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Everything posted by sumeragichan

  1. Sorry pm'ed you before I read all the thread... Whoops.....
  2. I'm the lorax and I speak for the... Oh wait. Wrong one... Sorry. San is having computer registry difficulties. So she won't be on for a bit. Now then that said, any ideas on finding a recovery disk for Windows Vista?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sumeragichan


      She got it through a now bought out RTO business. So, that's not avaible. Any other ways maybe?

    3. RogueMudblood


      I called the computer manufacturer the last time I needed a recovery disk.

    4. sumeragichan


      It's worth a shot.

  3. Honey, it's okay. XD Do what you have to, it's no race on my end. XD I hope you aren't trying to overwhelm yourself really. XD She was your mother, I do understand. IRL needs always come first. XD
  4. I might try... We'll see... XD Damn Hakushaku-sama and his writing....
  5. She's rather good. XD I got the first chapter back from her. XD
  6. Let's be honest. A little bit of everything. I should have some notes linked to help out with the D&D and I can send you to some helpful sites if you need. XD I do DM so I tend to have wikis marked for each setting. Weiss Kruez is an older series, so there should be a lot out there on the web... As long as it is still up. There is always that. However, yes! Hit me with all ya got! XD I am in desperate need of it.
  7. Wonderful! I do tend to write in quite a few genre's and I'm currently dealing with classes and certification, so little rushing on my part. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296898944 Is my profile link, if you want to take a look at it and see if there's anything you would want to go over. I'd appreciate any help possible. I do apologise ahead of time. I am guilty of 5 am typing and writing at times.
  8. Tired. Mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. Why can't getting ahead with your classes not drain you to this point...

    1. BronxWench


      :hug: You're dealing with a lot, love. Sometimes you need to pull back for a day or two and just decompress.
    2. sumeragichan


      Thanks. I just found out my Nana was diagnosed with early stage Parkinson's Disease today. Still, she's in her eighties and they're just now saying that so maybe this is a good sign?

  9. So.... I must first ask how flexible you are and then... :drops to knees and pleads: Help!!!
  10. To all the new guys, HI! Welcome aboard! We're generally a friendly bunch.... er.... most of the time. XD Al, Bob? Isn't that a bit extreme? Anyhoo, back to reactions. Yep. The pit actually backing up it's TOS is a miracle. What is mildly concerning is how hard it is to know exactly what they want to allow. My stuff ( I now use my old pit account for a back up of things) isn't so bad I don't think, but I don't know if it would fall under what they would allow as some of the stuff progresses. I might need a new back up place. Any ideas?
  11. There is sharp pain up and down my spine.... For over a day now.... Does anyone have strong enough alcohol to kill a few selective nerve endings for a little bit?

  12. The Scarlet Pimpernel was my favorite book to be honest.
  13. My car is trying to kill me. First it has to go to the shop for the transmission slipping, then on the way to my parents so we can get it there... It decides to overheat for no reason that can be seen. Fluids all check out, no pressure on the system. Then the speedometer goes out and the fuel gage goes... So rest of ride all nice and roasty to try and cool the damn thing down with emergency blinkers on. I'm ready to shoot it now.

    1. WillowDarkling


      I thought they had trashed Christine O.O

    2. DemonGoddess


      If the fluids check out, sounds like your thermostat may be stuck shut. That'll overheat you in a hurry.

    3. sumeragichan


      Seems it might be a dashboard sensor problem. Thankfully should be fixed in a week... I hope. Having to borrow my father's truck until then. Seriously, I think Christine might have reincarnated some how. They did check the thermostat already so... It's all a bit odd to me still

  14. To be honest. I'll leave a review when I feel I have some thing constructive to input. Whether it be on the Board thread or the review page. A lot of times, I have trouble arranging it in my head, so I'll do the vote thing if I liked the story. There are people like me on this, probably a lot of us. We'll promote our stories (hits boost our itty bitty egos), but we'll write regardless of reviews. Sometimes... Some reviews make you think no reviews are better... Just sometimes. XD
  15. Tomoe's ♥♥ FanFiction Writer's Meme ♥♥ 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? The ever blunt and zany pixie, fearless pursuer of... Oh wait. Wrong one. Hi. Most call me Jem, I tend to be a bit eccentric if that helps. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? The desire to write what I kept coming up with in my head oddly enough. I started writing original shorts for English in 8th grade when the teacher kept asking us to do journal entries. I always claimed I got it from another source instead of me writing it. It was more interesting. In high school, I decided to try and write an original novel or two (manuscripts died to computer error). Then for shits and giggles, I got started on a Star Wars fic... Even got my senior AP English teacher to go over it at the time. It was shitty looking back at it. But at least my grammar was correct! XD 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? I don't suppose whatever I damn well feel like is a good answer, but that's the truth. It all depends on my mood that day. Some days I feel like humor, others serious. I try to keep a sense of connection in it if that helps. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? Not really. I've not written enough to be called either. I usually don't focus on pairings in writing either, only once or twice, and that was to see if I could do it. 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? Beats me. I don't really know if I have a more popular one than others. I take a while to get new chapters up so... Not much of a following to know for sure. If anyone else has a guess, let me know. I'd love to know if I do have one. 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? I can't pick one. I can pick pieces of each one that I am... But not a complete one. Maybe when I finish up some of my multi-parters I could give a better answer. 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? Sometimes, writers block when it hits. It's not specific things that trigger it, but when it hits... It fucking hits hard. Dastardly bastard that it is. 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. ............... I'll get back to you on this one. 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? That depends on my mood really. Sometimes you can read really horrid things and be alright... Although does summing up most of them in “Twilight” count? 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? Hm.... Not too much. I tried to be careful of it but I probably crossed the line here or there. Much of my stuff has never been seen or published at times. 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? Star Wars baby, and hell yes I still do. 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. Don't have those yet.... 13. What would you call your writing "style"? I have a style? 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? Yes. It depends on the day, month, alignment of the heavens, what constellations are showing, and phase of the moon. 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. I dunno yet. I'll tell you when I figure it out. 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? I don't think so. Depends on who you are and how it's given I suppose. Not so much of bloated ego as convincing self not to be fucking lazy. 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? See #14. 18. What inspires you? Random ass shit, could be anything or nothing. Also, see #14. 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? I have fun with it, you don't have to like it but it's nice if you do. I've had some people rip a few things apart, but oh well. Live, learn, and improve. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. If you've read this.... TAG! You're it!
  16. Xenophobia, a fear of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange. Xenophobia can manifest itself in many ways involving the relations and perceptions of one group towards a different group, including a fear of losing identity, suspicion of its activities, aggression, and desire to eliminate its presence to secure a presumed purity. Xenophobia can also be exhibited in the form of an "uncritical exaltation of another culture" in which a culture is ascribed "an unreal, stereotyped and exotic quality". "Racism" and "racial discrimination" are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the UN conventions, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnicity discrimination. In politics, racism is commonly located on the far right due to the far right’s common association with nativism and xenophobia. Now then, I am paraphrasing a few websites for this but let's see. Racism is a disparging reaction to a difference between groups regardless of what this difference is correct? Also, the belief that what is known, familiar, and associated with one group is superior to that of a different group as well? It can also manifest in matters of issues with the intertwining of such aspects as well, if I'm not mistaken... That does sound familiar to the definition of xenophobia, only not to such a severe degree that it always lead to genocide. Xenophobia has been linked to such conflicts. Racism can be an aspect, but usually most racists just don't like the other group for the differences and wish they'd not be around them. Not want them dead. I know there are extremist out there on both sides, but the middle ground is usually the normal one you encounter. Although, there are some who do come from another point of view that is more tribal. In this view the intermingling of cultures can cause the loss of cultural identity of each group. Now, to be honest on a completely seperate note. I am aware some of the things I've said can be construed as anti-racist bullshit to explain things. I don't really care what you think about others, it's your own damn business. It could not be based on concern for you culture and cultural identity. It could be based on economic issues and availibity of jobs. It could be for safety reasons for whatever reason. That's why I said minor form. Sometimes, those horrid things are healthy expressions of concerns worded really fucking badly. But when you're that upset, it happens. That doesn't mean it's right and that doesn't make it criminal. Continually harassing someone will get your ass in trouble, still. People will always have concerns and say stupid shit when they're emotional. Now for people being grown up and taking responsibility for their words and actions, that would be great. However, it can't be forced on them and have it work. Similar to how you can't truly help someone who isn't ready to admit they need help or ready to accept it. This is often an issue with those who have mental, emotional, behaviorial, or personality disorders. When it comes to adversity, we all face it. Removing it from life doesn't help anyone. No, I wouldn't like to be called a cunt. However, I can at least laugh it off or just deal with the idiot who said it as bluntly. I have had to do so with difficult residents at nursing homes and assisted living homes in a professional capacity. Oddly enough, those people ended up being some of my favorite people once we got over that issue. You don't have to take it and you can calmly deal with it like an adult. If I had never had to do it before, I would have broken down in those cases. That is why sugar coating doesn't work. You can insult someone through tone, body language, and even polite word choices. I have ripped people apart without ever saying an impolite word or even one that was thought insulting before like that. Granted, he had it coming but still... It happened. I probably would have done it again even now. Only, I would have made it worse. So, if I wanted to insult someone I could still do it. It wouldn't make it better with polite language. It would still be insulting and putting them down. How is that any better or different in intent? Just prettier words. Not to go in circles, but can and will are two seperate things. Oh yes, they can discern but why should they? Look at totalitarian governments and how they operate. Even look at how protests are treated when they are peaceful. In countries where governments can shut them down, they do. Even quicker than "being a bloody asshole" ones. I don't trust them to want to do it, would be a better way to phrase it. Can doesn't mean will. To be honest, Tigro fielded that pretty well. It wasn't to provide a straw-man arguement, but to illustrate his point with something we would all laugh our asses off over. The fact it is ridiculous was the point. XD
  17. Thank you! Fucking thank you for that. A crime should be a crime regardless of who did what to whom. Yes it is libel to print an opinion that may not be true as if it were a fact or to print a lie as if it were the fact. Slander is its spoken equivilence. They exsist to protect people's reputations and memory from such acts. Which does nothing to fix the problem, only cover it with a thin veneer and say there. It's all better now. No, it's not. Ignoring the issue doesn't make it go away. Racism is a minor form of xenophobia and all groups suffer from it. To be honest, it's a double standard as well. If you are of a group that is seen as an "oppresive majority" you are expected to follow it. If you are from a minority you are not. If you are disabled you are not while a perfectly healthy person is. This doesn't work. Legislating politeness and any from of kindness isn't a government's job. It is to: 1. Make sure the country runs and doesn't go bankrupt 2. Provide for national defense 3. Resolve disputes between regions if they can't do it themselves 4. Deal with international trade agreements and disputes The fact is, the politeness isn't becoming second nature. It's a forced attitude that you have to conciously think about everytime you open your mouth. Even some of these "pc terms" are viewed as offensive to some groups. That's why is still a self-defeating thing. It fixes nothing, doesn't become second nature, and only makes others aware of the differences that could bother them but isn't supposed to. It's not just about speech, a majority of its proponents want to dictate it to the thought level as well. I believe a person's thoughts and opinions are their own, even if I personally believe they stink. Opinions and assholes after all. To be painfully honest, it's all the same at its core. People protesting and stating their beliefs. It doesn't matter what is being said, the actions and intent are the same. To have your views known and to try and provoke change. There are many types of protest to be sure, but they share this at their core. However, to back up wasn't addressed. Governments shouldn't be trust with the level of power to restrict such things because protests and opposition to them are usually some of the first things they gun after. No, I trust no corporate entity to not abuse power wether it be religious, governmental, or business. There are too many examples of such power being used to restrict what they don't want. Why should one group of people be more special and of more concern than another? No one deserves to be harassed and harassment is a crime that can be reported. No one is more special than anyone else. True equality is when everyone is treated the exact same in the eyes of the law, job requirements, and education. That person can be taken to task for harassing the other, although that doesn't mean he deserves less protection under the law than the others. For legal matters, I honestly believe the gender, race, and prefences should never even have to be put down period. Still, few people hold this view it seems. You may not like his works, he uses very sexual and depraved means of it at times to state things. It can be seen as glorifing it, but it was used to express libertine political, social, and religious views. He was imprisioned a few times for his writings. That is a problem that well... There's no real good answer to. I don't believe schools and government are the ones to do it. I don't know who should try, maybe people willing to be mentors.
  18. That is something I could get behind. Goes with the right to be as offended as you want really. XD I can understand where you would be coming from with that Hairy, that would be annoying as hell for me to put up with. I do understand the desire to teach your own child your own morals. That way, at least when they start rebelling it's you they're rebelling against and not someone else. Although that being said, I'd rather hear a child swearing like a sailor than to see them bully another child. I get fights happen, that's just nature and hormones. Still...
  19. My bad, hang on... I shall edit that out and get to responding to yours. So in other words, how to have a thicker skin and deal with opposition and adversity better? Am I understanding what you're getting at correctly?
  20. All well and good, but that is the parents job to raise their child to behave and be polite. Now, that said there are different standards of it across the world in which a polite gesture in one place is rude as hell somewhere else. (Case in point, burping at the table after a meal....) So, that would be still a cultural boundry issue in places. I see where you are coming from, and I have to ask are you from the UK by any chance? To be honest, I don't like a nanny state and unfortunately that's what the US is becoming. I do try to raise my daughter well, and I believe it'd be lazy on part to depend on the schools to do so for me. Should they enforce standards of behavior and conduct, yes. Should they be the ones to teach my child right from wrong, no. That is my job. My ideas of right and wrong might be different than the systems. For example, I teach my daughter not to pick on others or start a fight, but if they try to mess with her then to fight back. That would be a punisible attitude by the schools around where we live, but I don't want her to be walked over and to be able to stand up and think for herself. So, that is a reason I feel that a school should be able to hold students accountable to a standard but it is up to the parents to teach it themselves. It must be done early and the family is usually around children that young the most. Learning it at an older age can be difficult for some. That is horrible and counts as libel, if it was spoken it would be slander. Libel and slander is prosecutable by law here and aren't encouraged. The individual or representitives of individual that is victim of such things need to press the charges to get things done, but still... Tabloids run that risk all the time and sometimes do have to face the charges. That is already covered under free speech. As you can guess, I'm not a big fan of political correctness because it draws more attention to the tensions and differences than just letting people speak normally. They have to think about what they say in the context of "that being is different and I don't want to offend them. What do I do?" Thus a self defeating thing. As for change the government. If the government steps in to specify what is allowed... I'm possibly being a touch paranoid but there are plenty of real world examples of this. What is to stop the government from banning speech that they don't like or approve of? It's always a possibility. A government needs to be afraid that its people will not put up with their bullshit to keep them from pulling it in the first place. That's whats wrong with the current assholes in power in the US so far. They've forgotten that. Although on the topic of hate speech or crimes. There is no such thing as a hate crime. All crimes (harassment, or murder) come from negative expressions of emotions and/or negative emotions. All such legislations enforce is a racial/gender/sexual preference/ability/or any other such thing as a difference line. That is also very self defeating. Fair enough. Although sometimes it can serve as a safe exploration of curiousity, few people actually go so far as to do it in real life. Still, that is something I find offensive as well, although I do understand that the human body is meant to react to stimuli wether we like it or not. Although there are times such things are used in allegorical senses such as many of the Marquee de Sade's writings. He hid many political, social, and philosophical meanings under his works. For sake of debate, how do such things figure in? They are rather erotic and titilating in how they handle things....
  21. Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and opinions. Sometimes writing horrid and controversial things is a catharic thing, maybe even symbolic. It doesn't justify the actions in real life or even make them acceptible. That is the difference. I don't expect it to ever be any otherwise. Words can hurt yes, but that is the risk you take to be able to speak your own mind as well. I've lived having to watch every word I say for years and I fucking hated it. It wasn't because I was in another country or trying to be nice, no it was out of fear for my mental health and well being. I was put down and degraded for contrary opinions for that period and it was a necessity to bite my tongue and not argue back. Many other people live through simillar conditions if not worse still. That's why I feel so strongly that is a right everyone has. Living without it makes you realize what it really meant. If it offends you, well bravo for speaking up about it. I fully support your right to do so. Your reasonings do have some sense, and I can admit there are crueller people than some and even those more sensitive than others. The issue would be where do we draw the line? Do we do it for the majority or a minority that is more sensitive and easily hurt or offended? That would have to be answered. Also in fictional writings, how do you determine what is and isn't acceptible. Not everything that has a controversial topic in it is glorifying it. Sometimes it showing an ugly side of it, sometimes even demonizing it. It can be used to show the corruption of a character or even how evil they can be. They do have a legitimate purpose and place still. That's not glorifying or making them seem acceptible, that's using them as a tool to show a down slide or cruelty. How would this figure into some of what you said? I am honestly curious on what you think about this side of it. Tl:Dr- Living without freedom of speech sucked and those horrid things can be used to show cruelty and corruption as well as not being used to glorify things. Bravo for speaking your mind, first off. Second off, how would such uses fit in to how you feel?
  22. Sanura's not going to be on for the next week. IRL issues. Beware jackals hijacking screennames for a bit. This has been a PSA.

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. BronxWench


      Do we need a jackal hunting permit or are they in season?

    3. sumeragichan


      I don't know yet, but I'm tempted myself. Her father is on his last week of visiting, so they have doubled in number.

  23. JD, that is just awesome. XD
  24. So far out of the still visible caps and ones with de's invovled. Windows systems: 5 Macs: 2 Linux: 1 .......
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