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Posts posted by pippychick

  1. She will... we've ordered her some bootlet things, designed for greyhound corns, so she'll be able to go out for walks in comfort. Well, I say 'we'.. I have my half to pay for those on friday. Poor week!

    I also keep treating her with roast chicken breast. She hardly notices she's not in paradise. :)

  2. We've been dog owners for my entire life. All our dogs have been rescued dogs, and we've had a few different breeds, and a mongrel or two. Right now we are three or four years into our first greyhound.

    They are excellent dogs. Ex-racers haven't known much comfort/attention/love, so it takes about a year before they start having a personality of their own. They wait in front of doors for you to open them. They walk well on the lead, until their first sight of a domestic cat or squirrel, then they are at great pains to tell you that something else is there! They have no sense, and can't be let off lead unless it's a completely enclosed area. They don't need much exercise. They are extremely lazy. They are independent, but very affectionate. Greyhounds are not "velcro" dogs.

    My own greyhound finds it difficult to keep weight on, particularly in the summer (a fight we are having at the moment). But this isn't true of all. I once saw a man outside the vets with a dog, and said to him: "Wow! Your dog looks like a greyhound, but much fatter." Embarrassed, he told me it was a greyhound, and he'd been overfeeding it on sausages. He said he couldn't resist its eyes when it was begging. Greyhounds are sight hounds, and they have big eyes that protrude from their heads. In the periphery of their vision, they can almost see behind them.

    Now to the current surprising thing. Greyhounds get corns. I have never had any dog develop corns, but it's a greyhound thing, apparently. She started limping, and I thought she needed her claws cutting. Their claws do tend towards being quite long, including the quick, so that sometimes even the vet misjudges and we get a sudden yelp and blood all over the surgery floor.

    So my job this week is to soften the corn on her front foot with the missing toe, and ready it to be hulled out by the vet on friday. Another surprising thing. It will come back. Greyhound corns cannot be cured. Even toe amputation as a last resort will only mean another corn on another pad. We will not defeat this, but we can surely make it comfortable for her to walk.

  3. It would take longer, but I can imagine one of these drone things being used - in public - for that purpose, leading to a kind of fad or craze on a specific beach. So that people begin to turn up for the specific purpose of having sexual contact with a drone. Kind of like a phenomenon, like dogging. I could easily imagine that making the papers. It would inspire moral outrage, and also curiosity, feeding on itself.

    Of course, that could also be used in the story as a kind of dilemma for the company, if the goings on at the beach have resulted in an increased customer base and associated revenue.

  4. From BronxWench on July 21, 2016

    Erestor is just deliciously wicked. He plays the twins like a finely tuned orchestra, and they're utterly out of their league, poor young things.

    I do love how completely self-aware Erestor is. He knows he's not an easy master, and I'm glad he made it clear to Elladan this will never be a two-way game. I couldn't imagine Erestor ever submitting, actually. But he is a completely delectable master. And won't Elladan have a good bit to tell Elrohir, never mind duplicating bruises? I don't Elrohir can pretend the submission Elladan offers, nor seek the same pain Elladan needs.

    Thank you for a wonderful chapter!

    Thank you again Bronx! :)

    Hahaha... yes. I think the twins are beginning to appreciate that whatever Erestor knows (or doesn't know) they are not playing him. I think that's a bit of a wake up call. I suspect they've been able to play each and every one of their lovers up until this point. Oh, they need someone like Erestor.

    Erestor knows himself very well indeed, and while he is strict and demanding, I suspect the twins are not in any danger whatsoever with him, despite what they may begin to think. He understands much more than they do about these things.

    I hope you enjoy the next one. It's one of my favourites of the Taming the Twins story.

  5. From BronxWench on July 21, 2016

    I'm all but breathless, thanks to the cliffhanger on which we've been left. Whatever will Legolas find in Erestor's room? I have so many notions, and I do hope some of them come to pass.

    Thranduil doesn't seem terribly chastened, does he? For all his punishmnt at Erestor's hands, I don't think the King of the Greenwood would have done a single thing differently. He's quite a handful, and it's clear Erestor hasn't kept him on a tight enough leash.

    But Legolas... what a vision he is, and so very sweetly submissive. I wonder if he'll find the proper steel to be able to master Thranduil. He shows glimpses of it, but he doubts himself, and his worth still. Let's hope this evening lets him know how very precious he is.

    Thank you, for an exquisite chapter!

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    Thranduil has been left to his own devices for a long time. Some of the reasons might become clear, either here or in Taming the Twins. But should everything work out, then Erestor will be leaving him in Legolas' hands... we shall see.

    First, will Legolas be able to help getting himself into some kind of trouble? He is Thranduil's son, after all, lol.

    At least the next chapter will soothe the last of the conflict between them, and let the three get on with some fun stuff. Yay! :D

  6. From BronxWench on July 08, 2016

    Ah, so Erestor shows his hand a bit here, and I must say, I was nearly as surprised as our sweet Legolas. I expected a bit more resistance from Erestor, but instead it was Legolas who was reluctant. I wonder, though, what Legolas will look for from Thranduil come nightfall. Absolution for enjoying Erestor's offer, or a possessive reclaiming of the young prince?

    I'll be waiting happily for this to continue, my lovely and very wicked authors! :D

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    Legolas still doesn't like the idea of it much, lol. But Thranduil is in a little bit of bother. He hasn't been entirely forthcoming about certain things, which will become clear in the next chapter.

    Oh, I think Legolas is expecting everything from his night with Thranduil. He is amazingly happy that they will get to be together again without Erestor being there. That's all he's focused on right now.

    To be continued soon...

  7. From BronxWench on July 08, 2016

    What a lovely treat this was, and I can't begin to imagine how Elrohir thought he would deceive Erestor. I'm quite glad he decided to try, however, because I enjoyed it very much. I do think Elrohir is in well over his head, although Elladan may have just a bit more aptitude for such games. It'll be interesting to see if they can avoid Erestor's little trap of discord. They're so young, though, and Erestor has had so long to perfect his games.

    Perfectly delicious!

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    Oh, the twins are very naughty indeed, and they thought they could deceive Erestor because they've done it before with others. They have seriously underestimated him though, lol.

    I don't think they'll get to keep their little secret for long. They daft, but not so idiotic they won't realise Erestor knows... but for the moment, Erestor gets to play with his knowledge. To his great amusement.

    Even more amusing is when he gets Elladan to be honest with him about what he wants. That one will fall first, mark my words.

    As ever, to be continued soon. Probably tomorrow for both of them. This and 'Prince in Training'

    You're wonderful! Thank you for all the reviews that you leave! :hug:

  8. From BronxWench on June 23, 2016

    Oh, yes, definitely darker than your other story, but Erestor is simply delicious like this. He is not an easy master, and I do love how Elrond simply gives Elladan something for afterward. Honey from a wasp, indeed. I think Elladan has not reckoned with the potential of this wasp to sting, and sting again.

    I do hope Elladan returns, eager for more. I'd very much like to see what Erestor has in store.

    An unexpected treat, and one I'm going to savor. :D

    Thank you, Bronx! :)

    I think in this story, because Erestor is on home ground, he will be darker. It's the way he is. Elrond in this universe won't intervene unless it's clear the twins are unhappy. And, even then he might well leave them to sort out their own mess. They are around 2000 years old here. They've played and dallied with sex games, yes, but not with someone like Erestor.

    Elladan returns. How can he not? Erestor has aroused his curiosity. You might find the next chapter a lot of fun...

    From The_CL on July 05, 2016

    I probably should have read this before I read the chapter of Prince in Training where Erestor showed up because I sort of dislike him for butting in with Legolas and his ada. That aside, I like this so far and I'm wondering when the other twin will come into play, that will be interesting...

    Awaiting more as always and sorry I'm so far behind on reviewing!


    Hey CL, and thank you! :)

    There's no correct order for any of this – don't worry. You were always meant to dislike Erestor in Prince in Training, because Legolas dislikes him. But as Legolas changes his mind, we hope you will too. This story is just an added extra, because we found Erestor just as fascinating as Elladan does. And Elrohir of course...

  9. From BronxWench on June 27, 2016

    There is something utterly charming about Legolas trying so hard to defend Thranduil from Erestor. Even when it's abundantly clear Thranduil wants what Erestor can give, Legolas still can't accept it. But Legolas isn't ready yet to give his ada what Thranduil needs and so Erestor has his place.

    I'm quite eager to see what the morning brings, however. Legolas is indeed very beautiful when he submits, and I can only imagine how Erestor would love to try the young prince. There's certainly no shortage of temptation here.

    I'll be waiting to see what daylight brings!

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    Poor Legolas – this is all coming as a bit of a shock to him. But you are right: instead of defending Thranduil, perhaps Legolas should be thinking of defending himself. I don't think Legolas' beauty has escaped Erestor's attention at all.

    But then, you never know, maybe he will feel better about it when it comes to that.

    From Joyeuse on June 28, 2016

    I like the twist this story has taken. I confess that, after reading chapters 17 and 18, I felt myself like Legolas must have felt; I hated Erestor! Then I read "Taming the Twins" and I understood his role in "Prince in Trainining". I guess that Erestor not only is revealing the submissive aspect of Thranduil, but he's also turning the sweet debauchery between Thranduil and Legolas into something more stern and darker. And I love it!

    Such a morning it will be...

    I shall be waiting for the update of this delicious story (and "Taming the Twins", as well).

    Thank you Joyeuse! :)

    I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and Taming the Twins too. Erestor won't be too dark in Prince in Training – Thranduil and Legolas will lighten him up a bit. As for those twins though... lol.

    Legolas has things to learn... things that someone like Erestor can teach...

    From ANON on June 29, 2016

    Oh my...

    I really think that might be the best way to sum it up. I can't imagine.... or rather I can imagine all the mischief the three of them could get up to with Legolas's strength of will worn thin by sleep and warmth. And maybe just a bit by his father's touch. (Can't ever spell his name right)

    So anxious for the next chapter!!

    Hey, and welcome. Thank you for your review! :)

    You'll be glad to hear we intend to document a lot of that mischief, and hopefully come up with some nice memorable images in the process. Legolas is going to have just as much fun as his father, and Erestor.

    But he does have a few surprises ahead... :D

  10. From BronxWench on June 17, 2016

    Right, Erestor has my back up, although I know Erestor was within his right to do what he did to Thranduil. I did, however, quite like Legolas reminding Erestor that he is Thranduilion, and not a shy thing who will back down because some elf of Imladris growls a bit. I'm glad he chose to wear his father's collar again, though.

    I will admit, I'll be eager to see what the discussion between Thranduil, Legolas, and Erestor will be like. I'm not certain I'll like Erestor any better at the end of it, but we'll see.

    Thank you, my lovelies! :D

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    I think you are on the same page as Legolas – he really doesn’t like Erestor, and who can blame him? But then as to Erestor’s behaviour so far, he doesn’t know everything yet. I suspect when he does, Thranduil is going to cop for it again, lol.

    I will say there is no need to worry, and that Thranduil/Legolas are quite safe with Erestor around. You’re so quick you’ll have figured the reason for Erestor’s appearance already, but it’ll probably become clearer in this next chapter.

    Have fun with it! :D

  11. Damn I wish we had the like button because I so like this! I will be reading and reading and... well you get the picture. I still haven't gotten caught up on the Prince story, so darn busy lately. Thank you TAFKAB for talking dafdes into this, I could kiss you right now!


    Thank you CL! :) I hope you have lots of fun reading, though this will be a little darker than our other story.

    Oh, my wicked, lovely, delicious writers!

    Erestor is entirely wonderful, and I do think Elladan is going to have a very interesting night if he comes back. Erestor is certainly well aware of what a young elf can get up to, and what said elf might think would go unnoticed. He's definitely masterful, and I can see why he wound up featuring in your other story as Thranduil's master. Thranduil would need that firm a hand, I think.

    I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy seeing Erestor teaching a elf or two how to behave properly. Very much so...

    Thank you, once again, for absolute reading bliss! :D

    Thank you, Bronx! :)

    Just taking a short break from the important job of relaxing in the sun to respond and post another chapter.

    I’m glad you’re liking Erestor – at least in the context of this little tale. The twins are about to bite off a little bit more than they can chew. Besides, Erestor does not strike me as the chew toy type lol.

    I’m quite sure Erestor will enjoy making the twins behave. And we are writing chapter six, so much more to come!

    :hug: lot of those to both of you! :)

  12. Author: Pippychick_TAFKAB

    Title: Taming the Twins

    Summary: Elladan's curiosity about Erestor's sexual proclivities leads him and his brother to the explore the limits of endurance and devotion. This tale is set in the same universe as Prince in Training. This is one of Erestor's stories.

    Feedback: Yes, please!

    Fandom: Middle Earth/Lord of the Rings

    Pairing: Erestor/Elladan/Elrohir

    Warnings: 3Plus Anal Angst BDSM Bond CBT Contro CR Ds Exhib Fet Fingering HC HJ Humil Inc M/M Oral Other Rim Solo Spank Tort Toys UST WIP

    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered

    URL: http://lotr.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081671

    Review Responses: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/63172-taming-the-twins-review-replies/

    I am at last packed and ready to go! That being the case, here is the beginning of another story TAFKAB and I have been secretly working on. If you read - enjoy! :)

  13. Ah, such lovely evil!

    It seems Legolas has met someone his father knows all too well, and someone his father is inclined to obey, perhaps? And this right after being seen by a servant indulging in a small game with Thranduil, in the dusty corners of the palace. Hm. I wonder if a certain long-time family retainer thought to interfere by sending for an elf he knew Thranduil would not defy? Ah, but I have a feeling what's between Thranduil and Legolas now is something neither will surrender. in spite of Legolas' little fit of pique. In fact, I'm all shivery thinking about the consequences of removing the collar.

    Utterly wicked, and wonderful! :D

    Thank you Bronx! :)

    There is no keeping you in suspense, lol, your mind is quick as lightning! Which means you are correct in everything, except for the last little bit. Legolas will face no consequences for removing the collar, or at least not for a long time to come, although Thranduil will talk some sense into him.

    I don't believe Erestor is currently having as much luck talking sense into Thranduil... lol. But the results are quite spectacular indeed... at least as far as Legolas is concerned... :jaw:

    *goes back to frantic ironing*

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