione. (And yes, I do explore some Harry/Ron in the explicit version of my potter fanfic, but that’s no where exclusive, it’s kinda more of a four-way “group” overall.)
  6. 41844 … check your number @Wilde_Guess you went backward.
  7. That’s enough personal info, I suggest the mods track that somewhere else and scrub it from this thread.
  8. Hey, you get reviews, mine might get one or two from time to time. So, if a review has a good idea, I’d say use it, but I write my stories for own enjoyment. Posting them simply encourages me to actually complete them (well, they’re more complete than if I didn’t post).
  9. Only relevant discussion to my originals (as I’m not planning another fanfic). TBH, as there’s an overarching plot/theme across all of them, I typically won’t consult readers, it’s about figuring out the universe I’m writing in (or making up a holiday/halloween oneshot).
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