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Everything posted by polywolly

  1. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am advising dazzled to check out the link to the Rickman site at the bottom of snapeybot. It's freaking hilarious! I am going to bed for the night! *waves by to everyone* Have fun with snapeybot!
  2. ^ Should know that I am more of a coffee person as well. < Should be in bed but is laughing riotously at these lists on this Alan Rickman site. < I know. What am I, of all people, doing at an Alan Rickman site. < Here's links if you're curious. Why Alan is better than God. (All in good fun, of course.) You know you're obsessed (with Alan Rickman) when... V Will enjoy the links.
  3. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am among the addicted. I am fairly certain that I am the *most* addicted. *glances at post counter* I am bound to lose that title sooner or later. *glances at dazzled's post counter*
  4. Hey!! *waves* You're are absolutely correct! Let me think...dazzled!
  5. Ha! Me! dazzled?
  6. Again, it's just me. dazzled?
  7. Einstein Smart is the scale that measures smartness. It is similar to a seismograph, but its little needles scratch with a German accent. Where do babies come from?
  8. ^ Is so right! I know nothing about Grey or his "anatomy". < Is a fan of House. Would watch Grey's Anatomy if Hugh Laurie was the star. V Can't stand Dr. Dramas.
  9. Yes, since aardvarks invented electricity. Yes, Thomas Edison stole it from the aardvarks. Where does the light in the fridge go when you shut the door?
  10. Ha Ha!! No. quamp?
  11. polywolly

    Title Share

    Monster's Ball (movie)
  12. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am finished washing and drying the laundry, but I have yet to put it all away. I am not "officially" done with the laundry, yet I'm stopping here. I am not concerned if my socks get wrinkled. I am also pleased that AFF is running so well! Oops! Hope I didn't jinx it...
  13. Sorry, no Quamp. I'm probably after you more than he is, and no, that doesn't sound right. Since there seems to be a pattern developing, I'm going with StoryJunkie.
  14. Very guilty. Hate isn't a strong enough word. Has pretended to be on the phone (cellular or otherwise) so people would leave you alone.
  15. ... little bunnies frolic in the afternoon sun, after filling out twelve forms and finally receiving their bread coupons. Where there's a will, there's _____________.
  16. I have, but I live in a tiny town where nothing bad ever happens. Okay, when the neighbor's chickens got out and rummaged through my garden, that was bad. But in the grand scheme of things... I have never seen a Great White Shark, except for on TV.
  17. 1895
  18. Night of the Living Dead
  19. ^ Thinks a new phone imbues him with magical powers. < Has few complaints in the "laid" catagory. Needs to hurry up and get her characters laid before her readers wander off to read smut elsewhere... V Is so very happy that aff is running so much faster! And has stayed that way! So far!
  20. No, it is the StorieJunkie-proclaimed Mistress! Yes, folks! Mistress! I'm gonna have that put on my license plates... Ok, maybe not. I'm gonna go out on a limb again and say... RED!! DAMN IT!
  21. polywolly

    Title Share

    Days of Thunder (movie)
  22. ^ Has hopefully provided much comfort to her poor, sick hubby. At least he's not sick in New Zealand! Yes, I remember that! < Has had a much improved Saturday, all but for the freakish review I received. I deleted it, but am now regretting it. I should have left the stupidity up for others to witness. V Has had their share of stupidity-laden reviews.
  23. ^ Is typing with one hand and soothing with the other. < Is so cold that a dip in a giant vat of steaming coffee sounds better than chocolate. Oooh... Coffee-covered Rickman. Once the burns heal... V Is having a much better Saturday than I've had so far.
  24. Yeah! Better late than never... Uhhh... RED!
  25. ^ Is smooth with the segue. < *is too busy picturing a chocolate-covered Rickman to think straight* V Is just a little bit squicked by my chocolate-covered Rickman.
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