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Everything posted by KoKoa_B

  1. v_v sorry. I don't know why Charlotte stuck out more than Margot!
  2. Forbidden Desire: This is just in case anyone is actually curious: Tahn's comments pertaining to toes, molesty ears and Marvin are all inside jokes that came from SB... no thanks to a Mr. Magusfang! -___- I can't tell you how it's going to end; that would be a spoiler! LOL! But I can guarantee that if Tabitha ever finds out, people may die... Wally may or may not want to keep Jamila to himself if he ever gets the chance. But the idea of an epic foursome may be slim to none; the only spoiler that I will give is that you're about to see a jealous side to the Martian! And, in this story, the idea of being with another woman freaks Tabitha out!
  3. Finally finished chapter nine! And I knew that Vlad wasn't as threatening and cold-hearted as he could be. Okay, I think that Elizabeta has a point, that he doesn't want to listen but he showed more leniency than I imagined towards Autumn. You teased us with the possibility of a Vlad/Autumn pairing but I have a theory as to why it didn't happen. A few days ago, you asked in SB did any of us have an idea as far as who the shadow is. You gave out a hint saying that the shadow and the mist were two different people. These are just my opinions but this is what I feel. The mist is Vlad, proven when he tore through the traitorous vampires. 1. Aleksi is the shadow. Only because it seethes and watches over Autumn, particularly when she's around those he didn't care for when he was alive: Niki, Evan and Garrett. 2. Kendra could be, only because she's fucking vindictive. I don't believe she would've been a caring mother to Charlotte but I have a feeling that she would pretend to care only to find a way to hurt people again. 3. Gregory is still alive so he's neither. 4. The same for Charlotte. Those are my theories. Great chapter as always!
  4. I was thinking the same. We all sit here and well, at least I do and take for granted that we're all human. So it saddens me when something like this happens. It puts it in perspective that there's an actual person on the other end. May she know eternal peace and condolences sent to her loved ones.
  5. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. But I've managed to update two stories within a 24 hour time frame: The Scarlet Tree and Forbidden Desires!

  6. It's been a while! But, chapter 11 is posted! *dances* http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600061146&chapter=11
  7. Chapter Two has been added! http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600061335&chapter=2
  8. I just so happen to look in the Shoutbox and a new member was asking for help on how to post their story. The title looked so familiar and so I went into the Hall of Shame thread to see if it was there. May be a coincidence but the last plagiarist that was busted had a story with the same title. This member is in the validation stages so I'm sure they will probably be caught making a second account. The Hall of Shame thread: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/59801-dracohermione-uid-1296961448-plagiarist/#entry372776 And I've attached a screenshot I think I sent an email but... I'm not sure it went through. I don't use Outlook much so sorry about that! *And I see that the story was already taken down so... you might have already taken care of this...*
  9. New story posted! "The Scarlet Tree"!

  10. I know... I should be working on something else! But it's Camp NaNo time and I got a bit ballsy with this one! This is what I'm working on for July 2015 Camp NaNoWriMo! Author: me, KoKoa B! Title: The Scarlet Tree Summary: Martian Manhunter has been on Earth for quite some time. He’s adapted to earthling ways and wants nothing but to protect his second home and its citizens. However, something reminds him he had a former purpose in life. Given a warning from two White Martians, he is stuck in a dilemma: protect his new home or reunite with those closer to his own species. As the White Martians set in motion “The Epiphany”, J’onn J’onzz saves a plane from meeting its doom. Doing what he has felt was right, he saves the life of a severely injured woman. But, he soon finds that doing so gives the two an unexpected connection. Feedback: All feedback is accepted! Fandom: I listed it under DC 'Verse Comics, which is true. But it's also Martian Manhunter comics; his new one! Pairing: Martian Manhunter/OC Warnings: MC, M/F, OC, Violence, WIP, Xeno. Other warnings added as needed. Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600061335
  11. Anything before Word 2010, I want to say, it was automatically shown after you did a spellcheck. But now, as BW said, you have to go through the options and select if you want readability stats to appear after a spellcheck. I'm a simple person and I like simple things. That includes my reading. I don't want to feel that I need a dictionary nearby in order to read a story! And dafdes is right: there are exceptions. I expect a book on soul searching or explaining how the universe is connected to the chi in our bodies to have a readability of college-level (I totally made that up; I have no idea if that's such a thing...)! But, a vampire/werewolf story? Nah. Or any fictional story for that matter.
  12. I think I'm posting this in the wrong area. But it has to do with writing so here goes! This bothers me. I've always used Microsoft Word for writing and I remember when, after you did a spellcheck, another box would appear, showing you all sorts of nifty stats from total number of sentences to characters used. Another stat was the Flesch-Kincaid readability grade. Back then it bothered me a lot that my writing was never graded anything above 7th-8th grade. Over the years, I just accepted it. Then tonight (today, this morning; whatever), I finally took a look at how the scale came up with readability levels. And it made me roll my eyes. There's an equation it uses based on the number of words in each sentence and how many syllables each word has. In other words: the lengthier the sentence, the higher the work will appear on the scale. I know that this site is for adults. I also know that, as writers, although we state that we write for ourselves, we do always have an intended target audience. But seeing that this is basically creative writing that we're doing... would it make sense for any of our work categorized as university/college level readability? If you're writing an essay or a thesis, I understand completely. I also understand the need to be the almighty wordsmith you were born to be. I just feel that if you're given the "dreadful" 7th grade readability mark, then it's actually a compliment. That means that the average 7th grader can comprehend what you wrote. And if a 7th grader can read it, an adult should have no problem whatsoever understanding! What irked me was a topic on another site that asked people to post their readability grade. Well... the comments in that thread was what really irked me. Because only two or three people actually understood what the scale took into account to dish out that grade and tried to tell the others. Just because it states that you write on a 7th grade level doesn't mean that your book is geared towards 7th graders. Or that you're an idiot if you write on that level. It simply means you can write stories that are comprehensive to anyone with a middle school education and up! Nope. Everyone ignored them. One person even recommended that it may not be something to brag about that your writing is university level when you're writing a chicklit. That you might want to go to a more reliable tool, like Hemingway, White Smoke, Grammarly or Pro Writing Aid to get more extensive help; to cut out excessively long sentences. *Sighs* Does it matter to you how your writing is rated according to this and similar scales? I know that I need a lot of work done to my stories (thank you, Hemingway app in letting me know that I'm the Adverbs Queen... -____-) but I have no problem now in knowing that a thirteen year old understands my stuff!
  13. It just dawned on me that I never did a Promote Your Story thread for part 2 of this series -___- Tabitha Lyght's adventure continues in Beckoning Lyght! Unfortunately... I'm two chapters away from completing this story but enjoy it all the same! Warnings: MiCD, OC, Preg, SI, SFW (there may be others but I doubt it) Feedback: Is most welcome! Comments, critiques, reviews, whatever. Links in the beginning of each chapter for my discussion/response board. If you're more comfortable giving me a review in that manner, feel free! That also gives me a chance to converse with you guys, of course! Pairings: looking back, I see that I gave away a pairing for the second book! :/ OC/Bruce Wayne Fandom: Mostly DC/Justice League but there is a bit of a mix of Marvel. URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060997
  14. Chapter ten for Beckoning Lyght posted! ^_^ Two more chapters until the end :(

  15. We laid my husband's grandmother to rest today. We're all at peace with it, now.

    1. BronxWench


      My deepest sympathies on your loss.

    2. KoKoa_B


      Thank you, BW

  16. XD XD "6 AM" in my pants ... wow... LOL
  17. lol guilty! {Hey... didn't know about this game...} drank from the carton and put it back in the refrigerator?
  18. ... don't ask me that. A beheading would be good. But we don't know your plans for book two! -__- you forgot to add tentacles... XD
  19. Chapter 10 of Forbidden Desire posted! I have no idea how long I'm going to make that story but I feel the need to celebrate having ten chapters! :D

  20. Hey, hey! Chapter 10 is posted! I stated it in the A/N but I'll put it here as well: inspiration for the love scene in this chapter came from ChrissyQuinn's story! That's about it. Go... read!
  21. Ah... now that I'm sober, I see that some clarification is needed! LOL Tabitha is in no shape or form a Martian. She's 100% human. She has lightning abilities but that really wasn't important to dwell on in this fic! I got a bit more plans for this that will explain further why Tabitha wanted the two to have each other... besides the fact that she's just a kinky horndog! I think maybe two more chapters and I can just chalk this up as a very short story! Anyway; thanks guys for reading that!
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