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Everything posted by polywolly

  1. Me neither. I've been invited, several times, but I have no use for sports, professional or otherwise. I have never taken a daily vitamin for more than a week straight before forgetting.
  2. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am, after all this time, still the highest poster of all. I am ashamed that I could not resist the urge to point that out. I am quite sure that forum game jail would be a fun place to be. I am assuming there would be ongoing discussions of things in alphabetical order, several people counting to infinity, and at least one person making other people finish their sentences.
  3. Not guilty. I've never had any reason to bite a dog, at least not yet. Has accidentally glued themselves to something.
  4. Because they can't see the forest for the plastic surgeon. Where have all the flowers gone?
  5. No, not this time. I'll say... Melody!
  6. Oh my?! It IS me... Agaib?
  7. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am glad I am not the only person who suffers at the hands of Captain Crunch.
  8. Nope... Agaib?
  9. Not guilty. On purpose? Perhaps... Has forgotten to gas up the car and gotten stranded.
  10. polywolly

    Title Share

    Lake of Fire (song)
  11. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am full up on a bowl of Captain Crunch w/ Crunch Berries. I am concerned that this particular cereal is the only kind I've ever eaten that rips the roof of my mouth to shreds. I am wondering why I continue to eat it if it does this. I am answering myself by saying, "Because it tastes so darn good, that's why."
  12. In order to receive stupid answers. What was that guy looking at?
  13. Neither have I. I hit one with my car once. He was fine, but I felt horrible about it. I have never liked receiving jewlrey as a gift.
  14. ^ Has another story about the Wonder Twins and peanut butter. < Isn't as frightened as I should be. V Doesn't want to hear about my fantasies involving chocolate.
  15. Because you forgot to dial the four-digit extension of the party you were trying to call. Or you could swing the towel over your head. Same difference.
  16. I have. Then I danced around it and sang a song of togetherness. Perhaps not that last part, but I have planted many trees over a number of years. I have never driven in Chicago traffic.
  17. nope again. quamp?
  18. ^ Shall be known henceforth as the Patron Saint of Darned Socks. < Welcomes Nanaea as the first official member of the Church of Alan Rickman of Latter-day Snapes. V Knows I will eventually shorten the title to CARLS.
  19. Guilty, but that's about all my husband listens to. I believe the song was "Unskinny Bop" by Poison. He's played it so many times I know all the words. *Hangs head in shame* Has told someone they would call them and never did.
  20. C: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
  21. Because then globes would look stupid. Can't have that. When do cows actually come home?
  22. ...it won't change until it changes, unless it never does. Hats are...
  23. ^ Knows how I am about my acronyms. < Has an affinity for acronyms, anachronisms, and Alans. Not in that particular order... V Has Sock Pope Envy. (SPE)
  24. ^ Still thinks he can convert me. *cough*sock-evangelist*cough* < Will agree to collect donations for the Church of Socks as long as you kick back 15% of the proceeds to my new upstart, the Church of Alan Rickman of latter-day Snapes. V Has already started roughing out the design for the Sock Pope hat
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