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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Cordelia Kingsbridge is the author, but has pulled all stories from the Internet for publication.
  2. Your log-in is your email address, so you don’t need your pen name to log in. If you reset your password, the reset link will be sent to your registered email address, which would get you into your account. What I can do is check our database to see if your email address it there, but I’d recommend not posting your email address here. You can email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, and I can check to see if that’s the email in our database.
  3. BronxWench


    Links for above: The Playtime Mini-Series – COMPLETE! by Kirei and Cecilia
  4. We need a report from the person in question before we can delete the alleged stolen account. We have had instances of people claiming an account was stolen when in fact they were seeking to injure the account holder. The person can email admin@adult-fanfiction.org with proof, which should include more than a link to a Facebook page.
  5. DemonGoddess has been working double shifts for over a year now at her RL job, something she’s posted about in the site news. Given that we’re all volunteers, RL jobs are what keeps roofs over our heads, and as such, take precedence. However, the rest of us have been here, and working steadily at our respective functions. The recaptcha issue is recent, and will be taken care of. What particular site activities have been dead? I’ve been working on the site daily in the archive, and it’s far from dead. The forum’s been active, and people are posting. DemonGoddess might not update the news monthly as she did when she worked more normal hours, but trust me, AFF’s quite alive, thank you ever so much. Of course, if you’re interested in volunteering to help with the site, feel free to PM me.
  6. As one of the archive moderators for the past few years, thank you for your support and your wonderful post! As one of the writers on the site, albeit sporadically these days, AFF’s been a haven for me as well, and I’m grateful for it every day.
  7. The tag field allows for only 2 characters.
  8. Not Quite There Yet by yourfacekillsme
  9. You could try including MF content and excluding MM content in the tags field. Include Naruto in the summary, and exclude yaoi. There really isn’t a single placeholder for the search function, other than the asterisk used to include all possible ending for a root. Failing that, you can simply rummage through the Het subcategories, and avoid the Yaoi subcategories. You can search specific subcategories via the dropdown in the search function.
  10. I think this is your url: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296976297 We do have a different email address in our records, but I’m fairly sure that’s the right Dragonlady Sadly, I don’t know this fic myself, but hopefully someone will recall it!
  11. I believe the only option is to use the zoom feature in your browser to increase the size of the print. If I’m wrong, hopefully our tech admin will correct me, but that’s the only way I’ve ever been able to increase font size while reading.
  12. Your email address in our database is different, and since that’s what you use to log in, that would be the issue. I have an email address of novocaine.nightmares@hotmail.com for you, pen name Dirty-FF-Slash. If for some reason, you can’t access that email any longer, let me know, and we’ll get that updated for you.
  13. I can find no record of staff action with respect to the removal of the story. I assume the author chose to remove the story.
  14. BronxWench

    Rogue ninja

    c0p13r removed all his stories from the Internet as of January 1, 2018. We ask that anyone who might have kept a copy of any of c0p13r’s stories refrain from passing those copies around here on AFF.
  15. The story was removed, along with the author’s account and all other content, because the author had committed plagiarism. Grumpywinter is no longer welcome to post on AFF.
  16. I’m quite sure our tech admin is already taking care of this. In the meantime, refresh the recaptcha, and you’ll get a valid code to enter.
  17. If you can remember the author’s pen name, I can check for you.
  18. Link for above: Folie a Deux by Salon_Kitty
  19. Guest Guest Tamsin, In case you missed the post right before your post, let me quote it here:
  20. I don’t think there was an automatic assumption the stories were removed, nor are we in the habit of looking to remove stories without good cause. However, we do have a rule about not passing around hard copies. So, if our forum moderator saw a request for copies, that request would have be removed. You will note we had a similar issue with this very story: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/57201-for-the-guest-who-posted-twilight-feral-blood-by-blood-of-your-lips/?tab=comments#comment-356632 A further search of our records turned up some information. The story in question, “Feral Blood”, was not posted on AFF by the original author, but was plagiarized and posted here by someone else. The plagiarized version, along with the plagiarist, were removed from AFF.
  21. We have a FAQ for that here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/
  22. So far, we don’t have a category for this show, sorry!
  23. As one of the mods, I’d say it’s a fairly subjective thing. Clearly some stories, especially those that list every tag and mean them, do require a ++ rating, without doubt. But I would say some of the stories tagged ++ here haven’t really hit that territory. I tag ++ for things like rape, extreme brutality, and other things which might trigger a reader. I’d actually use the ++ for a forced late-term abortion, honestly, even if only semi-graphic. It’s definitely a trigger issue for readers.
  24. Let’s see… Joint fics: 2 Fan fiction: 1 Original fiction: 2 Stuff I need to finish and send to my publisher: 3 NaNo stuff I’m ignoring because it sucks: 2 Nope, Pip has me beat!
  25. Personally, and I am the most scat-adverse person on the planet, I wouldn’t call for the scat tag on that. As a moderator, I wouldn’t require it, either.
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