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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’m so sorry. We haven’t forgotten you, but I can’t access the database to help you further, and our tech admin has been pulling double shifts for weeks.
  2. It’s auto enabled. Just hover over it for a moment, and it should open. If it doesn’t, try clicking once and see if that does it. But yes, it’s less than obvious, and not anywhere near as user-friendly as left-side lists were.
  3. Thank you! Honestly, I do love the lore and legends, and the darker side of it all, because like all good pagans, we know there is no light without dark. I just can’t resist dabbling, although I’m sure I’ll wond up getting my ass handed to me by some fey one day… And I tend to be dreadful at Irish accents myself, which is sort of embarrassing. I tend to sounds more Scots than Irish…
  4. Thank you! The Lord Dubhlainn wanted a sequel, and who am I to say no to the Black Sword of the Sidhe? But really, it was too much fun not to do a sequel, and even more fun to set something in the present day for a change.
  5. Thank you! We have all sorts of stories about what happens to those who follow the Sidhe into the barrows… absolutely none of them end well. Actually, very little in Irish lore ends well, when you think about it. We’re a desperately morbid lot. But they may decide to let me tell the rest of it. You never know.
  6. Thank you! I do have fun with the old stories, and the legends which always seem to me to have a basis in truth. It’s funny, but I think, with all our modern sensibilities, when we come face to face with the other side, we all turn a bit craven. We’re no longer accustomed to dealing with it. It doesn’t mean it’s not there, though. And having heard the family Bain Sidhe once in my life, I think it would be a fitting punishment for Connor were she to visit him on behalf of those he’s led to their doom, one way or another, because no one ever returns from the barrows…
  7. Reviews like that are singularly unhelpful, and in my opinion, speak more about the reviewer than the story. When I see an inarticulate grumble like that, it makes me want to read the story, since I can be sure it contains words of more than one syllable, interesting characterizations, and some plot rather than the usual run-of-the-mill PWP wankfest.
  8. It’s an extraordinary sensation, DP is. I’m sort of assuming Clegane will be the bottom of the cookie, so to speak, with Brienne as the filling and Tormund topping the lot, which is good. He’d have the most experience with this, and he’ll be in the trickiest spot. But for Brienne, it will be an overload of sensation. There is an added level of stimulation from feeling both cocks moving in you, and pressing against each other, with you in the middle. If the men set up a slightly alternating rhythm, it’s absolutely breathtaking. It’s also incredibly empowering, because both males are going to be just as caught up in the sensory overload. They’ll be surrounded in tight heat, and feeling something big and hard pressing against them every time they move, or even breathe. I think you’re right about Clegane being easy to keep in character, and Tormund, too, since he seems a natural as a teacher, or guide, for them both. But Brienne? This is miles outside anything she would ever have dreamed of, and I think she will either let them know (“Move! No, don’t move!”), or be reduced to almost animalistic moans and grunts. But really, this will be brilliant for her, and enormously fun to read, I suspect!
  9. Hi, let’s see if we can solve this. You don’t need to update the account, since you are already properly registered. But as far as the password goes, there are a couple of things. I’m sure you are already aware, but it helps to eliminate any easy causes right away. First, passwords are case sensitive, so you need to remember if a capital letter was used anywhere, because it always has to be used in future. The password needs to be at least 8 letters and/or number long, no special characters allowed. When you reset the password, if you use the same password, it blanks out the field and forces another reset. This is the link I’ve used in the past: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php The most important thing is to be able to access the email used to create the account. Nothing will work unless you can access that email account. That’s the obvious stuff done. What might also have happened is a bad cookie string, so I recommend clearing your AFF cookies, and clearing your browser cache and history. We have a FAQ on how to do that: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/30527-how-to-clear-cookies-cache-and-etc/ Remember to close your browser completely to complete the process. Once you restart it, the site will set new cookies, and it should be fine.
  10. It is 33 F out there, with wind chills making it feel like it’s in the 20s. That’s 0, with wind chills of -5 C…


    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Willow, is that overnight delivery?  Bit warm … maybe I should turn down the thermostat, nah, it’s only oil.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The cats wanted in early today, so it must be cold out there!

    4. BronxWench


      It’s a heatwave today! 43 F/ 6 C! I might not wear gloves! :happykitten:

  11. @Desiderius Price I’m entirely in support of free speech, but your right to free speech ends at the point at which you impugn my character, which was the point of the OP’s post. The OP decided to tar us all with the same brush, and I am not a weak-willed, spineless malcontent who meddles in other people’s lives and causes harm for amusement simply because I write fiction for adult readers. Gods help us all if the OP ever decides to write children’s fiction, or inspirational literature. The mental health services will experience a surge in demand.
  12. @Desiderius Price As far as the reason for the OP to post that diatribe, I would respectfully point out confession belongs in the confessional, or in the witness box, but not on a clearly defined adult fiction archive.
  13. The original poster was the member known as ForgetMeNaught. The accounts have been removed from both the archive and the forum, along with any posted stories. ::takes off moderator hat and puts it aside:: As an author, I have to agree entirely with @Desiderius Price on this. Fiction is exactly that: fiction. What I write is not reflective of my life, or my beliefs, or my personal desires. I can, like the vast majority of writers, tell the difference between the imaginary worlds I create, and the reality in which I live. Stephen King is a genuinely nice guy in real life. I had a friend who lived on his street, so that is not conjecture, but rather a factual statement. (Not to mention his corgi, who is known as the Thing of Evil… ) The people I love all know what I write, and to be extremely blunt, I don’t write porn. It’s not about the sex, but I don’t always fade to black when sex happens. If people find that upsetting, they are more than free to pass over my work, here and as published. Seriously. I don’t expect everyone to buy my books, and fawn over me (like the rather promiscuous James Patterson, who is the biggest review whore on the planet). And to be honest, this reminds me of when a bartender I knew decided to go on the wagon, and would lecture me about having a drink while pouring me a double shot when I’d asked for a light drink. It was even more annoying than when he quit smoking, and would lecture me about that habit as well. I’m an adult, and I am responsible for my own life, and own decisions
  14. Not to mention that male dogs, like most males, are pretty much always up for a tumble. It’s the female dogs who go into heat.
  15. Oh, Spoils of War by narcolinde-erobey! One of my favorite Legolas/Gimli stories!
  16. So, Columbia lost to Harvard today, but is still ahead in the overall standings. I confess to being disappointed Columbia lost, but any chance to mock Harvard is always worth the price of admission. ;)

  17. Eh, they might bash us from time to time, but that’s usually when we ask them to play by the rules, or fail to notice their sparkly specialness. We’re big enough to take a little bashing. I consider it a badge of honor, because it means we’re doing our job. I’ve posted elsewhere in the past, and still have accounts open in some places (as BronxWench because I’m creative that way) but AFF is where I feel the most comfortable posting my work.
  18. I second this! You MUST do it… ::makes pleading eyes::
  19. I will admit to loving a bit of twincest (Elladan/Elrohir) and the threesome of Legolas, Elladan, and Elrohir. Positively delicious, those three…
  20. We don’t mind stories being posted on multiple sites, but we’d rather not have those other sites mentioned on this thread. We have the “Great Wall of...” threads where it’s absolutely fine, and you can mention in your profile that you post on other sites. You can give the name of the site and your pen name there, but linking to other sites is not really encouraged. If that makes sense…
  21. Last minute entry! Title: The Price of the Land Tags: AFFO Complete Minor2 MiCD NoSex Preg Tort Violence Summary: Connor grew up on stories about the Sidhe, but meeting them on Halloween was not what he expected. As his Gran warned him, never expect the Sidhe to be kind...
  22. I went to a funeral service today for a young man who died unexpectedly. He was one of the truly good souls. I was honored to know him, and the world is a sadder place without him. May his god hold him close, until we all meet again.

  23. Story Profile The first chapter is unrelated to the rest of the story, and it appears from the review board that the author lost access to the account back in 2004.
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