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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Is this your account? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296799803 You have 8 stories in the Harry Potter subdomain under this profile, which would all be deleted as well. Do you need to retrieve those stories?
  2. I saw this in the Malwarbyte’s blog, and thought I’d pass it on: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/scams/2022/07/discord-shame-channel-goes-phishing/ I know I sound like a broken record sometimes, but… never click on anything sent to you that you didn’t ask for, and never share any information based on a random post/text/Discord/tweet/Snap or any other forum. Don’t click the link, don’t scan the QR code, don’t feed the trolls, and stay safe!
  3. I don’t think there’s any real world substances, since candles produce carbon dioxide, but at such a low level that it’s negligible, and torches don’t produce anything more noxious. But you can have a great deal of fun having someone add something to the candle wax so when it melts, it gives off the gas that will render your adventurers unconscious. Or it could be a component of the oil that the torches are soaked in. You’d have to make it up, of course, unless you want to look at the sort of herbs or essential oils that are usually associated with bedtime. Off the top of my head, without any Googling, that could be lavender, chamomile, valerian…
  4. We don’t create categories unless there are stories to be placed in the category. Empty categories serve no purpose, and as I’ve explained before, each subdomain is a separate database. You cannot do a global search across all databases. The site has no financial issues that prevent us from operating as we are. We’re not in fiscal jeopardy; we simply can’t revamp the site to what you envision it to be. I’ve actually suggested, in the past, that anyone who thinks it’s easy should try starting up a fiction website themselves. I promise you, it will be a revelatory experience.
  5. The search function works within each separate subdomain, and not across the archive as a whole. You need to go to the subdomain, and then use the search function. Here’s the FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63121-how-to-use-search/
  6. We pinned it back in 2016 so members would see it and hopefully respond. To be quite honest, I’m not the Forum Admin, so I don’t routinely check to see what’s pinned or not. I’m Archive staff, which keeps me busy enough. But I’ve unpinned this thread so it won’t appear on top anymore.
  7. Ah, that’s unfortunate. As I said, it was not run by AFF itself, but was a private venture by a member.
  8. The survey ended in 2016, which would be why you can’t respond to it now.
  9. I don’t believe stories are published on the Discord server but I do think they had prompts to give writers ideas. The Discord server is an independent thing, and not run by AFF itself, but by a member. On the other hand, if you are asking about content AFF permits, you might want to post to the General Staff Questions thread.
  10. We separate fandoms based on where they originate if they aren’t active enough to have merited their own subdomain, like Harry Potter or Naruto. So the first question is what kind of fandom is it? Is it a movie, or a television show, or a cartoon, or a book? Once you know the basic subdomain, you need to search within that subdomain. As I explained in our emails, our subdomains are all separate databases, and one cannot search across all databases. We have a FAQ with images about this here. In this instance, Thumbelina could be based on the book version of the fairy tale, or it could be based on the cartoon version of the fairy tale. At some point, we were asked for and created a category in the Cartoon subdomain, which is still there, although there are no stories in that category at present. If, however, you want to submit a work based on the Book version, we would need to create a new category in the Book section, in the Fairy Tales sub category.
  11. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, and restarting your browser. After the migration, you might need that reset.
  12. There is an existing category in the Cartoons subdomain for Thumbelina: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=1996 At the moment, it appears there are no stories in the category.
  13. Looking at the AFF profiles, it is most likely a case of a duplicate account. Neither account has been active since 2008, however, so while I can certainly reach out the those email addresses, it’s likely I won’t hear anything back. Thank you for letting me know!
  14. We can always update the email address on your account, and send you a link so you can reset the password. This is your account, yes? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296902994
  15. We love when one of our members publishes a book, and we’re happy to hear about it. However, we generally expect that such publications, if offered for sale, are original works. We all know you can’t make money from someone else’s copyrighted work because that’s illegal. So, I’ve hidden the entire post because AFF does not countenance the sale of fan fiction, and the theft of copyrighted work. If you want to take the chance that you won’t get sued by the copyright owner, that’s your call, but AFF will not risk being shut down so you can sell fan fiction for money.
  16. I have what I need, so you can delete your copy anytime. Thank you again!
  17. Yes, that is the email address of record.
  18. Indeed it was. We were migrating to a new server, which we believe will provide better service for our site. However, it takes a while to move as much data as we have in our forum and in our archive. We did post a site news announcement both in the archive and on the forum to alert our members and guests, although it took a bit longer than anticipated. But we are back!
  19. I’ve resent the email. It failed again, unfortunately. For some reason, my email to you is being blocked, and I cannot put a password reset link in an open forum.
  20. I’ve emailed you a password reset link that should allow you to reset your password. Keep in mind passwords must be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, and are case sensitive. No punctuation, spaces, or special characters are allowed. EDIT: The email address bounced my message. It is an sbcglobal.net address that I have on record. If that is correct, you might need to add our email address to your address book: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org.
  21. Thank you for your report. We will look into this and take the appropriate action, and we appreciate your vigilance. As far as Wattpad’s content guidelines, it would be up to their moderation staff to take action there.
  22. Bear with us, since at the moment we are mid-migration to our new server. Once I can access the archive again, I’ll be able to check your account for you.
  23. Our Forum admin, @Melrick, needs to approve all forum registrations. He’s actually in Australia, so his active times at AFF are almost the opposite of mine here in the US. Hopefully, he’ll be able to take a look and let you know what’s going on.
  24. The account should be good to go now. Let us know if there’s still any issues.
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