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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 29979
  2. 29977
  3. 29975
  4. 29973
  5. Anime is a huge subdomain, so without something more specific to go on, I'm not going to be able to search. A search by "xReader" in the entire subdomain returns no matches. Sorry!
  6. 29971
  7. 29969
  8. 29965
  9. Our tech admin can go in and remove that email address for you, if you give us the information. The story ID and review ID are what we'd need. You can email us with that information, or post it here, although emailing us is more private. The email is tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. For future reference, you can simply input the word "private" in that field if you wish to keep your email address hidden.
  10. DerpityDerDerp
  11. 29963
  12. 29961
  13. 29959
  14. Absolutely yes. You can edit chapters within the story and replace them one by one as you fix them.
  15. 29953
  16. 29951
  17. 29949
  18. Or the really bad things that happen when you rely on Norton's Symantec to protect your computer...
  19. The story was posted before the author was 18, and was accordingly deleted.
  20. Desert Wind by Udunie
  21. Semantics.
  22. 29947
  23. 29945
  24. 29943
  25. Exactly. What I keep in mind is that most of these authors who can't take concrit have never been through a professional editing. An editor is not there to make you feel good about your work. An editor is there to make you clean up your grammar, and make your work presentable. They don't hold your hand and tell you that you're wonderful. They tell you what needs fixing, and then YOU get to fix it. You might get a chapter or two marked up to show you what to do, but you're on your own for the rest, You find it, you fix it. And you know what? If you have half a brain in your skull, the next time you're doing that last round of proofreading before you submit something to a publisher, you LOOK for that stuff your editor made you fix, and you fix it before you submit the manuscript. You learn from the experience, and it makes you a better writer. You won't get pats on the back, and you won't be told how clever and wonderful you are, but you might not have to work quite as hard on the edits for that new manuscript. And even as online authors, we owe it to ourselves and to our readers to be as professional as possible. That includes using proper grammar, running spell checks, and paying attention to the story line. It also includes wanting to improve, and accepting honest concrit gracefully. No one is saying you have to put up with flames, but learn to tell the difference between a flame and concrit. Simple litmus test? If it involves the story, or its mechanics, it's concrit. If it's about you as a person, and it's negative, it's a flame.
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