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Posts posted by pippychick

  1. Quote

    Reviews for A Light in the Black

    BY : pippychick

    • From Joyeuse on September 18, 2016

      Such an interesting and intriguing start!

      Yesterday, I read your other story, "Fallen", in order to know the ropes about Sauron/Maglor' s relationship and now I am eager to read this new story of yours.
      Fallen has a brilliant plot and its characters are amazing.  The relationship between Sauron and Maglor is twisted, but there is a special kind of beauty on it, I guess there is even love between them. Chapter 24 is glorious!

      Thank you for sharing your stories!

    Thank you so much, Joyeuse! :)

    I’m glad you’re on board with this, and thank you for your kind comments on ‘Fallen’ *blushes* There’s definitely something between Sauron and Maglor, and whatever that is, it’s about to be severely tested.

    I do plan to turn the tables a little bit here, and it will be slow going. Fallen took me months to write, and I don’t envisage this being any quicker. The heavy stuff is more demanding and needs a lot of time to settle.

    You’ve made me very happy today :wub:

  2. Quote

    for A Light in the Black

    BY : pippychick

    • From BronxWench on September 14, 2016

      It's always hard to believe anything could be worse than eternity as Sauron's slave, but I imagine Maglor is not at all eager to find out. And I find I have to agree with him. Anything that makes Sauron afriad would be too terrifying to contemplate.

      Their games have a new twist, though, don't they? Sauron will need Maglor now, as much as Maglor needs Sauron. How very intriguing this is, and I'm absolutely on the edge of my seat to see what you have in store.

    Thank you so much, Bronx! :)

    I am writing this with the events from that little Melkor/Sauron fic in mind, so worse than being Sauron’s slave is being Melkor’s. I had a little plotbunny about Melkor’s having tried out all his torture technique’s on Sauron first, before using those techniques to turn elves into orcs. Sauron is genuinely surprised that Maglor hasn’t lost that light. His own has been missing for a long time.

    As to their games. This is going to turn around very slowly, but it will. Sauron already sees it, and he’s already thinking up ways to try and stave it off. But he’s going to fail in that. He does need Maglor, and it shifts the balance of power. Of course, Maglor is going to get quite far before it occurs to him that everything has changed. And while neither of them can afford for Maglor to lose his soul, can Maglor help himself?

  3. Author: pippychick

    Title: A Light in the Black

    Summary: Sauron and Maglor do not survive the fall of Barad-dûr after the events in The Lord of the Rings. Or at least, not so that anyone would notice. Except Melkor. Sequel to Fallen. Sauron/Maglor... Maglor/Sauron.

    Feedback: Will be loved and squeezed and treasured forever.

    Fandom: Middle-Earth/Lord of the Rings

    Pairing: Sauron/Maglor, Maglor/Sauron, potentially Melkor/Sauron, Melkor/Maglor

    Warnings: Abuse Anal Angst BDSM Bond BP Contro CR Dom Ds Fet Fingering HJ Humil M/M M/s Oral Other Rim SandM Slave Tort Violence

    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered


    Review Replies: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/55964-pippychicks-lotr-fiction-review-responses/

  4. Quote

    From BronxWench on September 12, 2016

    For Gold and Green:

    The Lord of the Golden Wood and the King of Eryn Galen are extraordinarily wonderful together, even better than my imaginings when you told me you were writing this chapter. From Thraduil's pique at Celeborn's greater height, to his frustration at Celeborn's seemingly aimless patience, every word was a delight to read. Even the distraction of Galion, ever willing to humor Thranduil's desires, did not soothe Thranduil for long.

    And Thranduil does not want to surrender, in any way, stubborn elf. I will say I adored when he told Celeborn that Celebron was the most frustrating elf. It's not as though Thranduil was so sweet or compliant himself, but Celeborn's response was glorious.

    The lovemaking, that was both beautiful and somewhat bittersweet, with Thranduil's memories of Elrond, and all the love he has for the Lord of Imladris. Celeborn's gentle understanding and tender love was exactly what the stubborn Thranduil needs, though, and it ended so wonderfully, with new love to bolster the fragile King. (I know, he would hate that I think him fragile, but in his grief and lonelieness, he is often just that.)

    Just lovely, my dear, as ever. I'm in awe of your writing, and your glorious elves.

    Thank you so much, Bronx!  :wub:

    Thranduil definitely finds Celeborn infuriating. Doesn't Celeborn know that NO ONE seduces King Thranduil, Master of all those he surveys? Even though Celeborn hasn't admitted to the reason for his visit, Thranduil senses it, and it does not please him. He's a handful, all right. Happily, as it turns out, Celeborn has large hands.

    I have no doubt Galion watched the whole spectacle progress with great interest. I must confess I'm very curious about what happened and what was said when he and Celeborn spoke. So curious in fact that I might have to write it.

    I'm glad you liked the sex scene. It's always difficult finding a balance as an author between the action, and getting across the emotional resonance you want it to hold. Plus, it takes so much to get Thranduil's character to participate in a scene like that I always worry I've failed him. But he's so sweet and almost vulnerable when he does it's worth all the effort.

    Thank you for your compliments! :) You really give my confidence a boost every time you review, and it's great to see your reactions and responses as a reader. I'm glad that you had a good time reading. *sighs happily*

  5. From BronxWench on August 17, 2016

    I will always enjoy these glimpses of Elrond with Celebrían. Their love is passionate and glorious, and it does feel like coming home, when they are together. How perfect they are, really.

    It's a sweet counterpoint to Elrond and Thranduil, another passionate and glorious love affair. Thranduil really does resist submitting to Elrond, but when he does, it is utterly delicious. And Elrond shows such tender care, giving Thranduil what he needs without being cruel or hurtful. Elroind's premonition gave me such chills, though. My heart break for him already...

    Utterly perfect, and the het was more than wonderful.

    Thank you, Bronx :)

    I'm so glad you enjoy seeing them - I adore Elrond and Celebrian. It'll definitely feel like an ending when she leaves, since this fic has included the entire timeline of their relationship (even if there hasn't been a great deal of detail dedicated to them).

    As for Elrond and Thranduil... I've loved writing them throughout this too. They will continue, and there will be more Elronduil in the rest of the story. But the world has been changing, the watchful peace is ended, and with Celebrian's loss the next generation will come to the fore. We (and Elrond) will see much more of Legolas going forward. Will Elrond/Legolas reach the heights and depths of Elrond/Oropher or Elrond/Thranduil? I hope so... :)

  6. From Joyeuse on August 16, 2016

    This tale is superb!

    Elladan's submission was beautiful and Erestor almost melting for him, was sublime. I must say that it broke my heart when Erestor was reminded of the twins' deception and, all of a sudden, he covered his emotions with a veil of disdain.

    This chapter has highlighted the complexity of Erestor's personality. He seems to be so detached and stern, but perhaps that is just a mask for his own fragility.

    He is wonderfully written.

    Thank you for sharing this tale with us !

    Thank you so much, Joyeuse! :)

    We are glad to please you! The twins need Erestor, he is correct in that, but I don't think he's stopped to consider that he needs the twins. For all of his mastery and experience, Erestor leads a somewhat lonely life. He will come to understand. Erestor is too intelligent to hide the truth from himself forever *g*

    He is complex. He's unable to let go of these games and tricks of his, and other partners he has had are only curious for a while. They don't want any kind of forever. That's the impression I get, anyway. He does have some backstory with Thranduil and that will come out. Partway through this story he will leave to take his place in 'Prince in Training' and then we shall see him return. The relationship between himself and the twins will have settled somewhat before then.

    Again, thank you! :hug:

  7. From pittwitch on August 13, 2016

    You write Erestor so masterfully. I confess I am enthralled and enchanted by this tale! The academic side of me looks forward to the study of the twins' responses! Thanks for sharing! PW

    Thank you so much pittwitch! :)

    Enthralled and enchanted is good! I think that's pretty much how Elladan feels right now, lol. Erestor will add to his notes on the comparison between the twins, but it involves a lot of practical work before any conclusions can be reached. It's a sure bet he won't be presenting his completed study to Elrond.

    The truth will come out soon, then things will get interesting.

    I promise Elrond will never get mixed up in this... he's got enough on handling the Mirkwood boys :D

  8. From BronxWench on August 12, 2016

    I'm quite sure I've not read anything as lovely as Elladan's submission. I had not expected him to be quite so compliant, or so sublime in his surrender, but he was a treasure, just as Erestor said.

    Now, I must admit to quite a pang when Erestor was reminded of the deception Elohir and Elladan are perpetrating. I had gotten so nicely caught up in the lovely interaction between Elladan and Erestor, and was actually happy that Erestor had found somethng precious with Elladan. I hadn't expected to feel so strongly for Erestor. Kudos to you both for bringing me around, after all my grumblings over Erestor's appearance elsewhere.

    Now I'll just have to hold my breath until Elrohir's appearance. That should prove entertaining!

    Oh, Elladan. He belongs to Erestor now, and I'm quite sure that if he thought that Erestor would keep him on, he'd have confessed to the deception in a heartbeat. Erestor is wrong there. It's not his loyalty to his brother that kept him quiet, but his fear of losing this new and exciting thing - his submission to Erestor.

    Erestor really doesn't deserve the lie the twins are perpetuating, and I suspect that when he the truth does come out (and it will soon), he'll have things to teach the twins about respect for others. He'll take some time over this. It will be a long and involved lesson for the both of them, seeing as Erestor isn't the first lover they've done this to. Erestor will be sure to improve them. Despite his harsh, stern and unyielding manner, he's kind of good at getting the best out of people ;)

    Elrohir is up next, and it's here the real differences between the twins start to become apparent.

    Thank you so much for your lovely reviews of our stories! You're so insightful with your comments, and it makes for amazing feedback. :hug:

  9. From BronxWench on August 13, 2016

    Oh, this was a treat indeed! Legolas was superb, completely delicious as he took command of Thranduil. I was astonished at how Thranduil fought, though. I'd have thought he would welcome Legolas taking Erestor's place. It was what he did hint at, after all. But perhaps it is indeed part of the game to resist, as least for Thranduil.

    I have a suspicion Erestor is more impressed than he would admit by both Legolas' submission and by Legolas' control over Thranduil. And yes, it had to be a bittersweet moment for Erestor to realize that Thranduil will never give to Erestor what he would give to Legolas. It made me feel sympathy for Erestor, something I did not expect in the course of this tale.

    A lovely chapter indeed, and I'm going to look forward to seeing what lies ahead. You're marvelous!

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    I'm glad you liked it! If Thranduil had any lingering doubt that Legolas could overcome him, I think that question has been answered now, to everyone's satisfaction. I can't help thinking Thranduil is pleased as punch lol.

    Erestor has plenty of fun waiting for him in Imladris - don't feel too sorry for him ;) But in the end it was always going to be that way, because Erestor could not give Thranduil what Legolas does. But I'm glad after all the drama of his arrival, we've managed to show him in a more sympathetic light.

    Legolas is nowhere near the bottom of the rabbit hole yet... he's going to have his eyes opened as to what it means to possess Thranduil. But Erestor will show him... Glad you're enjoying it! :D

  10. From BronxWench on August 12, 2016

    Galion is beyond intriguing. I wonder... is he one of the Ainur, existing long before the elves were awoken by the Valar? He certainly makes me think ot them, so ancient he must be to ponder turning to stone.

    I can almost pity Legolas, having gained Galion's attentions. Legolas can provide the spice Galion needs, indeed, but I'm not sure Legolas is ready to play with so ancient a manipulator as the lovely Galion. And yes, this could have gotten quite dark, as you said. That would have been a pity. On the other hand, Galion cares for Thranduil so much, and so well. I'm glad he's there to watch over Orophorion as tenerly as he does.

    I love when I'm left with as many questions as answers, and I'll hope that the Galion muse deigns to visit again. Just superbly done, as always!

    Thank you so much! :)

    Now, see, when people ask questions I feel an instant need to answer them! *tries to resist*

    Okay... I have to say these things.

    1. Galion is not Ainur. He is not that old, though I do see him as one of the early generations born after the elves' awakening. He might well remember the dark. He's definitely stopped counting the centuries.

    2. Teleri. Some of them halted in the great journey at the misty mountains and did not go further.

    3. Without knowledge or guidance, perhaps a tribe of forgotten elves might have followed the same path as those monks of Tibet who ate less and less until they preserved their own flesh for all time. It would seem to those who watched as if the elves concerned simply 'turned to stone.'

    4. Especially if all of this were happening in the frozen wastes of Forodwaith north of the blue mountains. That tribe may have been forced/wiped out when dragons retreated there after the first age.

    5. Taking into account all of the above, I would guess that Angband's proximity before then meant that elves were often 'picked off' by Melkor if they went wandering too far alone. Only to return as orcs to attack their former friends/relations. It would have been quite a dark life, but a very close and guarded community. Their population would have have been controlled by Melkor (perhaps deliberately... he might have seen them as 'livestock') so that they never drew the attention of the wider world and were forgotten. Perhaps the men of Forodwaith had legends of elves who dwelt in the icy wastes.

    6. If Elrond has been reading a book he's never seen before, full of stories of the Teleri, then the source of those stories must be extant in Thranduil's realm. I imagine it was quite easy for Galion to swear the scribe whom he made use of to keep his silence.

    Dammit... I can't resist anything. Galion will be back, but in The Teacher, where he has a small but important part to play. Unless I feel compelled to write his story in full at some point. His life is really quite interesting.

    *is terrible at secrets and mystery*

    Thank you for your review Bronx! I'm really glad you like Galion :)

  11. From Joyeuse on August 12, 2016

    Legolas is walking on a narrow ridge between the devotion and love for his father and the seduction and enticement embodied by Erestor, and it is delightful to see how he is slipping from it to both sides.

    It seems that Legolas is just a little restrained by guilt. I wonder if he will be able to surrender completly to Erestor, without the reassurance given by his father. I hope so!

    Waiting for the next chapter...

    Thank you for sharing this story!

    Thank you so much Joyeuse! :)

    How can Legolas resist either of them? He will feel a lot more/less guilty soon. Erestor is going to begin teaching him properly. And that will be fun for all of them (believe it or not).

    I hope you enjoy the new chapter :D

    Your reviews are awesome :wub:

  12. From Joyeuse on August 12, 2016

    I am enjoying this story very much.

    Elladan, so sweet and so eager to please Erestor. Elrohir not so eager as his brother is, just by now... I guess he will be soon. Erestor, wicked and absolutely irresistible. I love that character.

    The last two chapters were simply wonderful.

    I am awaiting the next chapter. Thank you!

    Thank you Joyeuse! :)

    I'm glad you're having fun along with us. This threesome is a great deal of fun to write, and it's so interesting to see how both Elladan and Elrohir respond to Erestor. I'm glad you like Erestor - we love him too!

    Also loved seeing your comments this morning, so thank you again <3

  13. From BronxWench on August 08, 2016

    Such a beautiful chapter... beginning in darkness, progressing to the lovely threesome, so wicked and yet still somehow made innocent by their love, and ending with the passionate wonder of Elrond's love for Celebrían. The entire chapter was intoxicating, and the wonderful bits of humor in between were sublime. Thranduil's default position, indeed. So wicked, the King is, and how wonderful it was for Elrond to have his family back again.

    Still, there's a lingering chill form Elrond's visions, and my heart aches.

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    There are a lot of parts to this chapter - I'm glad it works and doesn't just end up as a kind of jumbled mess (that was my fear). There are some nice Elrond/Cel bits coming up soon. I want a last chance to play with them, and I couldn't take that away from Elrond either. Poor sod.

    Yes, the visions. I suspect these are going to get a little clearer for him as time goes on, but it's a good job he didn't see anything more immediate. He would not have been able to rest, and I suspect even Thranduil would not have been able to calm him. :(

    So glad you liked it! :wub:

  14. From BronxWench on August 07, 2016

    Ah, Legolas... he is beyond wonderful, isn't he? He is so responsive, and so obedient, but he needs to to be taken outside himself to truly enjoy it, and I wonder if he will ever be a truly submissive as Thranduil. Erestor is the consummate Master, however, and thanks to the insights I'm gleaning from your lovely "Taming the Twins" I can appreciate him much more now.

    And that wicked tease aqt the end! Now I can't wait to see what morning will bring...

    Thank you again Bronx! :)

    Your reviews inspire us both so much... :hug:

    This Legolas is just wonderful to write. TAFKAB and I are pretty sure he is only truly submissive for Thranduil. This story falls into three main sections; this middle section with Erestor is almost at an end (where we have written to), then Legolas will get to put his new knowledge into action. At least in my case, a lot of the story came into existence to do written justice to a drawing circulating the internet of Thranduil, chained up and marked, head bowed, with Legolas standing in front of him, dressed in his patrol gear. I thought that if TAFKAB and I were to collaborate, we ought to try for something special, hence Thrandolas. It's developed since then, but the idea of Legolas truly dominating Thranduil is still to come. Perhaps there will be a taste of things to come in the morning... :)

    When we do finish with this story, we have a vague idea of a follow on fic from both this and Taming the Twins, wherein Legolas travels to Imladris for a more scholarly education. He will meet the twins in that story.

  15. From BronxWench on August 07, 2016

    Erestor is both terrifying and irresistible in this chapter. He's also honest to a fault, as much as Elladan. He is quite honest in not promising Elladan love, but his caring might be crueler still. We'll have to see, won't we?

    But the lovely Elladan is a natural submissive, so eager to please despite all his qualms and fears. I'm so enjoying this exposition, and yet part of me wondes what lies in wait for Elrohir. A very different thing, I should think...

    You are wicked, and wonderful, and I adore you both!

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    Erestor is a very interesting character. He's very measured in everything he does. But he is terrifying and irresistible. I think the twins need him to some extent. His motives go beyond himself, which is an ideal quality not found in many. Whether he is cruel or not... he would probably say: "No cruelty without purpose."

    Elladan is about to please him very much, which will leave Elrohir playing catch up. What lies in store for Elrohir is probably not for the faint of heart in terms of psychology. But we promise no sons of Elrond will be harmed in the writing of this story. Or at least, there won't be any lasting scars... ;)

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