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Everything posted by LockedBox

  1. Hello AFF, It's been a while but Ch3 is finally here! There were a few issues in RL that sent progress grinding to a hault, but now it is back at last. This chapter is when things start getting interesting I hope you all enjoy the read!
  2. Getting myself a new aquarium this week. I'm stupidly excited already!

  3. Thankyou for reading lisbetadair and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply! University is a demanding mistress and it slipped my mind. Thankyou so much for the flattering comments and constructive criticism. It's great to get feedback like this, which is surprisingly hard to come by in this community. As for your concerns, I definitely see where you are coming from, I was a bit too hasty when I posted my first chapter, and looking back at it there are a lot of things I'd like to change if I can find the time. It was important for me to establish Ida's "presence" early, seeing as Lauchlan thinks about her often. With what I know now, I probably could have introduced her a little more gently, and I'll definitely keep that in mind if I can scrounge up enough time and creativity for that edit. As for your second point, I don't want to give too much away but it is important that their relationship starts out the way that it does. I probably could have written it a little more smoothly, but I'm confident that the way that it's done is best for both the characters and the plot. These machinations will become more apparent as the story unfolds. Thankyou again for reading and I'm glad that you enjoyed it, I hope that you enjoy the following chapters just as much as the first!
  4. They've gone the same way as the art feedback my friend, though I was never really around when the feedback was plentiful I have to say that I am guilty of read and running as I like to call it. I just don't know what to say, and just saying "I liked this" feels cheap and unnecessary to me. If a story has no reviews or if there is something that stands out as bad or especially good then I'll usually give it a go, but most of the time I can never think of anything worth saying.
  5. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/specials/35137-live-action-fanfic-lay-your-head-down-darling Dear god. THIS is what happens when real people read real-person-fiction about them! I don't know if I should be ashamed that real person fanfics this bad exists or to start wrting them myself!
    1. BronxWench


      Okay, that was not only insanely funny but a very good reason why RPF should not exist...

    2. DemonGoddess


      OMFG...there are tears....very, VERY funny!

  6. THANKYOU! I have wanted to say this so many times now.
  7. Alright guys, It's been a bit longer than anticipated so I thought I would let you all know that I am not dead. Chapter three IS written, and it will be posted, but some issues have come up in real life and those issues come first. The chapter has been written and has been given it's first edit. At the moment it's being combed again for any issues that slipped through the first time and several changes I made are being checked and edited as well. Once that edit is done, the chapter should be ready to post. I can not make guarantees pertaining to when that will be but I don't think it will be too much longer now. Sorry for the wait everyone, but I think it will be worth it
  8. The new rainbows are refusing to eat anything that isn't either a bloodworm or soaked in garlic. I think the wierdest part is that I'm starting to like the smell.

  9. Now I remember why I never wanted a deviantart. I was excited to use an art forum to exchange ideas and feedback and what did I get? A bunch of elitist trolls who calls anyone who follows the etiquette rules a "n00b", throw foul insults at anyone who asks them to be polite and generally stomp all over anyone trying to have an honest to god discussion. There were good people buried under there somewhere I'm sure, but heavens above! Does that place not even have moderators?

    1. BronxWench


      If they do have moderators, it's not generally evident. Seriously, it's not a place for anyone who cares about art more than popularity and group think.

    2. DemonGoddess


      Oh, they do have 'em. Worthless lot, though.

    3. DemonsAngel


      They have them. One girl raised a stink about another girl stealing her art, when they didn't even look the same and were clearly different. Then her and a bunch of other people bullied the poor girl, so the mods made HER remove her work, instead of doing something about the bullies and lying bitch who accused her in the first place. So yes, they exist. They just suck.

  10. 14959
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  12. You have the answers you came for, please stop bothering the moderators. Arguing with them achieves nothing but frustration. This is Apollos site, she runs it, pays for it, and hosts it at her own liability. She can call you a drama monger if she damn well wants to, and frankly I'd like to as well. This is her site, she has made simple, fair rules and if you break them there are consequences, for authors and for readers. It is the author, the one who broke the rules, you should be angry at, not Apollo and her mod crew. This site is free and as such none of us are entitled to anything that this site provides or restricts. Just be grateful that the moderators exist here and that they take the time to answer your questions.
  13. The fish aren't here yet, and I have to work tomorrow, sigh. I've written *detailed* instructions on what to do and masking taped them to the top of the fishtank, along with the necessary equipment. Lets hope that Dad can actually be bothered to read and follow them.

  14. I just ordered myself some new fish! Haven't heard back yet but I'm already pretty excited..

  15. 14830
  16. Wow, being the easter bunny is even more fun than waiting for it! I don't know why I haven't started doing this years ago... oh yeah, I remember now, SLEEP!

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  22. "You're too old for easter chocolates" they said, "We can get some in the sales" they said. Well F that. I just went out and spent $60 dollars on easter chocolates for everyone, except me. Let the guilt tripping commence.

  23. 14773
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  25. 14746
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