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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, We'll add that to the to-do list when we reach that subdomain in the clean-up effort.
  2. Absolutely! The point of using the forums for review replies is to get a good dialogue going with readers, if they're so minded. Making a thread right away lets you put that url in your profile as well as in your stories, and you can certainly discuss update schedules or any other pertinent thing. We've had users list their writing playlists, share recipes, discuss character appearance, whatever they find useful to share.
  3. I have not read most of these, but: Slave Pet Harry Harry Potter, thought he had life good. He was wrong. One day it all changed. 3Plus, AB/DL, Ageplay, Anal, Angst, BDSM, B-Mod, BP, CBT, D/s, DP, Fingering, Fist, GB, HJ, Herm, MC, M/M, M/s, Minor1, Minor2, MPreg, Oral, Rape, Rim, S&M, Scat, SH, Slave, Spank, TB/DL, TF, Tort, Toys, Trans, Violence, WIP, WS [LadyYukiAkiyama] Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Preventative Measures The Harry that came to Hogwarts isn't what anyone expected. A serious, angry young man, he has the adults close to him wondering if he's just the next coming of Voldemort. After dropping back into Harry's life, Sirius decides it's time to 3Plus, AB/DL, Ageplay, Anal, Angst, Contro, D/s, DP, Fet, Fingering, H/C, HJ, Humil, M/M, Minor2, Oral, Other, Rim, Solo, Toys, Voy, WIP [speedyTomato] Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Rise of the Founder’s Heir Rescued by a stranger from his families past on Dudley’s Birthday, Harry learns of his destiny, and begins to truly learn how to live and love as he evolves into the powerful wizard he’s always been destined to be. 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Ageplay, Anal, Anthro, Beast, DP, Fet, H/C, HJ, Humil, M/M, Minor1, MPreg, OC, Oral, Rim, Solo, TB/DL, Toys, Voy, WD [Diapered_Hanku] Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes The New Charms Master Extraordinaire Years after the war Harry and the gang are teachers at Hogwarts and there is a new Charms Teacher that Cacthes Harry's eye 3Plus, Abortion, Abuse, Ageplay, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Beast, Bi, Bigotry, CBT, Contro, CR, D/s, F/F, Fet, Fist, H/C, HJ, Herm, Humil, Inc, MC, M/M, M/s, MiCD, Minor2, MPreg, OC, Oral, Other, PWP, Racist, Rape, Rim, S&M, SH, Slave, Solo, Spank, Tort, Toys, UST, Violence, Voy, WAFF, WD, WIP, WS [Aresgodofchaos] Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male
  4. We have lots and lots of FAQs posted here, and of course the staff is always happy to answer specific questions you might have. You can post a question in the General Staff Questions thread, or ask specifically about Disclaimers and Other Issues. And welcome to AFF!
  5. The very act of writing is, in and of itself, not praiseworthy simply because it's an outlet. Jack the Ripper found an outlet in carving up street whores. He was hunted, not praised, but it was his outlet. If you don't bother to read what someone has written, simply praising them for writing comes across as supercilious, in my opinion.
  6. We all tend to be picky about what we read for pleasure. That's only natural. I may read in all subdomains in the course of my work as a moderator, but when I read for pleasure (and review), it's only in subdomains and genres I find enjoyable. I will say that I don't praise people simply because they write. That's a large part of the entitlement issue we see so much of these days. I will review a writer, as honestly as possible, and I will try to say what I liked. If I really didn't like a story, I'll try to find a constructive way to explain why it didn't work for me. But I won't toss out lauds and accolades because someone wrote something I never even read. That's condescending and entirely without merit. Would you recommend a restaurant you've never eaten in simply because it's there?
  7. BronxWench


    Obviously, this cannot be said enough, so let me repost what we say on this search thread (and on every other search thread):
  8. Guest_Orchidfire, the link was to the AFF profile of the author of The Housekeeper. That story is not posted here, however, nor does that author appear to have any other Criminal Minds/Harry Potter crossovers.
  9. I get few reviews for my fan fiction or original fiction, but they are definitely quality as opposed to mere quantity. I'll take it.
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