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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Yeah! Read and reviewed! MoreMOREmore!
  2. Nanaea

    Fannon Future

    I picked book 8 because I can see people who really love the series wanting it to go on forever. I can also see a lot of AU's poping up. Oh noes, they killed Snape off! However can I get him and Hermione together, now? I know! I'll write an AU fic where he doesn't die!! *SQUEE* Anywho... Everyone's thrown out good ideas. All I have to add is that it will survive. Oh, and I practially live on HP Lexicon when I'm writing. I'm a stickler for getting my cannon facts straight. Or at least, if it's something I'm making up as I go, I want it to sound as authentic and plausible as possible.
  3. 8425
  4. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am noting that I have just finished two months of daily (M-F) exercise. I am stating that this is a first, as I usually give up after about a month. I am starting to see/feel the results.
  5. 8358
  6. If she has any sense at all she's still in bed (mommy duty permitting of course). Red?
  7. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am outta here.
  8. Last call. Daz?
  9. 8354 (one break coming right up. )
  10. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am heading back to bed ... in a minute. I am saying my goodnights (again).
  11. Canadian
  12. Not guilty, that pretty much covers it for me as well! G/NG: Likes a man with long hair?
  13. 8352 (Um, Dazzled love....)
  14. Nanaea

    The Why Game

    Because they liked to get their freak on. Why?
  15. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    Oh, I have. My grandma made the best iced tea and it was soooo sweet. :sigh: I have never liked my coffee black.
  16. Nanaea

    The Anything Game

  17. Nanaea

    If I Were...

    I would be a skeleton key that opened Snape's private chamber. If I were a potion...
  18. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am stating that there's really nothing to be impressed about as it was a given. I am thinking I should try yet again to go to sleep. I am going to give it about 10 more minutes though.
  19. Oink
  20. You can say that again! Daz?
  21. It's not just you! Guilty!! G/NG: Has once accent they prefer above all others?
  22. 8350
  23. Nanaea

    The Why Game

    Because his parents were never around to turn it off. Why?
  24. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    Me either! I have never liked debates.
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