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Everything posted by LockedBox

  1. 14740 EDIT: I have 99 problems but a post ain't one.
  2. OMFG, LEECHES! LEECHES EVERYWHERE! They're crawling through the grass like a horde of blood sucking, hungry ants and showering down from the trees like droplets of black, squriming, biting rain! I don't like nature anymore, please take me home now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LockedBox


      Yes, exactly! Only the kind of leeches you find on wall street DON'T FALL FROM THE SKY SEEKING YOUR LIVING FLESH!

    3. JayDee


      Clearly you've never been to wall street. All those dudes they said jumped during the big 1929 crash? They were just looking for snacks! Big human snacks!

    4. BronxWench


      I resemble that remark... ::grins::

  3. I use photos for my desktop. I'm boring that way.
  4. I've made a deviantart account for all of my pretties. A lot of this stuff is for uni so I would love it if you could pop in and lend me your opinions! http://lockedbox.deviantart.com/gallery/

  5. Cheese.

    1. WillowDarkling


      Dragon foreskin type?

    2. JayDee
    3. LockedBox


      I was referring to the dairy product. As in, coming from a female cow. Now I shall make an offhand comment about the havoc it wreaks upon my bowels in order to combat the mental image you've planted in my head.

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