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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 30027
  2. 30025
  3. 30022
  4. 30019
  5. 30017
  6. 30015
  7. 30013
  8. Links: Sugar Cane by Scurvy
  9. 30005
  10. Anime (see the various dedicated subcategories and the A-Z for smaller fandoms) Anime2 (includes DBZ and FMA) Xreader fic, or more correctly, second person point of view fics, are not easy to write nor are they terribly in demand here. I can only recall seeing a handful in the nearly 4 years I've been modding here.
  11. 30001
  12. 29999
  13. 29997
  14. 29995
  15. 29988
  16. 29985
  17. 29983
  18. 29981
  19. Hi, This really isn't a FAQ request. However, let's see how I can help. If you need to know the mechanics of posting a story, then we DO have a FAQ for that: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3552-how-to-add-a-story-using-rte/ If you're asking where in the archive to add the story, then it will depend on whether the story is based on the book, the game, or the movie. If it's the book, it goes here (Books > Titles in the Public Domain > Alice in Wonderland) For the game, see here (Games > +A through F > Alice: Madness Returns) For the movie, it belongs here (Movies > 1 through F > Alice in Wonderland (2010)) You need to pick one subdomain, please. We don't allow cross-posting of stories to multiple subdomains unless the story has been translated into another language. I hope this helps!
  20. 29979
  21. 29977
  22. 29975
  23. 29973
  24. Anime is a huge subdomain, so without something more specific to go on, I'm not going to be able to search. A search by "xReader" in the entire subdomain returns no matches. Sorry!
  25. 29971
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