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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Girl
  2. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am looking around at the disaster that is my house and wishing it would clean itself. I am aware that that isn't going to happen. I am going to have to go do something about it soon.
  3. Yup! Leon?
  4. Then I must not have boobs, because they never went past my gut and they never will! I was in full-blown puberty by age 12. When I actually developed boobs, I can't really remember. It's been too long. :sigh: I do remember, at about age 16, one of my mom's male friends commenting that I had bigger boobs than she did. (I was actually a C cup in high school - childbearing has taken a bit of that away).
  5. Nanaea

    Bra Poll

    When I was in my teens I was mortified by the thought that someone might notice I had nipples. I alwaysalwaysalways wore a padded bra. I wore strapless bras under my tank tops. My mother, the hippie, could never understand it. She was always trying to get me to go without (both bra and panties!). She seemed to think it was healthier, all about the air-flow ya know. That's why I prefer cotton undergarments too. I was always lectured about how natural fabrics were better for you because they breathed (which is true). I can honestly say though, after nursing three kids, that I don't give a rat's arse if someone notices I have nipples. Everyone has nipples. If they can't deal with it - that's their problem!
  6. So the key to writing great smut is not getting any, eh? Sorry, not worth it.
  7. Sports? The only sport 'Trae participates in doesn't require underwear.
  8. Not guilty (and I think 'Trae meant women wearing men's underwear and vice versa). G/NG: sleeps in the nude?
  9. Rosy. And you? Red?
  10. Nanaea

    The Anything Game

  11. Sanctuary
  12. Nanaea

    Bra Poll

    Since some of you seemed to want it. As I stated in the Panty Poll, I hate underwires and I don't need much support. I generally only wear a bra for sake of modesty. When I was younger I wore demi's almost exclusively, preferably front hook (always confused the guys ). I love balconette's and corsets for fun.
  13. Nanaea

    The Anything Game

  14. Hello Red?
  15. Not yet. Red?
  16. 8572
  17. 8568
  18. Nanaea


    Sorta reminds me of the Orgy. (Only I'd like to think that the sexes get along a bit better here.)
  19. LMAO You gals are killing me! Leon: I hate pantyhose too. I either go without or I wear stockings. Eve: I find going commando under pants uncomfortable, the only time I like to go without is when I'm wearing a skirt - to hell with decency. (Besides, I prefer looong skirts). Madlogger: Tangas are like training-thongs. Red: You never fail to meet my expectations of you. Do we need a bra poll? The choices would be daunting. There's only room for 20 options anyway.... I hate bras. I refuse to wear an underwire unless I know it'll be coming off lickety-split. I have three VS Cotton Wireless Triangle bras, but I can get away with that because I'm barely more than a B.
  20. Madlogger, Tangas have a bit more fabric in the rear than thongs do and Rhumbas are what my mother always called ruffle butts - they're those panties with the ruffles generally worn by little girls, although there are some sexy versions available for grown-up girls. ldf, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only VS addict. I used to wear nothing but thongs when I was in my late teens/early twenties. I still do occasionally (when i don't want panty lines).
  21. You're welcome. It seemed the logical thing to do...
  22. 8560
  23. ^ Indeed I do. < Likes tomatoes but hates mushrooms. V Willing to defend eating fungi.
  24. Vampire
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