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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Since tags are currently part of the Summary field, and that field has a character limit of 240 characters, our goal was to take as little space as possible with tags. I understand it makes it difficult to search by tags as a result, but you could always try searching the full term, such as "Bisexuality" rather than "Bi."
  2. Oh, I don't know... Kentucky obscenity can be even more invasive than kudzu.
  3. That story was not the property of the uploading author, and accordingly, it was deleted. We do not permit anyone but the author to post a story to our archive.
  4. Guest_Sapphire: We do not encourage or otherwise enable the downloading of stories that have been removed, either by the staff of AFF or the author themselves. We clearly state this at the top of these search threads. Please refrain from such posts in future.
  5. Sorry, magus. You used proper spelling, acceptable grammar, and punctuation. You've failed at being a troll. But really, the rash of idiots in the Naruto fandom is growing wearisome. It may be that we'll need to disable anonymous reviews site-wide, until the little delinquents find another place to haunt. I'd suggest Tumblr, but they're currently asking trolls to sign up for the waiting list, since their asshole quota had been exceeded sometime last year. And Ronin, they're little cowards and bullies. They're hoping to upset you and get you to stop, yes, but I'm very glad that you're givning them all the credence they deserve, which would be none. I've scraped things off my boots that were more credible.
  6. Oh, goodness, I am really very sorry that you've been added to the list of trolled authors. As a small consolation, the trolls seem to target the better authors. It seems we have a few very immature individuals who are taking advantage of the relative anonymity of the Internet to behave in a manner that is unbelievably despicable. They are cowardly little things, and don't dare post their emails or use a registered account, and they seem to think that they are the arbiters of what is good and right in the Naruto fandom. Given the general level of illiteracy and questionable justification for their rants, I hardly find them credible, but I'm sure somewhere someone must have told them that they were terribly clever and wonderful. Really, they could at least attempt a bit of creativity if we're supposed to think they know more than how to write their own names in block letters, with crayons. I'll write this up, and we'll collect sufficient documentation to rid our site of this little coward, who does not even have the courage to stand by their vitriol. Feel free to delete this bit of petty nastiness, which is all that it deserves. If you'd like, DemonGoddess061 can disable anonymous reviews on your archive account, so that the little cretin will have to be logged in to leave any reviews.
  7. My French is rusty enough that I often need to check a word in Google Translame, but at least I know the language structure, which puts me miles past Translame. It mutilates Japanese with great zeal, however. I'm still giggling, however, at the Kentucky dialect words, which pretty much sums up Kentucky in a nutshell unless you're old money Horse People or Tobacco People.
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