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Everything posted by LockedBox

  1. That story was one of shii's and it was deleted, unfortunately. You can find a copy of the first few chapters here.
  2. 14538
  3. 14527
  4. 14513
  5. I have to draw 65 self portraits for my course. Sixty Five. I've only drawn 15 of them and I'm already sick of my face.

    1. WillowDarkling


      Try to draw ten in chibi style? That way you can laugh at your face for a little bit.... *is honestly trying to help* :D

    2. LockedBox


      The main idea is to experiment in medium and style, so I might give that a go. We are allowed to break things up with 5 sculptures, 5 digital pieces and 5 photos. I'm thinking of making a model of a brain from sculpy, sticking it into a jar of vinegar and labeling it Homo Aspergers or something like that.

  6. 14499
  7. As a fellow beginner, I can certainly understand your desire to trash your story and replace it with something better, but please let me add my two cents first. Firstly, I don't think your story is bad. It's no War and Peace and it does have significant flaws, but it's not bad bad. Its flaws are obvious, yes, but all of the major factors which make a story enjoyable are strong. You have a compelling main character, an intriguing setting, a variety of different, colourful characters and a very strong plot which centers around emotions and relationships, a plot that is both rare and difficult to pull off. Just look at twilight if you want to see exactly how badly those plots can turn out when handled incorrectly. While on the subject of twilight, let me compare the two to show you how not-bad your story is. Twilight is bad, that is undisputed fact. However, it is not considered bad due to it's grammar or style, instead it is considered bad due to its unrealistic and unemotional characters, it's disregard for lore and myth, it's contrived plot and numerous plot holes. While your story does have flaws it has few of the flaws that twilight has. Your characters are interesting and unique, I had trouble keeping track of them, but that is a matter of execution, not concept. Your characters have real emotions and they explode and overreact like all people do. I don't like them at all, but that is why the story is interesting. It's interesting to see how they begin to grow in understanding as the story progresses, even if their progress is next to nothing at the moment. That is why I wouldn't consider your story bad. It has interesting characters and a unique plot that is genuinely intriguing and entertaining. I'm not going to dispute your worries over your grammar. I can see that it is a bit poor, but the thing is, so is mine. Grammar is a thing that very few people understand completely, and the english language is by far the most complicated of them all. There is certainly no shame in having poor grammar if you go out of your way to learn and improve. That is what life is all about, after all. Having said that, I can see why you might want to erase your original from the internet, but I don't think you should. Everyone has started somewhere, and if you could see some of my earlier, misguided attempts at fiction you would be equally horrified. Thank goodness they were never posted, but the thing is that I still have them. I even give them a read from time to time. While it isn't particularly pretty it is fun to look back and remember the mindset that I had when I wrote them, and to see just how far I have come since then. It's a very good feeling. Just looking at your page I can see that you have over 20 000 hits and almost 300 reviews, that's a lot of people who have taken the time to read your story felt so strongly about it that they just had to write and tell you. If you take your story down from the net then all of those reviews, rankings and hits will be gone, and you will never get them back. Don't throw away every thing that you've earned so far just because you could have done better, you might decide that you don't want to re write it, or that you can't, and by then everything you worked so hard for will be gone. Keep your original up, even if it's flawed. It still has great value to you and to other people. It would never have made the impact it made if it wasn't. I wish you luck in your rewriting endeavor, and may I suggest a great site to help you out; writerscrit.com .Its only a newish site, being online for half a year now but the owner there is a very exceptional person who takes the time to read and give detailed feedback to every user who submits work to the feedback center. It takes her a while, she's only one woman after all, but all together she has given me feedback for over 35000 words worth of writing, as have many other authors through the regular workshops and writing wars. It has been an invaluable resource and the quality of my writing has soared ever since I joined. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
  8. Guilty, yet not guilty. I just ran away before anyone could connect me to the scene of the crime Don't judge me, I was in china town. Everyone was doing it. Have you ever left an important assignment till the night before and yet somehow manage to score an A?
  9. Glad to be here! Like I said before, this is set in a work akin to the late 1800's. I used a lot of artistic license with the laws and society of the time for the sake of story telling. I know it sounds like a bit of a cop out but I know my characters, if they lived the real 1800's poor Lauchlan would have a nervous break down and Corbin would undoubtedly be in rotting in gaol, so I shaped the world around the story that I wanted to write instead of trying to twist the story to fit a specific time and place. I wouldn't recommend writing this way, seeing as I've written myself into corners several times now. But I still think the end product is worth reading, and so long as it is I'm going to keep writing it. It's my first story after all, experience is the best way to learn.
  10. Hello all. I'm very happy to say that I now have a beta, so if you were thinking of contacting me please hit the back button and give someone else a much needed hand. Thanks for considering it though
  11. It's hovercat, he just hovers on by. I chuck a glass coffee table shaped like the star ship Enterprise.
  12. I am back in buisness, whoo!

  13. Good to see I haven't been completely forgotten! Thankyou for reading anon, and you can certainly bet that more is coming! The story isn't really precise enough to be called true historical fiction, but it is closely based on Britain during the late Victorian period. I've changed lot of things around such as ignoring several wars that occurred at the time and restructuring the laws to benefit my characters and their respective character archs, and I really wanted to build settings that were my own. For instance, sodomy was illegal and carried a jail sentence in England until the year of 1967, and remained illegal in some parts of the UK until 1992! That would definitely throw a spanner into the character archs I wanted to write so I exercised my artistic license and fudged that law a little.
  14. Bugger. Will hyperlinks be enabled later on? I wanted to make a link to my new review reply thread in my AN.
  15. Yeah that's what I did to fix it. Will copy pasting preserve hyperlinks when pasted into the editor?
  16. When uploading a new chapter I encountered a very strange glitch which turned every apostrophe into what appeared to be an upside down capitol Q. It started when i wanted to upload a chapter, as I was feeling lazy and I couldn't figure out how to add hyperlinks in teh new editor. I selected the upload option form the submit chapter menu and selected the doc file. The menu then complained that it could only accept html or plain text files. I then went back to word, saved the file as a html file using the save as menu and uploaded it. The editor uploaded it with little fuss. I went into the freshly minted chapter to check it and I found that every single apostrophe had been replaced by the strange character I mentioned earlier. I checked the htm file and there was nothing wrong with it, I've attached it along with some screen shots so you will know what I mean. MBWLAYWGS CH2A, with AN.htm You see, it's so damn trippy I thought I was just sleep deprived but nope, it's real. It was relatively easy to fix with copy pasta and control-F but I think this should be looked into sooner rather than later.
  17. Welcome all, to my humble thread. Here in these hallowed pages I shall be replying to all of the reviews left on my m/m romance story Mix Beer With Liquor and You Will Get Sicker, which can be found here. I apologize to those whom have already reviewed, but for the sake of consistency I shall only be replying to reviews left after the creation of this thread. Know, however, that all of your praise, advice and attention made my day. If you have a question concerning the story or myself and do not want to ask it in review form (I would prefer it if you left reviews, but it is always your call) then feel free to ask it here, I love to start up discussions anything and nothing in particular. But please note that I will not be handing out plot spoilers, detailed back stories or bank numbers just because you ask nicely. All of that will be explored in time, you'll just have to wait for it. If you want to be kept in the loop then wander over to my promotion thread here, I'll be announcing new chapters there as well as having the odd gripe. That's all I've got to say in the mean time. Thankyou for reading and I hope to hear from you all soon!
  18. Hi everyone, I live! After eight long, painful months of neglect, exams and vanishing betas I am back and Mix Beer with Liquor has its second chapter, whoo! I can't honestly express how great it feels to have this story back off the ground after so long so I'll just quit the jibber jabber and get to the story! Author: LockedBox (that would be me ) Title: Mix Beer With Liquor and You Will Get Sicker Summary: Lauchlan never thought himself a violent man, quite the opposite in fact but when Lauchlan finds himself in another man's bed he starts to reconsider everything that he thought he knew about love, his life and his mysterious bed partner. Feedback: Feedback is mana from heaven! Seriously, I don't care if you hate it, love it or think that it has all the entertainment value of a slab of concrete, just keep your tone cordial and your critique constructive and I will be a happy author. Fandom: This is the spawn of my sleep deprived and caffeine fueled imagination. Pairing: M/M, Lauchlan/Corbin Warnings: M/M, Oral, Anal, rim URL: http://original.adul...hp?no=600104061 Without much ado I am happy to invite you to read my story! I shall be using this thread to announce new chapters and edits, so please subscribe if you want to be kept in the loop. Speaking of which I have also started a review reply thread over here, in which I shall be replying to all of my reviews from now on. If you have a question about my story please leave it in a review or post in the review reply thread and I will be back to you as soon as possible. I'm afraid, however, that I may not answer any questions pertaining to the back stories and motivations of my main characters. Many of these details will be key later in the story and I do not hand out spoilers just because you ask nicely. Don't let that put you off though. I love having discussions so don't hesitate to swing by and have a chat, there are plenty of other things that I am all too happy to talk about. Thankyou very much for reading and I hope that you enjoy the fruit of my imagination!
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