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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench

    Dragon story

    Links for above: Independence by just dreaming
  2. One of our members, and a personal friend of mine, passed away this morning after a long illness. Anesor is one of the people who encouraged me to write, and while the first thing I ever posted isn’t up any longer, she never hesitated to offer support, advice, and friendship while I tried my best to hone my craft. We wrote together, beta-read for each other, and even indulged ourselves in some private commentary on some of the more florid fan fictions in our favorite fandoms. I got the chance to visit her in-person once, and I’ll always cherish that day. It was like sitting down with a family member, because we knew each other so well by then. Her family was warm and welcomed this online stranger with open arms, just like Anesor did when she wrote the first review on my story, and asked me what happens next. I will miss her voice, and her strength, and her sheer determination, but I will always hold our friendship close.
  3. Because this is the author requesting the stories, we do allow any readers with copies to respond, so please, if you kept a copy, let the author know.
  4. BronxWench

    tentacle sasunaru

    Sorry—that was me who posted and then deleted my own post because the forum mod posted essentially the same thing. I’m actually archive staff, but I do sometimes jump in on forum issues that touch on the archive, like passing around work that’s been deleted by the original author, or harvested by a dataminer for inclusion in an unsanctioned archive (like Archive.org). When almost every Harry Potter fan fiction was lifted from FanFiction.net by a dataminer, there was an enormous backlash from original authors who hadn’t given permission for the posting of their work to that site. So, AFF has taken the position that we won’t help spread unauthorized publication of stories, because for many of us, it’s also personal. We write, too, and we don’t want to see our work posted anywhere we haven’t posted it ourselves.
  5. Is this a challenge, or a request for a story that’s been written and you need to find?
  6. The accounts have two different email addresses. The account with the story has a gmail address. The other account has a freenet.de address.
  7. The issue is that you’ve registered twice. Your story is in this account: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1297006693 Your second account has no stories posted, which is why you can’t find the story: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1297006692&view=story Please choose which account you’d like to keep. I can move the story to the second account if that’s the one you want. The other account will then be deleted to avoid confusion.
  8. We appreciate your patience! We have the BEST members!
  9. The category for Five Nights and Freddy’s has been added, and the stories already within the Games subdomain have been moved.
  10. We have a category for this already: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=1643
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