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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. Do you mean the probability of getting a one is a one in six chance, so if done 60 times, the probablility of one coming up is 10 times, so you have 10 free rolls, of which 1.4 is another one, so you actually have 71.4 rolls, the average of which is 3.5, nes pas? This gives 249.9 damage points. Give or take 10, I would randomly surmise. The probability of you rolling 60 ones is very high. FYI, I have no idea about D&D
  2. Hm. All-encompassing logic, eh? (really, I'm not THAT smart!) Did you like the song? No, really, at this moment. Kahlua and vodka look good. Thank god for Jamacians(?) and Slavs! (How the hell did that drink happen?) Alright, I'll admit it. I'm God. I disguised myself as a 40 something woman who likes to write about romantic albiet somewhat smutty things, and I say that abortion is wrong! To prove to you that I am God, one of the first things I did when I came to this site was to cause it to go down. In other words, I put my thumb on it. And when I leave, the site will once again resume its regular course.
  3. QWWWAAAaaaAAMP! Mel's Pickin on me!
  4. I am defenseless against your popular belief. You are absolutely correct in all that you say. Abortion is the best and abortionists should rule the world. You have won this debate. Your laurels will arrive in the mail, and SweetMisery will send them. The tide hath overcome me, and the voice of reason has been drowned out by insults. Time for the vodka. When you were young and your heart was an open book You used to say, "Live and let live", (you know ya did you know ya did you know ya did) But in this ever changing world in which we live in Won't you give it a cry? Say "Live and Let Die"
  5. I actually posed it in honor of my creative writing professor, who pointed it out. "Pro-choice" implies the "other guys" are "anti-choice". "Pro-life" implies the "other guys" are "Anti-life". Neither is true, and people still get caught up in the clever stupidity of it all. The labels are inflammatory. I am neither pro-life, nor pro-choice. This is something in the realm of doctor/patient confidentiality. The legality of it is moot, since it is legal where I am. A child knows that something like this is wrong. But people do it. That doesnt' make it right. The world goes on. In the end, it's all about money. (I hope bookworm didn't get too confused. She's not used to my rambling ways.) (whispers: "Bookworm, I'm an old woman and my brain's not what it used to be.") It's good for young women to be passionate about things. It's how we find the words to express ourselves.
  6. Only Jacques Why aren't there any more undersea documentaries like there used to be? (Like "Flipper" et al)
  7. I'm no longer allowed out without my collar and leash
  8. G Used to do it everyday when I was at school. Underwear was so out. Sneaked the vodka (or other hard liquor) from your parent's stash
  9. 2121 (it was!) whew!
  10. (Cannot form comprehensible words due to cerebral meltdown) Pretty please?
  11. I'm no longer allowed into mall washrooms unless everyone has left first.
  12. Kicking and screaming. Kicking and screaming. (Will it involve HandCuffs?)
  13. Why do I get to answer the incomprehensible questions?
  14. punished in an unspeakable, yet entertaining manner. I suggest a firm, yet painful spank. Anyone who carries false identities........
  15. YES! (which gives me great hope) why can't dogs walk themselves?
  16. When I was 15, I looked like an 11 year old. When I was 25, I looked 18. It took me a LONG time to bodily mature. Maybe the 10 year old was older than you think. Quamp, you may be showing your age...
  17. Bad Company
  18. Zeruda no Densetsu (Otherwise known as "The Legend of Zelda")
  19. I don't know, they would probably say something like all the blood already spilled by abortionists justifies this. I don't know. ARguements are good for both sides. This issue, can't you see, is dividing, not unitiing. If I was a national leader, I'd be concerned. There's got to be a solution to this unrest. In Wade vs Roe, the man was suing the woman claiming that the child she bore was his, and he wanted it if she did not. Since that time, men's "rights" have been pushed aside. In instances where the woman is obviously unfit as a parent, she isoften chosen as the main care-giver in seperation and divorce settlements by virtue of being a woman. The men have limited access. but really, it comes down to individual cases and this causes me concern when lawyers debate the issue without taking this into account. I don't think the law applies to everyone. I don't think that jails should be filled with women either. However, I also believe that the precedent shouldn't be set by minorities when it comes to the health of a nation. History teaches us that erosion of morals is the first symptom of fall and decay of a nation. Does this not concern you? For the sake of future generations, can you not shove down your emotion and understand that for them, we leave them a world full of sharp words and sharp objects, where hate grows easily and good is choked out by short-sightedness? As for the orchid, you must understand that message is something that on occasion comes out of me for no odd reason. It has nothing to do with abortion.
  20. An orchid requires more care than a marigold. They are both, however, flowers.
  21. sad
  22. I think that it has to do with the terrorism that ever so blatantly let its presence be felt in the Americas. It did the job, and spread fear. Now we question everything and everybody. Next step: a state of martial law. It is only natural and logical. Gone are the days when we could trust our fellow man. Now the innocent must bear the burden for the guilty. So it has been, so it is and so will it be. But I too, am in the dark about what exactly the bill is and its wording and how it changes the previous law, or how the present law is being upheld.
  23. It's been an issue since Roe and Wade. It was an issue when girls died in the back street offices from inept procedures. It's always been an issue. Life isn't static. I never said I was Pro life. I never said I was pro-choice. I said it was a crime. If it is legal, which it already is where I am, that makes it no less a crime. Just my opinion. My reasons for it not being legal are actually monetary ones. What country allows their own citizens to die? Think of the tax dollars they're loosing. I am a cold bitch, guys I am definitly not perfect, but I honour my ancestors who came to this country to escape persecution, and I will uphold their beliefs. Their ghosts will haunt me if I dishonor them with my words. I don't know Agaib. I'm always in search of the truth. I think that one day, humanity will be of one heart and one mind. It is probably what we are trying to evolve into, and I think that issues such as this are important. It's good to hash things out. After all, we DO have physical bodies subject to decay. Our time is limited. But I sense that something is coming. That's why I think that life isn't static. Bookworm, you make a good point, but as you may or may not have read in my previous post, it's good to have some clarity. No one here is a cretin. We all understand what Pro-choice means. Who are "most"? I haven't met any. The vocal ones are a handful and hey, its a free country and they can say it.
  24. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am passing on this advice: let it soak in the milk for a little.
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