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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. It’s Friday!  Maybe I’ll get a bit of work done on the story?

    1. CloverReef


      You had better! Or else! 

      (Did that sound badass and threatening, but still supportive? Because that’s what I was going for.)

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The issue has been finding the right idea for the episode (and ark survival).

    3. CloverReef


      Man, that’s the part I have trouble with. Finding the ‘right’ idea in a sea of good ideas that don’t feel right. Especially when there’s the slightest bit of stress going around. Have you been able to find it yet?

  2. This is AFF, we love stories around here, especially if there’s stripping involved In the Potter fanfics that I did write, I’d switch a bit too often, IMO, between 1st and 3rd. Since then, I’ve kinda formed my own rules. I’ll avoid 1st because there’s a lot of “I’s” not to mention it’s tougher to remember the main character’s name. When I started SR, I did a utterly detached, third person, no-mind-reading, but I’ve come to let a bit slip in if it saves a lot of awkward exposition/dialogue, or as a hint to the reader (ie, “lied” or “changed subject”) so they know there’s something off. I think it came down to .. I want the narrator to be truthful, always truthful, but the characters can lie and get it wrong So, which dialect of Klingon are you’re looking for? A google search claims there’s at least eighty. If the author is really wanting to show their bilinguistic skills, there’s no reason they can’t have English subtitles when it’s meant to be understood.
  3. I’ll use it on that rare occasion (noting it to be translated by “google/babelfish/etc”), generally if I want to make it clear that a message/conversation isn’t being understood due to language differences, as I prefer to showing over telling.
  4. The article itself was short, really short, because I kinda expected a longer explanation, like how it was indicative of bad style, etc, not just a barking-the-order type of thing.
  5. Why is it that I can’t seem to keep “easy light” charcoal lit and burning?

  6. I’d say just make sure it’s consistent with the character in question. Some people do physical damage when they get really angry, others will get even (ie, call out a hit), while others might just suck it up. Maybe this editor has just seen the door-slam as being overdone, but that’s also a pretty common thing in life. That said, slamming a door/phone is still among the least violent ways to show anger; which can otherwise be challenging depending on the POV. (In a first person, sure, you’ve got more options; or even more options if magic is involved...ie Harry Potter.) Still, if you’re trying to show anger, you have to slam the door on this blog
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