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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Episode #9, “Nine” is now available.
  2. And here I worry that I’m overtagging….
  3. And to do this properly, in the name of this topic, you ought to be at the front of the room, naked, waxing off while peeing all over everybody, that’ll add in some more tags to the discussion.
  4. Alright, the list: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Angst, Complete, FF, Fet, Fingering, HC, HJ, Humil, MF, MM, MCD, MiCD, NoSex, Oneshot, Oral, Other, SH, Solo, Toys, UST, Violence, WD, WIP - The typical tags, typical uses Abortion - only because I mentioned a character having an abortion, I’m not describing it. Bi – Sparingly, but it’s there Bigotry – More religious and/or LGBT bigotry. BP – My last halloween story is the only one with this, so far Contro – Generally due to the religious overtones. CR – General corruption, not sexual Exhib – My protagonists generally like roaming around naked Humil – From time to time MBP – That halloween story Minor1 – Doesn’t always imply sex, I’ll list this if the kid is simply running around naked a lot. Minor2 – More frequent. Teens give a nice balance (from the writer’s perspective) between being rational at times and irrational when I need it. Nec – again, that halloween story NoSex – yes, I’ve had a story or two, the holiday/halloween oneshots that were NoSex (sparingly, but they are there). Preg – not often, but this came more in on The Repair Guy than any other one. PWP – this is one I generally *don’t* write because PWP tends to attract the plot bunnies. (In fact, my entire orig universe comes from what started as a PWP...) Rape – Sparingly, normally needed for the plot Scat – This is typically CYA, however, my last halloween story was closer than any before. Tent – (pending...it’s written, not posted) Tort – Not strict torture, generally, though the angst/violence/bullying can reach that point where I’ll tag for it. Voy – This is more CYA than real voyeurism. WS – I kinda do like using this, not as icky as scat, but can be used as part of the bonding. Xeno – (pending … it’s written, not posted)
  5. @KassX The thing is, once you put in the tag, you can go as deep as you want I’ve started to segregate my tags a bit, trying to make clear which ones are major parts of the story vs the lesser ones (or there as CYA); ie scat vs poop.
  6. Rape can be in conjunction to other tags, including BDSM. I suppose it’s a cultural thing too, depends on how the author was raised, thinking if the victim didn’t explicitly opt-out, then it’s okay. But in my fics, I generally know already when I’m setting up the scene, consensual or not, making it clear to me if it’s rape or not. And rape is a tag that can creep in too, when you’re not thinking about it from the victim’s point of view.
  7. Perv workshop…. tell me more about this
  8. You know, if you’re toying with your MIL like that, shit-play qualifies for [scat], right?
  9. Fucking savages? Got a link… to the...erm...exotic research materials fully documenting human rituals and interactions, preferably with plenty of visual evidence to back up any claims. Scat’s not my thing, but I will write if it’s necessary to the character/story. As I tend to mention characters taking a dump, I’ll toss in the tag in as CYA. (Or, if it’s once or twice, a [poop] tag).
  10. I second the WS endorsement! Perhaps its a nice middle-ground between clean vs scat, adds some of the same peculiarities without quite the same ick factor.
  11. Yeah, SFW/Rape might not go over very well.
  12. While I can not confirm nor deny being turned “on” with some of the material I write, as a whole, it’s about what works best for the story I’m telling. (I’m not generally doing PWP.) That can be difficult … you can rule out SFW with all the rest. And Minor1/Minor2 means you’ve got to age the character a bit in the story.
  13. I generally find that for every line I draw is a line I’ll break, except for SFW. SFW can rest assured I try to stay away from it as much as possible. That said, the [minor1] in my writings is more typically kid+kid, though it’s not always sexual, because I’ll lump in exhibition, or if the kids witness the adults doing it.
  14. A corpse will certainly retain heat for a while (I unfortunately know that from Friday). As to the erection, likely depends on the position at death because an erection requires blood pressure (that’s why erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of heart disease); as to being hard after death, well, I think it’s not unheard of during rigor mortis; however, I’d have to do a google search if I were to wanting to find out for certain. I’ve relaxed on minor1 simply because, at least in Jefferey, I don’t want my MC to be a clueless idiot and the general setup in the beginning makes it tough for him to ignore the birds and the bees (which, most kids do become interested in).
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