If we use the industrial revolution as guidance…. writing won’t die, there’s going to be artisans for centuries to come. After all, we still use shovels to dig holes. Maybe things like user manuals would get better written by AI?
I do see corporate greed getting involved. Why pay a script writer when AI will do? Why pay actors when you can deep fake the legends? Only push-back from audiences would stifle that. It will also tank the market...at least the AI generated stuff as it’s not copyright protected (for now), so nothing legally stopping me from firing up the latest napster to share it all.
For now, the human written stuff (at least the better stories) will still have heart and soul, something AI can only mimic, so there’s going to be a quality to our generated stuff. For us, AI will, at most, be a writing aid … say you need a custom “mini-novel” or a fake advertisement within your story, or similar; maybe ai-assisted self-editing? Editors might be in more peril than writers.
Me? Enjoyment’s in the creation, especially those first drafts. I don’t want AI doing that for me… if it’s doing all my thinking too, why do I even exist? AI has that threat to snuff out the uniqueness to being sentient.
Loving the debate, wouldn’t want AI to simply create an “answer”, otherwise, it’d all be 42.