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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Fan fiction works are not original works, even if the original work in question is a title in the public domain, on which copyright has expired. The staff of AO3 either drinks heavily or studied law under a very small rock in the middle of the Utopia Planitia if they truly believe that a work of fan fiction is an original work. I’d suggest trying to get it published (and not self-published) to cure oneself of that particular delusion. However, IF a fan fiction is properly disclaimed (attributes copyright of fandom to the actual copyright holder, states that no profit is being made), the portions of the fan fiction that were written by the author of the fan fiction may not be reproduced or used without permission, and yes, if your fan fiction has been posted elsewhere without your permission, you can certainly avail yourself of a DMCA takedown request. If your fan fiction has been posted elsewhere without your permission AND without attribution, under the name of a person who did not in fact write anything at all, that is plagiarism, which is the theft of your intellectual property. That is illegal and has cost people their employment when they’ve been discovered to be a plagiarist. I will delete a story posted by someone who is not the actual author of the story pursuant to the DMCA without question. I will delete a plagiarized story, along with the account of the plagiarist and all its content, whether stolen or not, and that plagiarist will be banned from the site permanently. Enthusiasm for a story is one thing; theft is entirely another thing.
  2. The search function might not be fully available yet. I was able to search by author name in one archive, but not if I used a wildcard. I tried a tag search and it appears anything less that 4 characters isn’t working. If I search for HJ, I get nothing, but a search for a 4 character tag like Anal gets results. Of course, the archive pages aren’t fully restored yet, so this may be cleared up as each archive is fixed and brought back online.
  3. I’m going to quote from our admin/coder: We’re working on patching the site. Keep an eye on this thread for updates: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/72627-archives-in-read-only-mode/
  4. If there are at least five stories for this pairing, we can create a sub-category for it. Otherwise, we would not make the sub-category. If there are five stories already, please post the links here for me. When the subdomain is fixed and live again, I will make the sub-category and move the linked stories to the new category. Thanks!
  5. Until we fix the issues that allowed the injection attack which redirected all of the archive subdomains to a malicious page, the archive is in read-only mode. That means you can’t post a story, update a story, review a story, create an account, or reset a password. Our coder is working all the free hours she has to get this fixed for us. It’s a huge job, so let’s all be patient. Trust me, we all want the site back to normal.
  6. Hi! As we’ve been telling other members, there was an issue with an attack on the site. In order to thwart the attack until we can finish securing the site, the archive is in read-only mode, which means no one can open a new account, post a new story, or update an existing story until the archive is back online again.
  7. As long as it doesn’t wind up the way the HBO version of Game of Thrones did, with an ending that not even the author liked.
  8. I find short fiction to e actually harder to write. When the challenge prompts were more active here, I’d always wind up writing a 1,000 word flash fic, and then going back over it a few times to make something clearer, which meant trimming words elsewhere, and the next thing you know, I’d be sobbing in my coffee and longing for a cigarette. BUT flash fiction made me hone my writing. You have to grab someone’s attention, hook them, and satisfy them in 1,000 words. There’s no room for verbal clutter, and that’s not a bad thing at all.
  9. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to remove stories from other sites. If we are made aware of AFF stories being posted elsewhere, we do try and notify our author of the plagiarism and encourage them to report the theft to the other website. We also check our membership for the offending author, just to make sure that we’re not permitting a plagiarist to maintain an account here. I will say that some of our authors use different pen names on other sites, and while it’s rare, we’ve had reports of plagiarism because the pen names differ between sites. We always check that as a possibility before we ever make a determination of plagiarism, just to be thorough.
  10. It’s pretty bad, but I’m not going to call troll yet, unless the author posts a bunch more stories exactly like that one, especially in more than one fandom. Then I’d call it trollery for sure. The review, however, is gone.
  11. I’m tagging our code experts @DemonGoddess and @manta2g on this one. Those search parameters should work, but we’ve had a few odd glitches after our recent migration to the new server.
  12. I’ve done both. I used to play in the Challenges a lot, and I’d do a lot of flash fic one shots in response to those (which reminds me that I need to update the links to those, dammit). I also did multi-chaptered stories comprised of flash-fic chapters. That was actually sort of insane but fun. And of course, I did a four-part short story series for the Holiday prompts, only because the setting I created wouldn’t leave me alone. So honestly, I’d say to do it the way that feels most comfortable to you as the author. If you like the pieces as individual one shots, that’s how you publish them. If you feel they work better as a multi-chaptered work, that’s what you do.
  13. Show-off! I want to do something very, very different this year. No fey, no gods… something visceral this time around.
  14. Please email me the information you are using to log in. This way, I can check to make sure the email address matches what we have in the database, and I can see if there’s an issue with the password. I do not recommend posting member email addresses on this forum, since it’s public and we all hate spambots. The email address to use to contact me is tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org.
  15. Okay. Your Forum Profile will not have a Control Panel, because stories are not supposed to be posted to the Forum. So, don’t look around in the Forum for a place to post a story. The first step is to log in to your Archive Profile. Navigate to this url: https://www.adult-fanfiction.org/html-index.php (The first link you provided above was to a blank page because it is the old http link and not the current https link.) At the top of that Archive home page, you will see a menu bar, as illustrated in the first FAQ I linked. At the far right, you will see the Login menu option. Clicking that will open a dropdown, where you need to type in your email address that you used to make the Archive account, and the password you set for that account. Do NOT use your pen name, or your user ID number. Those won’t work. Please also remember that the password is case sensitive, so if you used a capital letter anywhere when creating the password, you will always have to remember to use a capital letter. You should also have a password that is 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, with NO punctuation, spaces, or special characters like @ or &. Just letters and/or numbers please. Then click the button that says “Login” right below where you typed in your email address and password. Once you have successfully logged in, you will be able to see your pen name in that far right end of the menu bar. That’s where you will find the Control Panel, in the dropdown that opens when you click on your pen name. Clicking Control Panel takes you to the page where you will begin the process of posting your story. There are two menus on the left side. The first menu contains links that will let you update your Archive profile. The second menu lists the Story Managers for each subdomain. It is important that you post your story in the correct subdomain, so if you have a story about Harry Potter, you will see that the fandom has its own subdomain. That’s where you would post the story, as opposed to Books or Movies. If your story is about a particular movie, you would go to the Movies subdomain. Once in the correct subdomain, you can choose a next-level category. The FAQ I linked for you in my first post explains this with illustrations, so it may be a good idea to read that FAQ again. As far as browsers, unless you are trying to use the late and unlamented Microsoft Explorer, you should not have any issues. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and other current browsers work with our site, both in desktop/laptop versions and in mobile versions.
  16. Hi! Stories get posted in our Archive, which is comprised of a number of subdomains based on your fandom ‘verse, as well as Original Writing. You can find the Archive Home Page here. We have a FAQ explaining how to upload a story to the Archive right here. Some other very helpful FAQs cover disclaimers, story tags, and general information about stories in the archive. And finally, if you have an issue uploading a story, or aren’t sure what subdomain you need, you can always reach out here on the Forum in the General Staff Questions thread, or via email to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. The email address is monitored regularly, and we try to respond to every inquiry within 24 hours. I hope this helps!
  17. Generally, you would need to log in from the menu bar at the top of the screen, since the side menus only exist in the Control Panel or Profile page views and no longer function for logging in. Try using the dropdown login at the right corner of the menu bar on the top of the archive home page. Your old password should work. If it doesn’t, please let me know and I’ll send you a link via email. The Outlook issues should be cleared up now that our site uses HTTPS protocols. It seems to be better, as far as I can tell!
  18. Stories are published in the Archive, and not here in the Forum. There is, however, a wonderful FAQ here in the Forum on how to become a member: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29598-new-user-how-to-register-for-an-archive-profile/ Then we have a FAQ on how to publish a story in the Archive: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/
  19. This is a link to the main Naruto page: https://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/ This is a link to all stories mentioning Fugaku: https://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/search.php?auth=&title=&summary=fugaku&tags=&cats=0&search=Search
  20. Okay, taking this one step at a time… In order to have an account here on the AFF Forum, you need to first have an AFF Archive account. The Archive is where the stories are actually published. The Forum is for authors to find support, and to create review reply threads to chat with their readers. So, if you tried to create a Forum profile without having an Archive account, it won’t work. How do you create an Archive account? We have a FAQ for that right here: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29598-new-user-how-to-register-for-an-archive-profile/ Once you have the Archive account, you can then create a Forum profile, which will be reviewed and approved by the Forum Administrator. As far as any Naruto stories, I will confess that it’s not a fandom I read for pleasure, so I’m not going to be any help with recommendations for stories. I do know that NTR is a big thing in the Naruto subdomain, so you should be able to find something to your taste. (I do hope that Google Translate is actually translating things correctly, and that I’m understanding your enquiries.)
  21. That is a challenge. The person who wrote the original post was hoping someone would write a story incorporating the various ideas listed in the post. Other posters were either suggesting additional ideas, or asking for clarification from the original poster. A few were inquiring whether or not anyone was going to write the story. It looks like no one took the challenge, or wrote that story, which is not uncommon. Many people post story requests or challenges, but no author decides to respond to the request. If someone had accepted the challenge, generally they will post a link to the story in the archive so others can read what they’ve written.
  22. Please see the new thread—this is not relevant to the thread you chose to use: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/72556-story-question-narukospanish/
  23. I’m actually not seeing any stories with the pairing of Fugaku/Naruko in the Naruto subdomain, if that’s what you’re looking for. Keep in mind that I don’t speak or read Spanish, and am relying on the dubious authority of Google Translate to try and figure out what you’re asking. This rarely ends well, I’ve found.
  24. You should be activated now. I’d check the email address, however, and make sure there are no typos in it.
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