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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Are you using the right email account to log in?
  2. xylodemon appeared to have removed all their stories from the site. As is our policy, we ask that you respect the author’s wishes, and not solicit copies of stories removed from AFF via our forums.
  3. I’ve PM’d our tech admin to see where this stands. I don’t have database access myself, so I can’t update your email address myself. I’ll let you know what I hear back.
  4. BDSM is specifically Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism, so domination and submission has a separate tag, D/s. But we do have separate tags for Abuse, S&M alone, Slave, Torture, and Violence, which I think is sometimes what other authors are looking for, rather than BDSM, especially when they factor in Rape. Rape isn’t a sexual tag for me, anyway. It’s a form of violence, and like JD, I think it might just be a matter of semantics. Honestly, as a mod, I don’t warn for what is my personal view on the use of BDSM, but if there is any lack of consent in the story, I’ll warn for a missing rape tag. I’ve had far too many emails from readers who were profoundly upset by encountering untagged rape content. I don’t have the time to read every new story or chapter daily, but we do sweep weekly, and we’re tough on trigger tags. And I entirely agree about dubcon. There’s no such thing as dubious consent. If there’s any hesitation, it’s not consent.
  5. I totally agree that in the confines of your story, both tags are required. That doesn’t make them codependent or interdependent. My gripe is when BDSM and D/s are used as an alternative to the Rape tag. That’s never the case, because it’s insulting to anyone who is in those lifestyles (it’s not always just role-playing) to insinuate their consensual relationships are rapes, or that rapists are really just misunderstood because they’re “only training their submissives.” Honestly? Any true submissive would greet that statement with a skillet to the head, and their dominant would hold the idiot for them. It misses the essential dynamic of those lifestyles because both partners have equal control. Both partners can stop everything with a single word. Even in a M/s relationship, the slave partner has willingly relinquished control to the Master. Consent, control, and trust. A rape victim lacks any of that.
  6. A category already exists for that movie: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=231
  7. Here’s the category: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=231
  8. If the author themselves is willing to share stories, we’re not going to object. It’s when people share other people’s work in hard copy that we get a little cranky, because that’s just wrong.
  9. We’ve tried with a notable lack of success to plan on meeting at DragonCon one year. RenFaire is easier.
  10. Unfortunately, and our tech admin can correct me if I’m wrong, our archive is composed of 23 separate databases, and it would not be possible to create such a universal search feature as you’ve described. The search feature within each subdomain does extend to the entire subdomain, however.
  11. I’m moving this to the Challenges and Requests thread, since that seems a better placement for this. If someone takes the challenge, we can then revisit the notion of adding a category for Doctor Strange in the Marvel ‘verse Movies subcategory.
  12. The thing with BDSM is that everything needs to be consensual. Period. It’s not subject to negotiation or interpretation. If both parties don’t fully consent, it’s not BDSM. It’s rape.
  13. Bite your tongue, @Desiderius Price (Toying with her was when I framed the divorce decree and mailed it to her. ) I was thoroughly delighted when I found out the daft bugger had been estranged from his mother for years before we even met. I don’t seem to do well with MILs.
  14. Trust me, when I’m moderating, if I see Dubcon, I look for Rape. If I don’t see Rape, I warn and hide. Trigger tags like Rape are not something I take lightly.
  15. ROFL! Right? Scat gets no love here… I think the last time I had a warm and fuzzy feeling about anything, it was probably when I made my former mother in law pay for my divorce from her son.
  16. I think the tags I will never write are Scat, WS, and any variation of DL—ABDL, TBDL, and so on. I don’t do furry stuff, either, so there goes Anthro. I probably wouldn’t use futanari, gender-bending, femmeslash, self-insert, tentacles, or WAFF. I suck at WAFF.
  17. Okay, “Horsecock” made me giggle, too. But I’m going to agree entirely on your take on BDSM. The misuse of that tag drives me nuts, right up there with D/s (which I write) and M/s. If you aren’t in the lifestyle, and can’t be arsed to do a little research, stick to something else. It’s just irritating to see poorly disguised rapefics masquerading as BDSM. If there’s no consent, it’s rape. Period. Own it. And yes, I’ve written Rape, too.
  18. I’m not finding an archive account associated with that email address. Do you have the link/url to your account?
  19. If you can provide me with the URL of your old account, we can get you back in to that account.
  20. It’s not a bother, and I do appreciate your concerns. AFF believes in standing up for censorship-free writing, but we also want our members to be comfortable.
  21. That information is not public, and will not be seen by the general membership or casual readers. Only staff can see that information, and we will not release that information to anyone unless we have been compelled by court order to do so. In the 7+ years I’ve been moderating here at AFF, we have never been asked to release information on a member. We take confidentiality quite seriously.
  22. What are you looking to update? If you want to update a story anonymously, that isn’t possible. You also need to be logged in on the forum to post a status update, and while you can elect to not appear on the active users lists by logging in anonymously, your status updates will always show your forum user name.
  23. Are you requesting a story? Or are you looking for already written stories?
  24. Working with a Vampire by Eowyns_elixure
  25. The recommendations request was originally in the reviews and discussion section, so I relocated it to the more appropriate thread, which doesn’t have the Teen Titans as s subthread.
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