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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Ah, yikes. We had this happen in another subdomain, as noted here. We'll need to look at Games as well. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. I'm guilty of it to an extent in an RP I'm in. My RP partner is actually studying Japanese, and I'm dabbling for now until I get off my lazy butt and see if I can take a few classes at uni. But I tend to confine myself to endearments and respectful forms of address. I use a conlang version of elven with roots in Tolkien's work, originally developed by Tel'Mithrim for roleplaying purposes. When it comes to my original fiction and fan fiction, however, there's not a word of Japanese. I don't write in an anime fandom, and my original works aren't set anywhere near Japan. I agree that it's utterly silly in so many applications where it's done, and when it's obviously just whatever is spat out of Google Translame... ouch....
  3. We do not allow the solicitation of commissions on our site, and quite frankly, if the piece was written as a commission, you would need the permission of the person who commissioned it to post it here. The record indicates you were warned for missing the statement that the piece is a work of fiction. I see by your disclaimer that you've added that, along with a small bit of editorializing as to the nature of disclaimers. I'll point out that my published work carries a disclaimer. My publisher insists on it, as do most reputable publishers. You will also need to remove all references to commissions from your profile. You can leave the link to your other website, and it's entirely up to them if they allow solicitations for commissions, but we do not permit it.
  4. Odd abnormalities is repetitive. If they're abnormalities, it goes without saying that they're odd. It's like saying "the black blackwall tire." It stops a reader dead because it's a "duh" moment. As far as laying on your wife, you were compressing the milk glands located behind the nipples. That's why she leaked. A woman will also leak if she hears her child cry. But unconscious, drugged women are not going to lactate like that. And yes, breasts swell a bit when engorged, but at that point, anyone squeezing them is going to cause extreme pain and provoke a very unpleasant response. But there is still no correlation between cup size and how much milk is produced. A small breasted woman can feed her child as easily as a big breasted woman. Cup size is largely determined by the amount of fatty tissue surrounding the milk glands. The glands themselves are relatively consistent in size.
  5. Okay. Where to begin? Cutting the hospital gowns makes no sense. If you've ever seen the typical hospital johnnie, they're open down the back. The medical personnel could just pull the gowns down off their shoulders. All abnormalities are odd. That's why they're abnormalities. Reproductive cycles aren't going to make panties wet. Only arousal or poor bladder control will do that. Humans don't go into heat, so I'm not sure how they'd jump to that conclusion, unless there was more revealed earlier to warrant that. If not, then maybe there needs to be more information put out there to justify the logic leap. You can't just squeeze a breast to make the milk express. It's a suckling action that stimulates flow, so you have to press on the milk ducts without just tugging or squashing the nipple itself. It's HARD, and that's why most women use pumps. But just squeezing a globe, mound or mountain won't do bugger-all. And just for reference? Breast size has NO bearing on how much milk a woman produces.
  6. If you're going to scale up like that, then yes, of course a C cup on a 22-foot woman will be larger. But proportionately, and that's the key, her C cup would be the same C cup that a 20 foot woman or a 24 foot woman would wear. Volume scales the same way height would, and proportion stays the same.
  7. It's not really the cup size that changes, but the band size, the part that goes around our backs. But a C cup will look larger on a smaller woman, so a five-foot woman who's a 32C will look more generously endowed than a taller woman who's a 36C. If you're daring enough to venture into the lingerie section of a department store, you can look at the various sizes of bras, and you'll see that the volume of a C cup doesn't vary even for the bigger band sizes, (although it will be harder to find in bigger band sizes).
  8. Read the last part of the post above. You need to go to the summary line, where I have the red arrow, and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move to the end of that field. Then you have to type M/M by hand, and click the edit button to save the change.
  9. For Culloch's Rest: Thank you! One of the hardest things about trying to do a flash fic series is getting sufficient detail into that very small word limit, while moving the story along with each 1,000-word chapter. I'm glad I'm managing to convey both environs and mood!
  10. BumbleBee, the very best wishes for a good report!
  11. Okay, let's try one more time, with illustrations. I've used one of my stories for the purposes of making images. Please use your own subdomain info. Go to your Control Panel and select EDIT in the subdomain. You get taken to a new screen, where you can choose you story and what you want to do: Pick the title of your story, and then select EDIT DETAILS: You are taken to the next page: Click the dropdown arrow on the first field. See the highlighted choice? --Choose Category-- CHOOSE THAT: Once you choose that, the second choice disappears: Now, go back to the first category and re-select your fandom category - for you, Rurouni Kenshin. Then you can select a NEW second level category: To add tags, go to the field marked SUMMARY. Use the arrow keys to move along that line, until you get to the end. Then type in the additional tags that you need. You can't do a dropdown after the initial posting, so you have to type them yourself. I hope this is a little clearer now.
  12. Okay, this is the story, yes? When you go to edit the details, in the first field, select " --Choose Category--- " This will blank it out so that the second field disappears until you re-select your category, in your case, Rurouni Kenshin. Then you can select the new sub-category. I will point out that you will need to add a M/M tag based on the content in that first chapter. It may not be yaoi, but there is male on male sexual content, in specific, the blow job the child is forced to perform. So, while you are editing the details, use your arrow keys to move down the Summary field and add in M/M as a tag. Thanks!
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