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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. A one shot story is just a single chapter as far as the archive goes. We don't have an option to post a story as a one shot other than to add that story tag. You didn't upload incorrectly. We simply don't have an alternative format. The only option regarding chapters we have in the archive is the option to allow other people to add chapters to stories. That is something you can select when posting the story, and is used for round robin type stories where the original author creates the premise, and invites other authors to write a chapter for the story. I hope this helps!
  2. 31335
  3. 31333
  4. 31330 ::sighs::
  5. 31327
  6. 31325
  7. 31323
  8. 31321
  9. 31318
  10. 31316
  11. 31312
  12. 31308
  13. 31306
  14. 31304
  15. 31302
  16. We're glad we could help.
  17. 31300
  18. I have the screen capture, so you can delete that piece of nastiness. I'm sure you've tried this already, but you might want to report them to Yahoo for cyberbullying/stalking. I can send you my screen captures from AFF if you need them for Yahoo.
  19. 31298
  20. 31290
  21. 31288
  22. 31281
  23. 31279
  24. Nope.
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