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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Link for above: The Prince Bride. by DerpityDerDerp
  2. Torquere Press has put out a free anthology of flash fiction all based on a central theme... "Please Don't Feed the Alligators." There are some wonderful authors featured in this collection of flash fiction, and I am absolutely tickled to have a story in this anthology: "The Herpetologist and the Honeymoon." So, stop on by and get a copy. The price is right, after all!
  3. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/647-marvel-verse/
  4. hpg70 is welcome, if 18 or older, to post the story here. Alternatively, with proper permission and age verification on file from hpg70, KhaosKyuubi might be permitted to publish the story here, but I'd need to clear that with our admins first due to the initial posting. I'll quote from our Terms of Service:
  5. Hi, This FAQ has it stepped out in detail: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/10218-how-do-i-edit-story-codes-disclaimer-or-other-story-properties/
  6. Basic Needs Basic Wants Beautifully Deranged Dark Gifts The Tribulation of the Blue Moon Incorrigible Infatuation Sacrifice Pretty Kitty
  7. When you post a search request here, we ask the following: Your request was for a copy of this story, and it has been hidden. Please do not repost that request.
  8. Right now, you're in the validation queue. Once you've finished validating, you'll be able to post to the forum threads. It's usually no more than 24 hours before you're validated, so bear with us.
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