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Everything posted by sumeragichan

  1. Latest screenshot of my desktop. XD
  2. Take care dear. We'll pray for you and yours on this end.
  3. Went to read about Pixar's Brave to see if I want to take pixling to see it. See a tread on Imdb about defiant heroines being cliche. Only one person brings up it being a classic literature archetype, everyone else has spiraled into trolling and reactionistic spirals. I now remember why I never read any forum threads there....

    1. Hairyhaggis


      sometimes it's best to just go on FB for the pages as you tend to avoid all the drama (unless it's part of a fandom)and you can get more detail about what it is you want to see from differing viewpoints while getting some BTS footage etc. I follow the hobbit on their for that very reason. :)

    2. Hairyhaggis
  4. Let's see... 1. pay off bills 2. buy a NEW new car (not new to me car) 3. get insurance on it paid off for two years 4. Get a decent house and set up savings account to pay for taxes and insurance on it 5. Get decent health insurance 6. split up sum between parents, grandmother, in-laws, sis, and hubby 7. split up lesser sum between close friends 8. set up trust fund for pixling and start her a savings account for school 9. put her in a Catholic pre-school/school 10. start up savings account 11. Go for RN and Nurse Practioner this much sooner 12. Donate to charities around area 13. ????? 14. Profit!! XD Okay, the last two slipped in there.
  5. I don't know.... Sex does have its noun meanings in reference to gender really. I can see how that would work more so than not, but each to their own. Then again, I call a spade a god-damned spade if it's proper name. So I would be more offended by ridiculously fluffy veiled references than a rather bland, almost generically scientific or medical way of calling something myself. At least it's not too far fetched. Although metaphor has it's place... Just no dirty pillows please! Just my two cents really. Again, each to their own.
  6. Hang in the Mel. It's tough loosing someone to cancer. Do you have someone close to you whom you can talk with over these issues? I don't know how things go in Australia, but I know some hospice care facilities and companies in the States usually have support groups for the survivors and memorial services for all the families and friends of the deceased every so often. If that's availible I would suggest going. Closure can help the healing process a lot. I've had a grandmother die from senility and a stroke and my grandfather on the same side died of kidney and bladder cancer back around the end of September. It was hard, but the same facility was with both of them (home services mostly) and held memorials and support groups for all the families. It helped my family out a lot. To be honest, there has been a great deal of research into possible genetic causes with cancer lately. Unfortunately, the research hasn't turned up a completely viable option to take care of it. Ironically the same gene sequence that is thought to be responsible for cancer has also shown up in centurians. I don't know how long it will take for it to be done however.
  7. It's your baby, do what you will. I have enjoyed reading it to be honest. Still, I've done a complete re-write or seven of my own so I can't fault you. About the last part, it's your story- so do what you will. I would have liked to read about those two characters to be honest and it's a trait I've noticed in a lot of your works. I tend to find the characterization you've used for them more common than the faghag one. Which stories have you read with those in it? I'm honestly curious now....
  8. *Ish sick and tearing mini abrassions in upper tracheya and esphogial linings.* The joys of life....

    1. WillowDarkling


      hmmm, don't think we can put a band-aid on that one... Hug, instead?

    2. sumeragichan


      Thanks. I ended up at the doctor's yesterday... Things you don't want pixling to see...

  9. Congrats and way ta ga!
  10. To all those I was beta-ing for. I haven't forgotten you, things have just been busy. If you need to look for someone else, that's fine. Sorry that it's taken a while to get back to you.

  11. Amen to that one Spiral. I have a child and a life so... Feel free to vent! XD I believe it can help to clear out all the problems so...
  12. Megaupload is an online Hong Kong–based company established in 2005 that ran a one-click hosting online service of the same name, along with its sister services. The site was shut down by the U.S. Justice Department on January 19, 2012, during an investigation into alleged copyright infringement.Is anyone else upset over this audacity.... More on it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaupload

    1. spiralbreeze


      Ugh, that sucks that was my go to place for movies.

    2. sumeragichan


      They are fighting back to get their servers and things back. It was pretty much a gross misuse of power that wasn't even valid to begin with so... I'm hoping the US JoD gets slammed hard for this.

  13. I love it Rogue
  14. I'll be participating. I've already written my representatives in congress pretty repeatedly about the subject.
  15. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29086-medicaid-prior-auth-form-for-cymbalta-maximun-dose-cymbalta/ I don't know where else to report it
  16. Okay, to the point. Freedom of Speech is VERRA good. This site is hosted in the USA, so unless the laws change that SHOULD stay. Sometimes squick-ish things are part of plot or backstory... Deal with it like a responsible adult.... Don't read it. Simple, no? You have the right to get as offended as you want here, but not the right to NOT be offended. That would be the rub of it really so... No. Restrictions shouldn't be there... However standards for grammar or spelling might not be unheard of.... But please no.
  17. Thank you very much. Although it looks like he imitated a duck's tail feathers for a hair style more so than ugly.... Although then again... Although the damn near internal fits he can have if anyone might possibly be considered more powerful or if someone works to being there is just a bit... Off-putting to be honest. Yeah.... He's also too self-centered on his goals to even think about someone else's well being. He's too willing to kill now without remorse. Almost a psychotic sociopath perhaps? As for the Mamoru/Usagi pairing... Well, I thought he was a dick in the animated series to be honest... In the manga the age gap isn't so bad, and he's not as asshole-ish. So, I can't be too upset about it. Also, Seiya is a pretty nice guy but turns into a girl who is devoted to another princess.... Not such a good alternate. But pairings that bug the living fuck out of me... Any written horribly or unrealistically. In general, that is my going view.
  18. Hang in there for his sake Melrick, all I can say. I lost a grandfather to that recently, so it won't be easy. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  19. Sadly... I'm in between these two generations so... I can see both.
  20. A good bit better than before. It still seems a bit mechanical towards the end to me, but that's just me. I think you're getting on the right track although. I would suggest maybe fleshing out the sensory information on touch and what not but it's up to you on that. Still, much better than before.
  21. Lulz to be had aside... more should drift in eventually...
  22. sumeragichan

    Sasuke Otokage

    might be Meeting the Otokage at the pit... http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3519799/1/Meeting_the_Otokage
  23. Okay, my poor betas have either run away in horror this past year, been swamped with so many IRL issues it isn't funny, or have decided to commit seppuku. Whatever the case may be... I hope they are okay but this has left me in a bit of a pinch. So... I need some brave soul to be willing to beta my stuff! Any volunteers.... Okay. Dead audience, but seriously. I am looking for someone(s) willing to look over my stuff and edit as needed. Grammar, spelling, tone, voice, and consistency are welcomed. I have things in various areas and will write the same amount of topics. If you are willing to submit yourself through my writings.... You then are the beta I so desperately need! Please.... Pretty please with whipped cream and a chocolate and rum or Grand Marnier dipped strawberry on top?
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