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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. We have a Sailor Moon category in Anime, if that might help.
  2. Third Wheel by someonenotme
  3. You might want to use the Category Request thread, where this will get a faster response...
  4. That which we make for ourselves by magentasouth
  5. Any challenges here must be given or taken without expectation of compensation. While we understand that all original work can and often is sold for profit, we can't be used as a venue for exchange. Aside from that caveat, carry on, and good luck!
  6. BronxWench

    Wolf story

    Link for the above: Unwanted Mate by Naga-Lord
  7. As far as the confirmation email issue, it may be getting sent to your Spam or Junk folder. Please check there. If you haven't received anything even after checking there, please email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the pen name and email address you are using for the registration so we can look into this. I would NOT recommend posting your email address here on the open forum.
  8. I would disagree that his personal style makes Stephen King a poor writer. By adhering to an overly rigid structure for literature, you run the risk of sacrificing creativity for form. While form has a place in things like sonnets and waka, one of my absolute favorite writers, Samuel R Delany, tossed the style book out the window when he wrote some of his most amazing works. "Dhalgren" can still leave me breathless, and "Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand" is sheer gorgeousness. On the other hand, the relentless predictability of Barbara Cartlandt is what gave romance writing such a bad name.
  9. I think the issue readers, including myself, can have with that is if they need to run to Google Translame to get through a bit of dialogue. You can pretty much assume a term of endearment is something sweet and loving, and move past without needing to go see exactly what "watashi no kokoro" means. But if you're writing primarily in English, for readers of English, then you really should try and stick with one language except where it's a concept that can't readily be translated. If you're writing for Japanese speakers, you should be writing ござる, which is the polite form of "to be." I'm pretty sure "de" is either an example of inaccurate Japanese from anime use, or one of those hangovers from katakana, like daylight = deraitu.
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