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Everything posted by LockedBox

  1. Hello AFF! Chapter six, Know Which Side Your Bread Is Buttered On, has been posted to AFF! Unfortunately due to RL issues my beta was unable to proofread this chapter. I've done my best to self edit but any input you may have toward the piece would be gratefully accepted, as is all and any feedback.
  2. I caught myself a shiny Mightyena in pokemon x today. I don't even care that it's useless, this game is awesome.

  3. Finally got around to making a half way presentable avatar for myself. Probably the most productive thing I've done all break, sad to say.

  4. Not Guilty, there aren't any twisters in this part of the world for me to watch. Ever put a couple of books on your desk to make it look like you're working, when your really just derping around online and clicking to a word doc when people are looking?
  5. Arg! I fail to dodge and become a puddle of rainbow colours, tittering from the fumes. I chuck a chicken.
  6. Sorts through the yaoi to find the stuff void of goal bait woobies and romanticized rape scenes, and uses the rest for kindling. Tosses a block of cheese
  7. I can't believe I've been working on off on this chapter since may! And I started this story two years ago! Why can I never get anything done at a reasonable pace? Seriously, I write a lump of 7000 words in a sitting, but in five months I can't write a thing that actually moves the story forward. I have got to make a schedule or something or I'll never get anything done.

    1. SillySilenia


      It might help you to write non-chronologically and focus on some scenes you already know will come first, then work on the parts connecting those scenes second. Sometimes helps me.

    2. LockedBox


      Worth a go! It would definitely be more productive than just doing nothing, even if the scenes end up daisy chained together.

  8. March of the black queen in my pants. I think I should be afraid.
  9. Arg, anything I try to write is MELODRAMA! Why?

    1. JayDee


      You're the re-incarnation of Jean-Jacques Rousseau?

    2. LockedBox


      I hope not, powdered wigs are seriously unflattering.

    3. JayDee


      I'll admit that my powdered merkin business isn't doing great, but I was just gonna blame the democrats

  10. Urgh. Finally got my mid semester assignments done. Now I've only got a tonne more which are harder, and the uni in their infinite wisdom decided to put the mid semester break back in week four before we even got the assignments, so no break for me this term :/ Of course now the creative gods decided to throw me a little inspiration for MBWLAYWGS. I think I'm gonna be up all night writing this down, if I can coax it out of my head that is.

  11. hey, sure, go nuts. Typos are free game as far as I'm concerned.
  12. I promised myself I wouldn't go back and rewrite things until the fic was finished over all, but everytime I look at the first chap of MBWLAYWGS it keeps getting worse and worse. I don't think I can resist the compulsion. Must... Nitpick... GAH! I'm never going to get anything finished at this rate.

  13. Here's one of mine I just found "He towelled his hands dry with the rage he’d been using" I had no idea my characters had the ability to manifest their rage into linen.
  14. Hello again everybody! It's been far too long, but the wait is finally over. Chapter 5 of Mix Beer With Liquor, "Tickled Pink" is finally posted and I hope you all find it worth the wait!
  15. Hello everyone, the next chapter of Mix Beer with Liquor and You Will Get Sicker has just hit the net! Chapter four, "Curiosity Killed the Cat" is where we finally see that ball start rolling. I hope you all enjoy it!
  16. What the heck did you search for that got you zero results?
  17. Oh dear god, how can so much stupid exist in one person? Lawless, I couldn't have said it better myself, thankyou! Apollo, I'd like to apologize on behalf of this self obsessed git. They are obviously hoisted so high up in prima donna land that they can't see the real world below! If I were in your shoes, I'd hall of shame this self entitled brat and preserve this thread for posterity, I still can't believe that she's for real! EDIT: What do you know, she's been shamed already, ha! Apollo, you are officially a baddass. I salute you
  18. -Lisbet AdairHi, it's good to see you again. Thankyou so much for the complements! It's means a lot to hear that you find my style easy to read, as I tend to wander off topic and talk about things noone care about in real life conversations. To hear that my writing is pushing all the buttons I want to push is very relieving Thanks for telling me about the typos, and please continue pointing them out if you find more. I have a bad habit of going to edit a sentence, pressing delete once and then changing my mind and forgetting to press undo. If you saw the raw version you would find a lot of typos like that. Though not all of them would be quite as amusing I wouldn't be surprised if that particular typo was inserted after it was beta'd, as my beta is pretty good at picking those up. I'll try to be more vigilant in future Now, about the hot waterbottle. I know it sounds rather silly (and in retrospect Corbin's reaction may have been a bit too hammy) but that is actually what you should do in a case of hypothermia. I take regular courses in first aid for work and for when I'm camping, and had my manual to hand when I was writing this particular bit. Placing a source of heat between a persons legs, toward the groin, and then folding the persons legs towards their chest is one of the best ways to help raise a persons body temperature (though placing a source of heat in the armpits and around the neck are also recommended, if you can manage all four you definitely should) because the femoral arteries are both very close to the surface there and will help move the heat through the body, and then folding their legs towards their torso helps to prevent any of the heat from escaping. True facts! Thanks again for reading and leaving such useful feedback. I hope you continue to enjoy my writing efforts and I'll see you next chapter
  19. I am on the hugest David Bowie kick just now, have been for months and I doubt It will end in the foreseeable future. If sexy is what you want, give Width Of a Circle a listen, I can't find a good video of it, so have some ziggy All of his songs are full of inspiration, but other staples of mine are Starman, Teenage Wildlife, Five Years, Time, 1984/Dodo, Lets Spend the Night Together (cover of The Rolling Stones) Sorrow (cover of the Mccoys), Move On, Queen Bitch, John, I'm Only Dancing, Janine, God Knows I'm Good and The Prettiest Star You also can't go past Meat Loaf if you need some passion injected into things, that guy injects his heart and soul and every emotion he has into every single song he sings, some more successfully than others I'll admit. For Crying Out Loud is still one of my favorite love longs though, and Objects in The Rear View Mirror can still make me cry on a bad day. A few others well worth noting and listening too are Adam Ant, The Choirboys, Jet, Jo Jo Zepp and the Falcons, Supertramp and a long time favorite of mine The Skyhooks.
  20. Finally got my new aquarium set up! Mum seems impressed and Dad is begrudgingly realizing that the floor is not going to collapse and the circuit breaker is not going to burst into flame. I can't wait for my new plants to arrive in the mail.

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