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Posts posted by pippychick

  1. Quote

    Reviews for The Teacher

    BY : pippychick

    From BronxWench on January 15, 2017

    It is rare a chapter will leave me quite literally in tears, but this chapter has done so. The love between Elrond and Celebrían rings in every word, as does Elrond's grief. Even the knowledge she will heal in Valinor, and recover her joy does not lessen the sorrow, or ease Elrond's burden.

    So beautiful, and so terrible...I think this is one of the most incredible things I've ever read.


    Wow… thank you so much, Bronx  :wub:

    I am not going to pretend… I meant to make people cry at this chapter. For various reasons it’s important to me that I write loss correctly, and I hope that although Celebrian didn’t feature heavily in my interpretation of Elrond’s story, she featured for long enough to show the vast difference in her between the before and after, and what that means to Elrond. It’s a transitional point in the whole fic, really. Everything will move faster after this, at least in terms of time. For Elrond in a personal sense, I think the years will turn much too slowly.

    But, be reassured… ultimately I’ll give everyone I can a happy ending in this. :hug:

    You say “this is one of the most incredible things I’ve ever read” and to me it’s one of the most wonderful comments I’ve ever received. Thank you! :)

  2. Quote

    Reviews for The Teacher

    BY : pippychick

    From BronxWench on January 12, 2017

    This chapter... I'm finding it hard to capture my feelings in words. Maybe tristesse, but it doesn't feel large enough. The words all seem inadequate, and yet you wove such a spell with your words.

    The play was most dramatic, with its glimpses of history, and with key performers bringing back memories perhaps best forgotten. I did enjoy the small vignette with our lovers, though, and thank you for that! But Celebrían's performace was utterly enthralling, and Legolas as Oropher? Sublime. How sad, though, for Elrond to need to see Elros age and fail. My heart ached for him, especially when Galadriel and Celeborn shared their own misgivings.

    Prescience is a dreadful curse, to know something evil is coming, and to not know from whence, and for whom. It broke my heart at the very end, it did...

    Thank you, for this very powerful chapter. It is both wrenching and yet entirely right, all at the same time.


    Thank you, Bronx! :hug:

    I don’t know what to say to begin, except that I am quite sure the next chapter is much, much worse for poor Elrond, and there is no “broken heart” smiley. :no:

    I am glad you liked the play, and the little tiny bit of Glorfindel and Gildor (I couldn’t resist). Oh, Celebrian’s dance… she really is a completely free spirit. I’m afraid the change in her is severe, and sudden.

    Galadriel had much more of a hand in that play than anyone realises. She’s been trying to “get through” to Elrond for a while now, and finally succeeded by surprising him when his emotional defences were down. Elrond might not have been able to tell, but I’ve often wondered if Galadriel knew of Celebrian’s fate. Did Celeborn? I suppose I’ll have to continue writing to find out, but I know Galadriel had a few hints, and she has the mirror. It seems impossible that something so awful could happen to her daughter, and she not know… fate is a strange thing, and stranger still are the elves’ attitudes to it, but I suppose this is one of the areas where they differ from men.


  3. Quote

    Reviews for Prince in Training

    BY : Pippychick_TAFKAB

    From CCWolfe on January 10, 2017

    I didn't know what I getting into reading this but I was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it is to read. I have had a hard time putting it down! I really like the intamacy of the relationship between Legolas and Thranduil. I like that it is not just lustful but a true love and respect for one another. I thought the whole father son thing would just be weird but some how you made it work. I am intrigued about Erestor and what will take place. 


    Thank you, CCWolfe! :)

    I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the story. They really do love each other, in too many ways to count. Ahh… Erestor will not be around for much longer. He’s taught Legolas really as much as he can, and Erestor has his own story in “Taming the Twins”

    Thank you for leaving these encouraging words! I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the story too.

  4. 37 minutes ago, JayDee said:


    Thank you for your thoughts! I’ve been trying to do You! as gender neutral..


    As someone who primarily writes slash, all characters are male to me. Even the ones pretending to be girls. Even the ones who are girls. Even me…

    Wait, what?! No!!! I didn’t mean it! *glares at the doctors… throws hands protectively over bosom* Don’t you dare take them off!


    I’m sorry to see you haven’t had more reviews on The Price. It’s a great story.

    Ah, thank you. :) It was written for you, and as long as you like it, you ’re the only one that matters. Maybe I’ll post it on AO3, just so my troll knows what I can do when I really put my mind to it… ;)


    ... get Sarsa a job with a shitty shift pattern.

    Excellent! Maybe Sarsa could do yours and DG’s work on an alternating week by week basis, then we’d all be happy! *g*

  5. 2 hours ago, darthel0101 said:

    Document the abuse but do nothing to the troll or their "conversation".

    Let admins deal with the documented abuse. 

    On a more serious note, you are dead right and this is great advice. I notice this morning that they are just wading deeper and deeper into their own trouble, completely oblivious that the admins are going to looking up their comments. They don’t need my help at all :)

    On another note, to everyone, even if you come across this trolling, please don’t say anything to them. That particular clear violation of the TOS (encouraging others to attack/harass etc) is what I’ve reported them for.

  6. 2 hours ago, DirtyAngel said:

    hunt them down and annihilate them! Burn them so bad their offspring need silvadene1 Crush them and enjoy the screams as their friends and family flee before yo in terror! mwahahaha…

    too much? :P 

    Haha… I wish. Although I suppose if I could do anything I wanted, I’d deal with them in fiction and set Sauron on them or something. Let him hack a few fingers and toes off… maybe an entire limb or two…. make them like it. :devil:

  7. 10 minutes ago, CL Mustafic said:

    It’s probably a good thing nobody who actually knows anything about the technology (not that we can beam people up or what have you but you know what I’m saying) will read this story but I don’t want people scratching their heads wondering if I have no idea how anything works. Seriously, it’s just going to be like a paragraph to explain why the aliens didn’t beam the MC up right away like they did the last guy.

    And since this is just a silly idea from my head, I have no real enthusiasm for researching how this stuff works. I just don’t want to sound like I’m completely clueless. :D But if need be, I’ll contact NASA right away and see what their thoughts are on this, just as soon as I finish doing some other things that don’t involve using my brain. :P

    Or there’s always this:

    ALIEN ONE: Something is throwing the beam off.

    ALIEN TWO: What is that? Oh, man… they’ve gone and built a collider!

    ALIEN ONE: Closest safe point is right… there!

    ALIEN TWO: Right. Quick and beam him from there before they turn everything to grey goo… Idiots! I can’t believe they’ve got away with running it for this long... oh, man. They voted in Donald Trump too! We need to get out of here.

  8. Thanks, JayDee. I think these are older teenagers of some description, because a lot of their conversation revolves around: “B-but she was Meaaannn to me!1!!!1 All of the fandom is IGNORING me NOW. And now I Don’t Want To Write ANYMORE!!!! Everybody get her!!!!” They’re like little trainee fucking sociopaths…

    I haven’t reviewed their stories, btw, I just mentioned in my response to their obscene review (back in October, ffs) that they were jealous and couldn’t spell. Or use grammar. Or be coherent. They’re lucky I didn’t go further. I mean…


    Now, have a fucking nice day!

    is not going to help them in their upcoming McDonald’s career.

    I’ve reported it and left it at that.

  9. Maybe it’s a pre-arranged rendezvous point, like in the film ‘Starman’ and there is no way to contact each other to revise it?

    Perhaps the discovery of electricity/radio waves/micro waves etc, means that only specific places are suitable for matter transference?

    If you’re looking for something more involved and technical, perhaps you could look into axial precession, and/or the movement of the equatorial line on earth messing things up a bit. I mean, we are talking in thousands of years here. While it might not be noticeable (I have no idea!), it might throw delicate instrumentation off quite a bit.

  10. Well, this is a new one on me. On another site, some time ago I received a troll review which was full of swearing and nastiness. It was deleted and reposted again and again over the course of about an hour. Since the troll review was from a registered user, I took a screenshot from my notification email and reproduced it on my review page so that I could reply, thinking that would be the end of the matter. And it was… for a while.

    This morning, I have a new troll, and I find there is a long rambling discussion about me on the comments section of the original troll’s story (I won’t repeat it – it’s pretty nasty), where they are encouraging each other to continue trolling. I’m hesitant about ignoring a public discussion of myself containing harrassment and namecalling, which leaves me with two options. I can either report the abuse right off the bat. Or I can calmly ask them to stop (on the review board where they’re having this public “discussion”), then report if they do not subside. The second option would seem to be preferable, but I don’t want to start some kind of flame war. I was thinking along the lines of:



    Please keep your discussion to the merits of this story, instead of using it as a public forum to harass, publically discuss or otherwise intimidate others. As co-creators we should be encouraging each other. Please refrain from namecalling, and from encouraging each other to leave trollish comments on my own work. Your behaviour is a violation of the Terms of Service on this site. Please see the relevant part of the Harassment Policy below:

    “G. Harassment

    Harassment is any behavior that produces a generally hostile environment for its target. This includes activities such as bullying and hazing by groups of people as well as personal attacks by individuals.


    Harassment is not allowed. Users engaging in this behavior may be warned, suspended, or permanently suspended as described in the general abuse procedure.


    If the original poster repeatedly contacts the subject of the content about the content after being told to stop, harasses the subject, or requests that others harass the subject, the content may be considered part of a general pattern of harassment and be removed.”

    With a heavy heart, I have taken screenshots of your discussion here. Please stop this now, and go back to writing. If my stories upset or offend you, then don’t read them. It really is as simple as that. This does not need to escalate any further.

    I note that you say you feel ignored by readers, but I assure you we all feel like that from time to time, and you should try to work through that feeling. You have good reviewers here, some of whom I have spoken to before. I am sure that this situation is just as uncomfortable for them to witness. End it here.

    Thank you.


    So… what do you guys think? I am kind of at a loss… *sighs*


  11. 13 minutes ago, CL Mustafic said:

    I’m also going to get to work on that fallout shelter I’ve always wanted just in case things go the way I have a bad feeling they will. I’ve already got a couple of cases of wine so my stockpile is off to a good start.

    Now, more than ever, we need to establish that AFF writers’ commune/Guild HQ/Union somewhere that won’t see any action.

    Then, in years to come, documentaries will be made about the written pornography that was circulated during WWIII. Which not only lifted spirits, but also caused a crucial delay in the activation of nuclear strikes, since the soldier with the job was waiting for just one more chapter, hereby averting total catastrophe and saving the world for future generations to slowly rebuild and enjoy.

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