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Everything posted by polywolly

  1. ...clinically insane. When Gandhi was 3 years old...
  2. The back of a bottle of booze. No. Gin does not have any Vitamin B12. You cannot consider it a "health drink". Of all the points on the compass, where the hell is over there?
  3. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am ashamed that I know nothing of X-men or the movies associated with it. I am a bad girl.
  4. polywolly


    Oh dear, where's dazzled? *yells* DAZZLED! THERE'S A HALF-NAKED PICTURE OF ORLANDO BLOOM I'M SURE YOU'D BE INTERESTED TO SEE! HEY! CAN YOU HEAR ME IN CANADA! HALF-NAKED ORLANDO!!! *stops yelling* There, I'm sure she'll be along shortly.
  5. ^ Is one of the cool kids, in my opinion. < Has only one obsession and several, smaller obsessions nested within, like those Russian dolls. Harry Potter leads to SS/HG fanfiction which plays on my love of Severus Snape which is fed by my obsession with Alan Rickman whom I've crushed on ever since I saw Die Hard 10 years ago... V Survived my ramble and is glad I'll be wandering off soon to tend to my latest SS/HG fic.
  6. Neither have I. Someday I plan to, though I hope I'm not running from the law at the time. I have never enjoyed opera.
  7. Because the world is out to get you. I suggest an aluminum foil hat and a cattle prod. That'll scare 'em off! Why is it thundering if it isn't going to rain?
  8. loathing
  9. nope, but who am I to buck tradition. Nanaea?
  10. polywolly

    Title Share

    I Married A Monster From Outer Space - movie
  11. Very guilty. I know they are only doing their job, but COME ON!! Had their secret diary or personal journal read by someone behind their back
  12. 2012 - I turn 32 and send Chaotic Angel a birthday card because we are apparently the same age.
  13. ...I saw what serious attention meant and then looked under the hood instead. One time, after far too many shots of rum, ________.
  14. D: the Dungeons of Hogwarts Castle. I know, I know... But it'd be so cool!!!
  15. I think it is akin to refusing service at restaurants to obese persons. As for the right to abortion, it is, and should always be, the woman's choice. Until modern science can figure out a way to transfer a fetus into another human or other means of gestation, then the woman should have complete and utter say over what happens to or goes on inside her own body. Let us concern ourselves with the sick, the starving, and the woefully under educated children before we rally around those who have yet to set foot upon this Earth.
  16. Okay, fine! Uh... Places or things you'd like to see, but never have. A: The Alps. Haven't seen em. Hear they're cool. NEXT!
  17. Sorry! dazzled?
  18. polywolly

    Title Share

    Mash (tv show)
  19. Neither have I. Not yet, anyway. I have never voted in a government election.
  20. Guilty, but it was the first season. I voted for Kelly. Thus, I am partially responsible for some of the twaddle she has put forth since. Has driven a vehicle when they KNEW they were in no shape to be driving a vehicle.
  21. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am allowing my attention to wander from chapter editing yet again. I am usually more prepared than this when the weekend comes and it's time to post a new chapter. I am a bad, bad author.
  22. ^ Must have forgotten that it is Craig Ferguson that has stolen my late-night heart. < Often forgets to watch Craig Ferguson because other, more shiny things tend to distract me. V Has similar troubles with shiny things and the distraction they pose.
  23. Grab them all by the hair and pull. That's usually thanks enough. What's the difference between crying and weeping?
  24. Chicken. Just chicken. Has anyone managed to find Waldo yet?
  25. ^ Thinks I merit giving career advice. < Never gives such advice. < When asked, usually nods and smirks. Sometimes I snicker. As though I know inside information. It makes people squirm. V Loves to snicker, but usually when people have their backs turned.
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