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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The highlighted portion of your post is (I think) what you're looking to do, and that's not how it works here. While that link does take you straight to the post you want, the previous and subsequent posts appear above and below it. It's a jump link to the post, and not a stand-alone page with only that one post on it.
  2. BronxWench


    Links for above: Good Intentions by SheWolfe7
  3. In case you haven't seen it, we have a FAQ on avatars. One thing to watch for is the url. It can't contain any special characters other than dashes or underscores, so if Imgur is adding question marks or other symbols, the avatar won't be accepted. Also, make sure you don't have a double of the http:// leader. (I've done that and was SO mortified when I figured out what I was doing wrong.)
  4. I'm going to assume that this is you. Please try this. Log out of AFF even if you don't think you're logged in. Then clear your browser's cache and history, close the browser completely, and then restart the browser. Log into AFF using the upper right fields only (the center fields do NOT work after activation). Please be sure to use the correct email address and password, which is case sensitive. You should be able to log in properly and access your stories. If this doesn't work, let us know and we'll get it sorted for you.
  5. I'm glad it was useful! I think when a writer takes the time to research and get it right, the story is so much more powerful, so cheers for you for putting in the extra effort!
  6. Okay, it appears that you did register under the new archive code we've been rolling out in stages. The issue you're having could be caused by a few things, so let's take this one at a time. We had a domain name change. If there are any old cookies lingering in your browser, it could be giving you problems. So, log out of AFF, clear your browser cache and history, close the browser entirely, and then restart your browser. You should be able to reset your password and log in. When you log in, you need to use the upper right fields only, not the center fields. You also need to use the email with which you created the account, and your password is case sensitive, so if you use a capital letter anywhere when making the password, you always have to use that capital letter. Lastly, passwords need to be at least 8 letters or numbers long, with no special characters allowed. If you're using special characters, or if you haven't made the password long enough, it will be rejected. You also can't reset the password to the same password. If you try, it blanks the field, and you have to reset again. What you can do is reset the password to something else entirely, and then reset it again to your favored old password if it's long enough and doesn't have special characters. Let us know if you're still having issues once you've tried these solutions.
  7. I actually don't know. They were posted under the name of the person who had requested that they be written, although the member's profile disclaimed authorship.
  8. Welcome aboard! We're a friendly bunch, and always happy to have new members, and new stories to read.
  9. Hi, That story was not written by the person who posted it, which is a violation of our Terms of Service: The member was sent an email explaining why the story, along with the others posted on behalf of others, was deleted from our archive.
  10. 31792 The road to infinity is paved with many pitfalls...
  11. Until we get to that stage of the code rewrite, and tags are given a separate field, it's going to be difficult. Authors need to juggle between a summary to attract readers and tags, and as a writer myself, the summary is difficult enough in so short a space. Many of our authors actually tag at the top of the first chapter, because they simply can't fit a summary an all necessary tags into that field. Now, having said all that, if you give me an idea of what you're looking for, I might be able to assist in narrowing it down. I used Bi, Bisexuality simply because it was the first tag on the list that was under four characters.
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