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Everything posted by sumeragichan

  1. Pen Name: Hopebringer Jem Story link: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600086449&chapter=2 Torm's Tears, Sacrifice's Gift, Angel's Life Review replies link: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/21152-hopebringer-jems-reply-thread/page__gopid__228624#entry228624 Type of fic: Flash Fic Rating: Adult Fandom: Forgotten Realms, Dungeon and Dragons Pairing: OC (Thistle/Seth) Warnings: Het, Angst, Death, Implied Torture and mental traumatizing of a small child, No Sex
  2. Torm's Tears, Sacrifice's Gift, Angel's Life Notes and explanations: Alright first off, this is based off a few happenings that occurred in a game I was dungeon mastering/running in the 3.5 rules set. They clearly state that outsiders such as celestials cannot be brought back via resurrection and raise dead. It takes the equivalence of a miracle(divine) or wish(arcane) spell. For a god to do as such, it takes a drain on his divine level and power available to do his job. This can be difficult on gods in Forgotten Realms. I know some probably know this like the back of their hand, but just in case. XD Responses: none yet
  3. Pen Name: Hopebringer Jem Story link: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600086449 Review replies link: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/21152-hopebringer-jems-reply-thread/ Type of fic: Drabble Rating: Adult Fandom: Games-Dungeon's & Dragons 3.5, Forgotten Realms Pairing:OC/OC Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, M/F, NoSex, OC, Romantic Musing
  4. <div align="center"><u><b><i><font color="#800080">Lathander's Light, Angel's Love</font></i></b></u><br></div><font color="#800080"> Jay Dee: Thanks! I know it's a small font, but that's the size of the font on my text editor. I'm glad that it got that across.<br><br>Bronx Wench: You will, rest assured. Along with an interesting cast.... I'm hoping to eventually use Fzoul even... Maybe Halaster Blackcloak. XD<br></font>
  5. Updated a chapter finally! Running the Guantlet now has its third chapter up! http://movies.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600093940&chapter=3

  6. Author's notes Okay, this is sort of a intro/character guide to the gem game arc… or the arc that has Diamond in it. Or in other words, the story arc that starts of with Running the Gauntlet. Basically, RtG deals with three tellurians who are taken from their home against their will, and is told through Diamond's point of view. Thus, it does tend to be seen through her biases and feelings. This story idea was started back five, six, seven years ago and has evolved much since it's conception. So, as I progress with my learning, it still changes all the more. For the most part, it'll be action/adventure, with a touch of humor and sarcasm. However, I am hoping to explore some more philosophical things in this too, just a bit, since it's almost a prologue to the Gem Game arc, or it's very beginning. So, every now and then, the style will seem to change, but I guess it's to be expected. There will be several cameo appearances by characters in the Star Wars continuity and extended time lines that is considered the most "cannon" just after the movies. Yes, I'm even in time hoping to explore the villain's psyche through the ever changing perspective of that of a not quite mature, but maturing teenager in some scenes as the arc goes onto it's fruition. We all do have to grow up sometimes- I guess. Anyway, onto the original characters so far introduced. Diamond Berchange Age 15 at start From A south-eastern part of her country Miscellaneous She has curly auburn hair with blue eyes and fair skin. Plus is fairly spirited. She's the narrator of the story for the most part as the story is told through her eyes. In time, more is revealed about her. As a side note- Diamond is not her real name. It is actually just a nickname given a hasty last name. Courtney Du'pre Age 19 at start From A south-eastern part of her country Miscellaneous Strawberry blond with brown eyes. Is actually a distant cousin to diamond and Mitchel's ex-girlfriend. Both she and diamond are short Mitchel Keats Age 18 at start From A south-eastern part of his country Miscellaneous Dark, tall, and fairly good looking. Courtney's ex-boyfriend and a friend to both her and Diamond. Merolin Age 30'ish From Telluria, presumable an Inglish speaking part of it, possibly country of origin debatable at this point. Miscellaneous Translator, will find more about him as story goes on, but is average looking with brownish-blond hair and hazel eyes. Aurelius Age 50'ish From Telluria, several hundreds of years in its past as compared to Merolin. His native tongue has yet to be discussed. Miscellaneous A kind seeming man who once was a solider for a great empire in Telluria's past. He now serves as an instructor to help others adjust to their new environment. A job that both causes him great pain and sorrow as many of those he teaches do not survive for long periods of time. He possesses a near Etruscan look about him with olivine skin, hazel-green eyes, and dark brown hair. Mystery Hallway Man Age Apparent Mid-twenties From PossiblyTellurian from an unknown period and location, only his accent seems to be relatively close sounding to Mitchel, Courtney, and Diamond. Any other information has yet to be determined. Miscellaneous A somewhat odd fellow who seems to have a thing for appearing out of nowhere and being cryptic. Also a bit of an ass it seems. No one else has yet to acknowledge seeing him, so it’s hard to tell if he is real or just a rather mouthy figment of Diamond’s imagination. Other than this he seems to be a bit shorter than some of the other guys around him, still taller than Courtney or Diamond. His hair seems to be a darker brown with almost hazel-toned golden eyes. His skin tone is a bit paler but almost a touch hard to distinguish. So far he seems almost non-discript in dressing habits and appearance. This could still just be proof of him not being real. General Information Telluria is set in a different part of the universe, it's location as of this point is unknown if it is in the unknown regions or deep within the galactic core. As a result, scientific progress has varied in each area as well as how the force settles in and communicates with the different natives of each area and planet. For years each has lived thinking the other is no more than a figment of the imagination, until an inexplicable phenomenon brought Tellurians to their part of the cosmos, however, the time period and travels through the waves differ. This thusly alters some history, as it is known, by introducing the concept of "channels" or those who could increase the force capacity in others to the Jedi and dark Jedi, and Siths. Telluria itself is based on Earth, so for convenience sake a lot of terminology will remain similar for sake of familiarity and sanity preserving on the part of this author. However a few odd spellings and roots of words will be used. Review Replies Currently None
  7. That first one drives me nuts when I see that on any fic. If you don't like the subject matter don't read it! If you're too stupid or lazy to read a summary, title, or tags... Don't go on a rampaging rant on the author who gave ample warning.
  8. Beautiful Goodbye by Amanda Marshall
  9. They are nice to get, but I've never gotten that many reviews so I suppose it's never occurred to me to really meditate much on the topic. Although I have wondered about those who flame certain story types when the summary clearly states that it is that kind of story. Oh well, it is a mystery me... I'm just grateful if someone decides to leave one or constructive crit if they even read my stuff. XD
  10. Okay then, I came across this letter to the editors in a recent political party periodical that gets mailed to my husband and I recently. It brought up a somewhat potentially controversial and provocative point on a- at times touchy- subject. Should hard drugs- and drugs in general- be made legal? Personally, I live in the USA, but I figured everyone had an opinion and might like to try and weigh in on this topic as well. I'll list some of the things mentioned in the article right now: 1) If they were legal, couldn't reputable businesses sell them at lower than street prices for a higher quality product since they would obviously want to keep repeat customers? 2) Wouldn't this free up scientists to do research and possibly develop safer, lesser lethal forms of these drugs? 3) This could free up marijuana for medical use as well without the government red tape. 4) For the drugs that require needles, couldn't the medical field OPENLY encourage using new and sterile needles (this would help prevent the spread of blood borne diseases)? 5)There could also be places for these goings on (like how smokers have their hidey holes in some buildings) that would keep it away from young children and children in general. 6) Reputable business would be far less likely to sell to minors due to steep potential penalties and other such consequences. What do you guys think about all this?
  11. Not really. Ever been walked in on by a child, may or may not be related...
  12. Had to have mom's car towed as it stalled and wouldn't start back up.... fun way to spend an hour.

  13. Living after flu is better than living during it apparently. ^_^ Thanks for all the well wishes. Luckily pixling only got croupy.

  14. dying.... My body aches and my head feels like I have four dwarven forges going full blast on it.

    1. Shadowknight12


      Hope you get better!

    2. DemonGoddess


      aw man! Hope it's not that nasty flu that's going around. :( Feel better!

    3. BronxWench


      Yikes! Feel better soon!

  15. True, but some bubbles seem to have realized that. So I try to be nice about it. Kind of anyways.
  16. not guilty. Ever wanted food instead of something else?
  17. elf
  18. Thank you! I agree with these points utterly. Why did they open his mail up indeed....
  19. Hate to burst your bubble, but Obama's policies that he has put in and pushed to get put in are on a socialist agenda. I'm a moderate myself in this area, but still the actions support their statement. So it's not just a low blow anymore. Like it, hate it, don't give a damn, or can't be bothered as one wilt be... It's kinda there.
  20. So far ACTA has fallen through the cracks since, I believe, quite a few countries were not willing to play ball. Although, another issue for Americans using the board has come up. Net neutrality in the US was somewhat done away with around Christmas 2010. So I don't know if the FCC board will be a problem at the moment, it may be a bigger one for the Americans of the board and site later.
  21. Snow, snow go away. Come again another day.

  22. To each their own. ;; Multi-clients are the only option i have at the moment with my OS, so I suppose I got used to the idea of them somewhat quickly.
  23. That would be absolutely positively frustrating. The last Window system I used was XP and that drove me nuts with some things at times. Especially some of the unwanted stuff that snuck in on updates. I'll keep that AV in mind if a friend on windows has problems like this... But I would still stand by my suggestion of maybe a new IM client that could help filter things a bit.
  24. The media is largely ran by some very liberal-inclined people on the political scale. Of course they are biased as all get out. ^-^;; Try being a libertarian or some other third party supporter who would like a more moderate view in politics reflective of their own tastes.... You are a terrorist and just unpatriotic according to some media sources. Sad isn't it?
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