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Posts posted by pippychick

  1. Quote

    Reviews for Taming the Twins

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From ANON - Argleena on December 07, 2016

    Thanks for the regular updates starting again. I always love the stories where Erestor is a little bit evil. I'm interested to see where it goes from here now that the twins secret is out in the open!


    Hi Argleena, and thank you! :)

    lol… I think it’s going to go exactly where Erestor wants it to, or else ;) But I’m sure the twins will get a great deal out of it too.

  2. Quote

    Reviews for Taming the Twins

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From BronxWench on December 06, 2016

    And so the game truly begins! Oh, Erestor is masterful, isn't he? It gives me such lovely shivers.

    I wonder which of the twins will find it harder to watch his brother? I'm going to say it's Elrohir who will have a harder time of it. Elladan did not find Elrohir's treatment all that distressing, but I think seeing Elladan lost to profound submission will affect Elrohir greatly. I imagine it will feel quite like he is losing his other half, since that is what they are, the sons of Elrond. They are halves of a whole.

    And oh, the servants will gossip, I do believe. Such stories will be told in corners, and I think Elrohir will have trouble with that as well. Elladan seems made of sterner stuff, although he does not like being humiliated publicly any more than Elrohir would. Still, I think Elladan could handle it better.

    So now I will wait and see what you  have in store, and I know it will be as perfect and delectable as this chapter was! Thank you for a wonderful read, and a lovely treat! :D


    Thank you so much, Bronx! :)

    If Erestor’s plan works, they’ll both find this a trial. They’ll each want what the other is getting so much they’ll probably be drooling over each other. In Elrohir’s case, that point might come sooner.

    Elladan is really quite calm about it all. But I think you are right about Elrohir – seeing Elladan like that will affect him deeply. And I do believe Elladan will be willing to beg for Erestor to have him… poor sod. He isn’t going to get what he wants. Not yet, anyway.

    I’m so glad you enjoy this story! If I am honest, it is my favourite of the two. Dark!Erestor is kind of nice to write. *g*

  3. Quote

    Reviews for Prince in Training

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From BronxWench on December 06, 2016

    What a glorious chapter, and yet now I want the next because you say it is one of your favorites!

    Legolas is sublime here, and I find myself quite liking this harsher side of him. As beautiful as he is when submitting, he is magnificent when he chooses to take what he wants. So many new lessons indeed, and yet he proves equal to them. I do believeThranduil will have much to be thankful for, in the time to come.

    This new game of diplomacy, however... I'm so intrigued! What will come of that meeting with the Gondorian? Nothing good for the man, I think.

    Absolutely gorgeous as always, and I will wait eagerly for more!


    Thank you, Bronx! :hug:

    I am glad you like the new side to Legolas… I feel it makes him into a much more rounded character. Plus, it allows us to play with Thranduil, of course! ;)

    Ha… nothing good for the man, that is true. Legolas might find himself suffering a bit of a flashback, lol, but this time Erestor is there too. And that is all the hinting I will do *g*

    You are such a fabulous reviewer – thank you for all the encouragement you give me! :wub:

  4. 10 hours ago, BronxWench said:

    Isn’t that the best part? The Noldor were not so very peaceful and civilized then, were they? Quite the difference from Elrond. :)

    Right! Celegorm is coming across as the Noldo version of Nigel Farage… I’ll have Curufin take his mind off of it for a bit. Perhaps he will mellow a bit.

  5. Quote

    Reviews for Otornassë Avanwa

    BY : pippychick

    From BronxWench on December 05, 2016

    It's interesting. I do think Curufin is perhaps more invested in making this work between him and Celegorm, although Celegorm seems eager to have his bother as his lover. I do think it's Celegorm's wildness, his preference for the company of Huan and the wild things he hunts. And while he may see the logical path faster than Curufin, Curufin has the coldness to make it work.

    I dread what the poor elleths will face, as Curufin looks for a wife…


    Thank you, Bronx! :)

    Oh, things will move along a little more speedily now, meaning I’ve no intention of showing Curufin’s eeny meeny miny moeing *g*

    Having said that, I don’t believe his chosen is going to find herself securing much of his attention once they are married. I suspect Curufin and Celegorm’s frequent trips to Caranthir for “hunting” are just a cover story. And while Curufin is going to be quite dismissive of his Sindarin wife, I think Celegorm’s temper will cool a little, since he’ll now have what he’s wanted for probably ages. That, and I think the upcoming real visit to Caranthir will kick him into touch a bit. They’re a fine pair, aren’t they? I don’t think any of the females they encounter are going to have much of a good time in this fic.

    But despite their canon cruelties, I feel as though the pursuance of their desire for each other is going to require a kind of fanaticism that will lead to real obsession. There isn’t a single one of us who can resist that kind of love, no matter who we are. Even if we were harsh and warlike Noldor elves from the First Age… :lol:

  6. I think all writers and artists feel this way from time to time, and I don't think it necessarily correlates with how many views and reviews, or how much validation you receive… Wait, hear me out ;)

    I mean, I got this way the other day myself, even though I have a small handful of wonderful consistent reviewers whom I adore. Similarly, I've listened and comforted people feeling like this who have hundreds and hundreds of reviews for their work.

    Sometimes I wonder if Stephen King doesn't sit around in his house lamenting that people aren't responding very quickly to his latest novel, and if this means that all along he's been wasting his time. Then, like the rest of us, he wakes up and moves on from the feeling.

    When JK Rowling released “The Casual Vacancy” under a pseudonym to see how she'd be received, I knew she wasn't in earnest. If she was, she would have ventured into fanfiction for an obscure fandom, where she might have been completely ignored. Only an idiot would court this feeling.

    Writing is different to engaging in fandom, and different to networking or self-promotion. I really, truly think if Charles Dickens was reincarnated, and knew exactly who he was, and worked away at some Blake's Seven fanfic without engaging with anyone, no one would ever notice his work, no matter how concise and accurate a portrayal of societies’ ills it was.

    I've seen too many frankly amazing stories, well beyond the standard usually published as novels, where the author had just a small handful of reviews. Similarly, I've seen atrocities typed in text speak garner hundreds. It's a popularity contest in the main, just like everything else in life. Talent is often overlooked and disregarded.

    I have no idea what the answer is.

    The only advice I can give is to wait it out. You will stop feeling like this in a day, or a week, maybe even a few hours. Then you can happily go back to writing again. I know saying that doesn't help when the feeling is upon you. It feels completely awful, and I'm sorry to see it in anyone.

    Also, never write for reviewers, even if you're writing a request. Write for the characters, and you can't go far wrong.

    Reviews will come, sooner or later.

    Also… it’s worth noting that a couple of times people have indicated they were afraid to review me, like maybe I’d bite their head off or something, and I think that can be a factor too. Not all of us have english as a first language, and it takes a certain amount of confidence to show up on someone’s review board and actually give an opinion, especially if you don’t already know the author.

    Sorry… I don’t know if any of that rambling has helped. I hope so. :)

  7. 2 hours ago, BronxWench said:

    Freyja saw her vet today as well. She’s doing great, and we had blood work done to check her phenobarbital levels since we increased the dosage. But otherwise, she is a happy, healthy young thing, and much loved by all the techs. :)

    That’s wonderful news… I’m so glad to hear it! :)


    And if you throw Erestor in as well, I shall have to come and visit you to hug you in person! :wub:

    Well, now I have to do it! :hug: When that day comes, I’ll take you to Betty’s for afternoon tea… :wub:

  8. I’m glad you like the idea, Bronx… :wub:  these versions of Legolas and the twins will be so much fun to write together, with Erestor in the background, of course. :)

    I haven’t forgotten I owe you a tag – so sorry. I am getting on with it. I just had to take the dogs to the vets for the their claws cutting. Emma had another massive corn take off her pad too, bless her. *huggles dogs*


  9. Quote

    Reviews for Taming the Twins

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From BronxWench on November 29, 2016

    ::fans self furiously:: Oh, my goodness, let me go and open all the windows! It seems to be quite heated in here...

    I have rarely seen anyone portray an exercise in sadism with such exquisite grace as you've done here. I am far from a masochist myself, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous of Elrohhir, to be the subject of Erestor's attentions. Glorfindel says it best in the beginning of the chapter: “You are patient… or vicious. I am not sure which!” (And might I add, I adored the way Erestor can make even Glorfindel uneasy.)

    Elrohir is very much on the edge, isn't he? He craves what Erestor can give, but I'm not sure he was prepared for the cost. Of  course, after the very end of the chapter, I expect we'll find out exactly what the cost will be, since it looks like the twins will have to come clean.

    Utterly perfect, and glorious, and delicious! I am in love!

    Yay! Thank you so much, Bronx! :) *helps with fanning*

    Wow, I don’t know what to say. Thank you for your wonderful compliments! Oh, in the chapters to come, you might find yourself more jealous of Elladan, or even Erestor. That’s the wonderful thing about stories, and about writing them – the opportunity to temporarily be in the place of each character, seeing events from each participant’s point of view. At least for me that’s the case. And the wider the contrast between characters, the more I like it. Erestor is patient and vicious, just as he claims. He has something in mind to make the twins repent of their deception, wherein they will each envy the other and wish to exchange places. That is vicious, and patient, and rather cruel, I might add. But fun. :D

    As to the cost, the twins might take some time before realising the price they’re being made to pay… Erestor is quickly becoming devoted to them, in his own way. But as cruel as he is, he does not mean them harm. He has a lot to teach them, really.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Bronx. :wub:

    Of course, you’ll have noticed Legolas’ stray thought in Prince in Training about one day coming to Imladris to study… I wonder what the twins would make of him once Erestor has them firmly under his thumb? I wonder if they’d ever realise Erestor has fully trained him in the kind of things they go to Erestor for? Somehow, I think not... lol

    Thank you again (can’t say that enough) :hug:


  10. Quote

    Reviews for Prince in Training

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From BronxWench on November 29, 2016



    Legolas is certainly taking to being the dominant one quite readily. He has a marvelous instinct for it, but I rather suspect it would only be Thranduil he would choose to dominate. I can't see him exercising this with anyone else.

    I'm also warming up to Erestor quite a bit, perhaps because I'm seeing him elsewhere, but also because he so genuinely cares for Thranduil, and he is losing the king to Legolas to a large extent. Thranduil turns to Legolas in a way he does not with Erestor, as evidenced by Erestor's surprise at luncheon. 

    The hobble was a lovely touch, and I quite agree with Legolas. It's hard to be a slave when you are the king, but that was certainly a reminder. And of course, the sex was gorgeous, and utterly perfect. Erestor was graceful in his teaching, and Legolas seems to be accepting what his father truly wants when he submits.

    I'm eager to see what comes next! Thank you! <3


    Thank you so much, Bronx! :hug:

    Well… I tend to think Legolas has been dreaming about this in some part of himself since Thranduil hinted at it to him, before he even understood the first thing about what it meant.

    It’s a genuine compliment to hear how feelings are changing towards Erestor. It means we kind of got his character quite three-dimensional, and that’s good! Thank you! Although of course, the actual relationship between Thranduil and Erestor has been over for a long time now. So long that really, it’s deep love and friendship, but perhaps without as much passion as there was before fate intruded upon them.

    *nods* Yes, Legolas is learning that Thranduil desires much more extreme domination than Legolas himself. It’s good that he has Erestor to guide him.

    Thank you for being such a wonderful reader and reviewer :wub:

  11. Quote

    Reviews for Taming the Twins

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From Joyeuse on November 27, 2016

    Once again, an excellent written chapter. I have gone from hating Erestor (Prince in Training, chapter 17 ) to find him bewitching. He has mastery on manipulating the twins' mind.  I am pretty sure I will enjoy their taming very much. 

    As I have said in my review on Prince in Training, I am happy to read that you will be posting new updates on both stories. They are wonderfull and don't deserve to remain unfinished.  Thank you again, Pippychick! : )


    And more thanks to you, Joyeuse! :)

    Ahh… you are having exactly the feelings for Erestor as we intended. This phase won’t last forever. The twins will own up soon.. then what will he be like? He can’t allow their deception to go unpunished…. :lol:

    I’m glad you are still reading this one too. It’s my personal favourite of the two. I love the twins so much, and I will continue the evil plans we had for them in full. Elrohir will not be pleased about that, I can tell you.. *smirks*

  12. Quote

    Reviews for Prince in Training

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB


    From Joyeuse on November 27, 2016

    I waited for an update of this story and finally here it is!

    I am glad to read an enjoyable new chapter of this story and I am happy to read that you will be posting the chapters you and TAFKAB had already written.

    Thank you Pippychick! 


    Thank you very much, Joyeuse! :)

    I am glad you are still enjoying the story despite the long leave of absence. Legolas’ education is about to begin in earnest. I hope you’ll have fun reading the rest! :hug:

  13. Quote

    Reviews for Taming the Twins

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From BronxWench on November 22, 2016


    I am fanning myself here. Honestly, I think I am going to enjoy Elrohir's taming very, very much. Erestor is delicious as he plays the game with them, the game they only think they know. He is their master in deception as well as in pain and pleasure, although he will never deceive them about what is important.

    Now I will wonder if the twins will try to replicate the mark Erestor left on Elrohir? Or will Elladan have to wait longer for his turn?

    I'm incredibly happy to know this will be continued. I've missed it greatly, and it's truly one of my favorite stories. So, many, many thanks from a grateful reader! 


    Thank you for all of these words you’ve left for me this evening! You’re amazing! :hug:

    Both of the twins have greatly underestimated Erestor… they’ll soon find out just how much :lol: Their deception is shortly to come to an end. They’re realising they cannot keep it up. Then the fun can really start (as Erestor sees it).

    He, erm, has several rather wicked things in mind, as you might be able to imagine. He’s been a mere teacher in Prince in Training, but here he will be let loose.

    If this is one of your favourites, then I shall make certain it gets regular updates. You’re so wonderful, Bronx :)

  14. Quote

    Reviews for Prince in Training

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From BronxWench on November 22, 2016

    Ah, this chapter was a treat. Legolas does have the potential to be a brilliant Master for Thranduil, when his ada requires it, and I do think he will come to enjoy that playroom in his own turn. They truly are well matched, these elves of the Greenwood, and you might laugh at me for this, but I did fell quite a bit of pity for Erestor. I have a feeling he has lost his place in Thranduil's heart.

    I'm also very heartened to hear this story will be completed. It's a brilliant work, and it deserves to be told in its entirety. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!


    Thank you so much, Bronx! <3

    Aww… poor Erestor, yes, but don’t forget he has two beautiful, submissive sons of Elrond awaiting him back in Imladris. The Gods only know what they’re putting poor Glorfindel through.

    We actuallly commissioned some lovely artwork for this, which will make an appearance soon.

    I talked to TAFKAB a while ago, and she said if I felt inspired, I should write on these stories. At this point, I am not sure she will be back to finish them, and if that proves to be the case, I will finish them myself. I wanted to write something that was entirely Thranduil and Legolas. If I finish these, I intend to continue in this universe with a Legolas/Elladan/Elrohir story. :)


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