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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I look at old summaries and die inside while laughing at myself, because I am that bad. I gave up after a while and just chickened out with : "Response to AFF Challenge Prompt [whatever] and then tags. VERY creative of me.
  2. My epic mess of a fan fiction is in a very obscure fandom as well, so I can sympathize entirely. I have one fan fiction set in the Dragon Age: Origins world, which some gamers know, but no one remembers Neverwinter Nights 2, let alone the Forgotten Realms lore that my geeky little heart adores. And I write the worst summaries known to mankind. I'm beginning to take pride in how awful they are.
  3. The hardest part for me is always selling myself. I can talk about my characters, and my stories, but don't ask me to market myself, or even ask anyone to beta for me. It's incredibly hard to put yourself out there and ask for feedback. Having said that, I'm going to urge you to at least promote your stories in the Promote a Story thread. Set up review reply threads and talk to readers. Add the review thread links to your stories, something I get scolded for not doing. It gets easier as you do it. And say yes to any feedback you can get. Here's the thing. I've gotten less than shining reviews over on Goodreads, and my editor (the most recent one) was upset. But the truth is, I wasn't. One such review was on my debut novella, and it was legitimate in the concrit offered. Not only was it valid, the reader said they'd try the second book in the series. So, they were willing to give me another chance. My editor saw negative; I saw positive. Sometimes, it's how you spin it to yourself, too. As long as the concrit is about my book, and not a personal attack, I can deal with it. A critique of my writing is not a critique of me.
  4. BronxWench


    Or, since this is AFF, after all... Orion Zabini Potter by Slayer-of-Destiny
  5. I completely agree that it's possible to over-edit. I do it all the time, and then I slap myself silly and move on. I think because we care this much about our writing, it means we're always going to be sweaty-palmed and anxious until someone tells us that we did good. And Clover, I actually have come out of the editing wringer feeling a whole lot better about myself as a writer. This does not mean that I won't whine just as much the next time, though.
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