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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: A Good Morning's Sleep Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Prompts Used: All Type of Fic: Short Story Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Paranormal/Supernatural > General Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, M/F, MiCD, Solo (implied)
  2. Link for the above: Harry's Punishment by Dravana
  3. Oh, the relationships are very well done, and I'm still sort of mourning Oropher's death along with Elrond. That was completely heartbreaking, even though I expected it from canon. And yes, Tolkien did contradict his own canon, but with so epic a universe, it was inevitable. I had a feeling Thranduil would not be denied forever, since he doesn't seem to be the kind to take no for an answer, rather like his father. I'll be waiting happily for more!
  4. For The Brownstone: Thank you! Can you tell I lived on horror stories as a child? Not to mention my fondness for beautiful old buildings. Bodegas are the New York equivalent of a corner shop as found in less trendy areas. They tend to have a bit of everything, with a strong concentration on beers, malt liquors and cigarettes. It's the sort of place you might go to for a coffee in the morning, and a pre-sliced, pre-buttered bread roll wrapped in cling wrap. They don't have an extensive assortment of products, and the pickings can be slim for things like fresh produce, but they tend to have more of a neighborhood feel, if you will.
  5. For The Brownstone: Thank you! It's very refreshing to actually get a review for a no-sex piece, to be honest. I'm delighted that you enjoyed it, and we'll have to see if the brownstone decides to claim another victim. I'm not sure places like that are ever satisfied.
  6. I'm not finding a record of any staff action regarding that title. Without an author name, I can't look further.
  7. Keep in mind that AFF and FanFiction.net are not affiliated, so searching here for a story there doesn't always yield results.
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