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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am still working on the dark skin. I am thinking I should get back on that. I am thinking there are a lot of things I need to finish, not just the skin. I am done with my update. I am hoping that Madapple will take the hint and do a follow-up post. I am also hoping that Daz will join back in.
  2. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am wishing Daz a Happy Anniversary. I am wishing DA some sleep. I am writing.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Whoops! Yes, I did.
  5. I just picked up Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts from the library yesterday. It sounded interesting, so I'm giving it a go.
  6. I voted for GoF. It was the first book that actually managed to surprise me (the whole Mad Eye Moody was really Crouch Jr. - didn't see that one coming), and the first one that I thought was the best book so far.
  7. Too pretty. I think Sean Bean would be great. Liam Neeson too.
  8. 8583
  9. 8581
  10. It's more than o'kay. Your welcome (again). I'm glad you like him.
  11. 8579
  12. ^ Thinks < is gullible enough to believe that statement. < Not as gullible as < looks. V Has taken being a BS artist to a whole new level.
  13. Not I. Red?
  14. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    Oh. I have. I have never been able to drink without having a hangover the next day.
  15. Tickle
  16. PotterPotter (yes, still )
  17. ^ Only if I didn't absolutely hate it the first time. < Knows it usually takes a couple of tries to get the hang of something new. V Gets it right the first time.
  18. I have as well. Leon?
  19. Nanaea

    If I Were...

    I'd be able to fly. If I were a bird...
  20. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I, thankfully. I have never suffered from motion sickness.
  21. Ride
  22. Velocity (yeah, but it is grouped under "the sciences" by most schools.)
  23. ^ Novice. < Also a novice (really!) V Willing to learn.
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