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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Honestly, since we’d never had an issue with them, I don’t have a record of the author’s name. I’m sorry! Maybe someone else who reads/writes in the fandom might remember.
  2. It is Day 3000 of the nuclear winter, and I am preparing to go and stock up in advance of the coming Bomb Cyclone we are threatened with as of tonight.

    At least I have a case of wine on hand.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Melrick


      Summer’s a great time to visit Australia!  There’s a 50/50 chance you won’t die of heat exhaustion!  Those are good odds, if you ask me.

    3. BronxWench


      First I have to live through winter…:blink: 

    4. Desiderius Price
  3. A very Happy Birthday to our own CL Mustafic! Hope this year is good to you! :birthday: :bday:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BronxWench
    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @CL Mustafic  Hope the day has been going well.  (I’m now home, so better keyboard :)   :bday: )

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Hope you had a good one, CL!

  4. I’m not finding any record of staff action with respect to this story. Sorry!
  5. The forum software is not our code, so we can only implement whatever we’re given as far as updates and upgrades. BUT our forum admin can certainly pass along any comments to help improve functionality. It does bear adding to our FAQ, in my opinion.
  6. As long as you’ve entered your birthdate, archive url, penname, and your email address, you should be fine. There’s a two-step validation for the forum. You will receive an email, which may be routed to your Junk or Spam folder because browsers tend to do that to validation requests from time to time. There is a link to click in that email. The second step is done by our Forum Admin, Melrick. He’s generally around daily to do that, although I won’t vouch for today, given that it’s one of those rare “everyone does New Year’s” sort of holidays. (He’s also down in Australia, so his timezone tends to have him around very early or very late from my point of view.)
  7. A very happy, joyous, and healthy New Year to you all—may 2018 be the best year ever! :hug:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Samara


      Happy new year to you too. May your all wishes come true and 2018 turns out to be really prosperous for you. :D:party:

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m starting off the new year with a few pounds of pork loin in the smoker… should be good.

    4. GeorgeGlass



      I’m starting off the new year with a few pounds of pork loin in the smoker… should be good.

      Now that’s how it’s done! :)

  8. Ah, I think I understand the first issue. Our archive code was recently tweaked to make it more mobile-friendly, and I find it has reduced some of the clarity of the menus and other functions, at least from my perspective as a desktop user. Brevity is necessary to make the site usable on the small screens of phones. While brevity might be the soul of wit, it’s less than helpful when troubleshooting. I don’t have a solution, but I do sympathize, and all I can say is we are always happy to help troubleshoot an issue with the archive. Your disclaimer is fine now, and I’ve already updated our records to show it’s been corrected. If you ever want to check on a disclaimer prior to posting a new work, or have any other questions, we happy to help, either here on the forums or via email at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org.
  9. I’m not sure what this refers to. We do have examples of our disclaimers in the FAQ on disclaimers, found here. The character limit for our disclaimer field is sufficient for most disclaimers. If you do have a particularly lengthy or complicated disclaimer, you can put something on the line of “See full disclaimer below” in that field, and then add the disclaimer at the top of the first chapter. We do accept that format for both disclaimers and for warning tags, should those also exceed the field limits.
  10. I’ve posted the request for our tech admin, so hopefully we’ll be able to resolve this for you quickly.
  11. Okay, I have a couple of accounts which might be yours. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=26384 http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296781353 http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296821990 Only the first link has stories posted to the account. The other two currently have no stories associated with the account. If you let me know which one is yours, I can see about getting you back into the account. For obvious reasons, I don’t recommend posting a email address in this public forum, where spambots could find it, but you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the email address you are using currently.
  12. Hi, If you give me your pen name, I can check that account, and see about getting you back into it. Our tech admin, who has been seriously busy with RL work, is the one who can reset an email address directly in the database, but let’s see what we have first.
  13. “The Play That Goes Wrong” is utterly brilliant. I quite literally laughed until I cried. It was the perfect birthday present from my daft bugger, and I adore him forever! :wub:

    1. pippychick


      Ohhh! On the off chance something from Broadway might make it’s way across the ocean and turn up in Sheffield, I checked, and it will be with me for my birthday in 2018!!! I’m going to have to see it, lol. Then we’ll compare tears of laughter ;)

  14. From the original author: If the premise of any new story is merely Hinata cuckolding Naruto, I’d say that was exceedingly common as a trope in this fandom. If the new story had Hinata as a TV anchor, who was known for her publicly lewd acts, then it’s crossing the line into plagiarism. Any continuation would need to follow our established procedures for story adoption.
  15. Azela still has an account here, but all stories were taken down by the member for personal reasons. Should the member wish to post the stories here again, we would welcome them back.
  16. If the premise is common enough, it’s not an issue, but if the premise of the original story is unique, then we would not allow it.
  17. John Adams had the benefit of a classical education, and was more than passing familiar with the example of ancient Greece, and the representative democracy of Sparta. Rule by the people without a parliamentary framework tends to fall apart, as can be seen in the case of the Athenian democracy. We don’t educate our children as well these days, which is why we are in the state we’re in. We haven’t learned from history, and we are therefore doomed to repeat it.
  18. For anyone else interested, the links for above: Interest by TwistedHilarity
  19. We actually don’t permit both copies to remain in the archive. We’d allow the old version only until the new version reached the same point, and then the old version would need to be removed.
  20. BronxWench

    Merman m/m

    Sugar Cane by Scurvy – links for above
  21. We don’t have a separate code for that. Oral covers it, though.
  22. Hi, Guest kaif. It would help if you could give me your pen name, or the url to your profile so I can take a look.
  23. Give me a day or two, and I hope to have some sort of answer for you.
  24. Can you log in with your original password? I can email what we have on record for you, if that helps. I don’t want to post it here on a public forum.
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