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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’m sending you the password reset link via email.
  2. You need to validate and reset your password. I’m emailing you updated links to do both.
  3. I’ll email you a new password reset link. You do seem to have validated.
  4. I would be curious as to why the reviewer felt the narrator spoke “robotically.” It’s hard for me to decide what they meant by that. Is the speech pattern stiff and/or stilted, or does the reviewer find the narration to be lacking the spontaneity that generally occurs in verbal communication? I almost never write in the first person, because it’s not my preferred method, but I have done it. It’s tricky, I will admit, to get the voice across. I do use actions, and I do have my narrator reveal his thoughts and emotions to add some clarity. But the biggest thing I do is to read my dialogue out loud. If it doesn’t flow from my tongue, it won’t flow in the reader’s (figurative) ears. But that’s simply my way of handling it, and I won’t ever pretend I know more than the next bloke about how to write.
  5. I believe that at the moment, only readers who are logged in to their archive profiles can leave reviews. No anonymous reviews are permitted to prevent a repeat of the attack that shut us down.
  6. When I re-read my manuscript, I could actually see the point she was trying to make. It was almost laughable how often my poor MC made himself a cup of tea. And I’m really good at the traditional British method of making tea, from loose leaf and not sachets. I’m slightly conversant with chanoyu, although I would never dare to actually try to perform the tea ceremony myself without proper training. I like a good strong Yorkshire blend in the morning, PG Tips in the afternoon if I’m having tea, and Earl Grey before bed, if I decide to throw over my beloved coffee for a day.
  7. I tend to do it more within a single story. I had one editor tell me that if my MC drank one more cup of tea, she was going to explode. Other than that, I find it’s very easy to fall into the same way of describing sexual acts. There really are a finite number of ways most normal humans fit together, but it irks me when I find myself falling back on the same tired descriptions, you know? I’m actually experimenting with a fade-to-black approach in one f my WIPs just to avoid the whole bother.
  8. I’ve emailed you new links that should work. Let us know if there’s any problems.
  9. Links for above story on AFF: Relax by SweetTorments shadowfey has no posted stories on AFF.
  10. Thank you so much! I visited the Cave of the Winds in Colorado Springs in early October, and we did the Lantern Tour. At one point during the tour, we all extinguished our lanterns and spent a few minutes in absolute cave dark. I have to admit, it was both eerie and wonderful, but really, the mind does play some fascinating tricks when you can’t see anything at all. Then I bought a novella, entitled “Pulling the Wings Off Angels” by K.J. Parker. I refused to read it until after I wrote my story, but the title alone was enough to send my thoughts back to the days when I argued theology with Jesuits for shiggles, including some heated (and boozy) discussions about the nature of angels. And there we are. My mind is a terrible place sometimes. Oh, and I highly recommend the novella, which I finally read.
  11. I’ll email you a fresh set of links. No worries!
  12. The function might still be disabled. There are a few functions that remain disabled while @manta2g finishes securing the site against more hacks. Bear with us while she finishes up all the last odds and ends. I do apologize, but we’re determined not to put our members through another lockdown of the archive if we can help it.
  13. If you received our email with the links, and you were able to successfully validate, you would have gotten a message saying that you had validated, and you then would have been able to reset your password. I did go and look in my database, and I show you as validated, with a reset password. If you hadn’t validated, I would see an unused link or an unused password reset link. As far as telling if you’re logged in, the fastest way is to look at the upper right corner of the archive home page. If it has a LOGOUT link, you’re logged in. You can also click the three bars on the upper left corner of that home page, and the dropdown menu will have your pen name at the top, with either a logout link under the edit profile link, or it will have the fields to enter your email address and password, and a link to click to log in.
  14. I’m showing you as fully validated and registered, with a completed password reset. When you open the archive home page, does it show you as logged in already?
  15. I am the poster child for “Are you incapable of completing a story?” I have 2 co-written WIPs here on AFF, 2 more WIPS on AFF that are all my fault, and something like 4 WIPS that may or may not end up here, depending on whether or not I get laughed out the door at my publishers. I do have quite a few one-shots and a couple of completed stories, so I’m capable of finishing things. I just… don’t?
  16. I’m going to email you with a possible solution.
  17. I’m going to need your pen name, or your User ID number to find your account so I can send you the links to activate your account.
  18. I sent a new link via email that should work for you.
  19. Well, now, I’ve found most of the local republicans are lovely people when you have them for tea, with a little watercress, on very thinly sliced sourdough bread delicately smeared with hand-churned sweet butter from local cows. (Democrats are best on artisan bagels, with a smear of cream cheese and some very thinly sliced red onion. I can’t say I recommend libertarians at all—they’re always that little bit sour no matter what you do, although independents appeal to the white bread set since they tend to be rather bland.)
  20. I have never personally encountered any headless people at all in Sleepy Hollow, but yes, when you come and visit again, we’ll go there. It’s a lovely little town, actually!
  21. I actually live fairly near to Sleepy Hollow and Mount Pleasant, so I do know the area.
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