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Everything posted by LockedBox

  1. Look, all I'm trying to say is that taking up torch and pitchfork now isn't going to make anything better. I don't mean to be rude, but right now we know nothing of the situation beyond a few highly biased pieces of media, and even they tell little of what was really going on. I just don't want to sling mud around until we have a greater bank of verifiable facts to draw from.
  2. I really don't think that this is the time to sling blame around. We no little to nothing about these people, and it's highly probable that these two girls have serious mental issues that go beyond their chosen reading material. We don't know what part the parents played in this, what part the internet played in this, and what exactly was going through those girls heads. Perhaps we never will, but I don't think pointing fingers and declaring guilt will do anybody any good. Especially not now when a girl is in hospital and three families have had the rug ripped from underneath them.
  3. I'm in my corner with a doily on my lid. I have no plans of leaving, but if you feel the need please remember to bend at the knees for heavens sake. Serious angel, if this rant is any indication of quality, then I think it's very clear out all of us that your works deserve to be taken down. You are immature, inarticulate, have no respect for grammar and are spiteful and petty to levels I have not seen here since that shades of grey plagiarist chucked a wobbly and was duly banhammered. If anything, AFF has been elevated by the exodus of you and your ilk. And one last thing. You should never judge yourself by the number of "followers" (which do not exist on AFF) or reviews you have. This is neither an indication of quality or a healthy way to grow as an author. You will never hope to improve if you keep up this attitude, if such a thing is even of value to you.
  4. Addblock is your friend. Use it well.
  5. Ah, two reviews so many hours, you've made a very happy author of me Wow, thanks for such a detailed review! Sorry for coming between you and your sleep, but I'm glad it was worth it. I've been feeling the same way actually. I mean, I'm all for a little wish fulfillment, but after a while I really start to crave something more attainable in my fiction. We've all read the story about the main character that gets seduced by a tall, dark, handsome stranger (who usually has bucketloads of cash) a hundred times now, and I wanted to write about something else. I'm glad I'm not the only one Have you ever heard of tvtropes? A bit off topic I know but your comments about Corbin reminded me of it. The character trope pages are surprisingly helpful character building tools. I can't decide whether Corbin is a stepford snarker or a jerkass with a heart of gold, or both. What do you reckon? As for your question, yes it is pronounced lock-lan. Lauchlan is an alternative spelling of Lachlan, which itself was originally spelled as Lochlann. From what I've read the u has been added in and taken out of it repeatedly over the years and makes no real difference to the pronunciation. Personally I liked the way that Lauchlan looks when it's written down, so that's the spelling I went with. I don't want to give away spoilers or talk about things which haven't been written yet, but do try not to be afraid for next chapter. I don't want to say anything else about it, but just hold out and see. It will be out relatively soon, that I will say. Don't be, I'm smelly and I snore at night, our love would be doomed from the start In all seriousness I'm so glad that there's someone out there who finds my ill written humour, well, humorous. I almost worked the word "ungulates" into chapter six, but I just couldn't pull it off. Maybe next time, eh Thankyou both for your reviews and support, it really makes my day every time I read them.
  6. Hello, it seems that my fic Mix Beer With Liquor is set up in a way that allows anyone to anonymously add chapters. I don't recall enabling this feature and I'd like to disable it, but I can't find the option anywhere. Is it possible to disable this?
  7. Hello people! Chapter eight, Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child is up and posted! I hope you find it enjoyable and worth waiting for. I'll see you with the next installment
  8. Oh you are not the only one, not by any means! I'm still using 2008 and I have absolutely no plans of ever upgrading. Adobe creative suit adopted the same payment model around the same time and I have no intention of using that either. In both cases, nothing is actually changed, all the tools do the same things, the buttons use the same symbols and they process the same file types. The only things that seem to change is the menu and shortkey structures, which gives me even more incentive not to upgrade so I don't have to relearn everything. It's ridiculous and I refuse to endorse such a thing. When I buy a product I expect to actually buy a product, not just borrow it for a while, that's what libraries are for damn it.
  9. A bunch of little background details I wrote months and months ago are demanding to have their own subplots. I just, don't even. Guh. Can you give me a break plot bunnys? I have other shit to do right now.

  10. It's frustrating, but ranting and raving about it will get you nowhere, as you end up putting off the few people who did leave reviews. Try to be proactive, thank the reviewers that you do have, be open and encouraging in your authors notes, set up a discussion thread and try to discuss things with your reviewers there and generally try to be as welcoming and open to criticism as you possibly can. Don't be afraid to cross post either, growing sites like AO3 tend to have more streamlined user interactive systems and search for fandom specific websites, while they're smaller they usually have a chattier userbase with a deeper knowledge of the fandom. If your writing original fiction, consider more professional sites like scribophile, I adore the message boards over there and the system is hardwired to ensure that every acceptable work receives feedback.
  11. Reported it. I'm so sorry that this has to happen to you all the time, I can't imagine how these people think that no one will notice.
  12. Thankyou so much It's really reassuring to know that the dynamic is coming across the way I want it to. Lauchlan knows Corbin's right, but you'll have to wait and see if he can summon the backbone to do what needs to be done, it's not an easy thing for him. Thanks again for reviewing, it really makes my day every time
  13. Hello people. After much delay chapter seven, Talk is Cheap, is up. I am so sorry for the delay, this chapter has been a royal pain, and I fear it may not be worth the wait. I hope you enjoy it none the less, and I hope I can get the next chapter to cooperate with me a little more!
  14. I love this! I wonder what happens to their relationship after the snow storm. I'm looking forward for more chapters. I can't wait to see how their relationship builds up. Keep writing! -isolovesj Hey iso, thankyou so much for your encouragment, knowing that other people are enjoying my scribblings means a lot to me. Hopefully I'll be able to keep you lot satisfied in the chapters to come
  15. A crested pigeon just laid an egg on my doorstep (literally my doorstep) and flew off. Huh.

    1. WillowDarkling


      Congratulations! It's a girl!

  16. Ah, alright. That would explain things then, I could have sworn there used to be a checkbox somewhere. Will that be fit to change in future? Thanks for getting back to me none the less.
  17. I did, but if it ended up there it's been purged by now. Could you tell me where the preference page for review alerts is? I couldn't find it for the life of me.
  18. Better Of Dead - Elton John
  19. Hey, I just logged on to edit something quickly and found a review that had been left some weeks ago, but somehow I hadn't noticed it. I checked my email account, as I had received email alerts for all my other reviews, but found none for this one. It's perfectly possible that I had accidentally junked and deleted as I had an influx of junk mail around that time, but I rather think I'd notice, and either way it's too late to tell now. I tried to look through my account settings to see if the review alert feature had been reset with the site upgrade but I can't seem to find the appropriate page in the new layout. Do you know where I can find the preferences for this feature?
  20. All I can really say is that people are weird, and I think you'd be best not to dwell on it. The sad fact is that reviewers are a minority of their own here on aff, so trying to dissect that small percentage to find out what the majority desires is an exercise in headaches. As to what wome want from fics, well, I can't really tell you. I can tell you what I want in a fic, but I'm just one woman, not the entirety of women kind. Personally, if there has to be sex in a story it must mean something. It doesn't have to be the crux of the plot, though it's nice when it is, and it doesn't have to be long and drawn out, but I want to see the characters build up to it, fall into it, and see the aftermath it leaves, see the characters change and grow because of it. Sex is a big deal, and nothing turns me off a story more than pointless smut being shoved into every chapter just for the sake of having smut. Don't get me wrong, I love a good pwp as much as the next person, but if there are going to be multiple chapters I expect the characters sex to actually amount to something in terms of character development or plot, depending on what sort of story it is. As for rape, well, if rape is sexualised, or trivialized and used as a device for some other plot point then I'll drop a story like it's hot. The former because it is not what I'm into that and the latter because it upsets me and makes me frustrated with society. But if a story actually explores to trauma and aftermath of rape and shows a person struggling to heal or to get on with life, that's the sort of rapefic I'm interested in reading, though I usually avoid the tag because the latter type of story is scarcely found. Just don't focus on making things women-friendly or man-friendly, in this day and age people can decide what they want for themselves and will take it as they find it. Just focus on crafting good stories the way you want them, and eventually your audience will make themselves known.
  21. When I think angelic weapons, I always think "on fire" thanks to the story of genesis. As for armour I'm not sure, I tend to think of them as not wearing or not needing armour and I'm particularly fond of some of the older descriptions, when they have six wings, one pair to cover their bodies, one pair to cover their faces, another left to fly. I'm not particularly religious, but after being dragged along to church for years a kid that's the one description that's managed to stick with me. I just like their inhuman incarnations more, it's more aesthetically interesting than a pretty person with wings and a halo.
  22. I dunno. I'm not exactly fanatic about that sort of thing, if someone can keep their chosen pairing in character and pull of an interesting story with good character dynamics I'll read it and will usually be quite the happy camper. I'm not exactly fussy, unless it's with my own characters, but I think I'm rather biased in that regard.
  23. Where did all these feels come from? I could swear I plotted this out to be a fluff chapter

  24. Hello people! No new chapter today I'm afraid. Chapter seven is giving me grief, but chapter eight is shaping up quite nicely. The reason I'm posting today is that I decided to give myself a treat for making it through uni this semester, and commissioned the lovely, amazing FiDi to draw up a simple couple sketch page of Lauchlan and Corbin. You can see it on her deviantart here, I think she did a spot on job of capturing them! I really can't encourage you to go and give this girl your money, she's a wonderful artist, especially where the human form is concerned, unlike myself who struggles with such things often. Thankyou all, and hopefully I'll be back soon with a new chapter!
  25. Guh! Two subjects down, one to go. I can't wait for uni break.

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