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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. I picked "Other" simply because my answer is complicated. I read and write mainly about fantasy characters. I was actually going to choose that answer when I remembered The Orgy and the Mary-Sue Virus. I read a Phelps twincest story once (by accident - don't ask), and I felt very conflicted afterwards. On one hand it was arousing, but on the other it sorta squicked me. I thought I'd never write about real people, and then The Orgy happened. I also happened to remember a story that I wrote with my best friend when I was in high school that involved the two of us going to a concert, meeting the band, and ending up living happily ever after in true fairy-tale fashion. I have to agree with Pixagi about being weirded out about writing (and reading) smut involving fellow board members, but I rationalized it several ways - It's excellent writing practice, it's consensual, and it's all based on our alter egos (which are kinda like fictional characters anyway). After a while, it ceased to feel weird. As far as the Mary-Sue Virus, those are fictional characters, which are based on aliases, so it's even further removed from the realm of real people. I have written a true self-insertion piece as well (for the forum's anniversary contest). So where does that leave me? Somewhere in the gray, morally ambiguous area I suppose.
  2. I believe that being a member of the Artist group gives you the ability to upload images instead having to hot link to them, but don't take that as gospel until 'Trae or DA chimes in.
  3. It changes your member group association back to being a plain old vanilla "Member" in the event that you had purchased something, like the paint brush, that changed your member group to something else (e.g. "Artist") and decided that you wanted to switch back.
  4. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am going to go see OotP in one hour!
  5. 8506
  6. Hey, no problem. Easy to do, I know. Our fingers just seem to get carried away with their own ideas sometimes and completely ignore our brains.
  7. 8504
  8. Your MarySue Virus, Pix? Did I miss something you've written, or are you trying to take credit for Dazzled's story now?
  9. Again with the 'how did I miss this?' Hope you had a great day, Oishi!
  10. I can't believe I missed that this morning. Happy Birthday!
  11. I love corsets! One of these day's I'll either have enough extra money to buy a custom-made corset, or I'll break down and make one myself. I tend not to use elaborate descriptions where clothing is concerned, of course, in the HP fandom most everyone knows what the uniforms and robes look like.... In foreplay it's a fine balance between the clothes magically disappearing (hey, this is within the realm of possibility in my fandom ) and making a laundry list of every single button that's undone (and with Snape that could take a really damn long time ).
  12. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am going to see OotP on Sunday with 'Trae & the kids. I am waiting on pins and needles.
  13. Happy birthday, Knorg!
  14. Fresh air (and weather cool enough to allow opening all the windows).
  15. 8468
  16. ^ For the most part. < Tends to trust <'s first impressions as they're usually spot on. V Goes with their gut as well.
  17. Guilty. G/NG: Doesn't like seafood in general.
  18. 8465
  19. Candy
  20. Nope. Red?
  21. 8457
  22. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am sure Daz will manage fitting everything into the next chapter (including the requisite smut). I am willing to be her if need be. I am glad that Draco cooperated (for the most part) with me today. I am happy to be writing again (finally). I am looking at my pile of junk and thinking perhaps I should just donate it all to charity. I am also not a fan of having garage sales.
  23. 8452
  24. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am hoping Daz's muses get into a Draco-y mood soon.
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