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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. therottenlord has a profile here, but I'm not seeing any record of staff action in the removal of the story. Edit: I'll ask our users NOT to suggest offsite locations that post stories without the permission of the authors. One such site was mentioned, and I deleted the post.
  2. All but NYC. NYC is my hoard, and you know how we dragons get about our hoards.
  3. I'm not seeing a forum profile for TheMaskedCat, sorry. Unless that author has a forum account, there is no way to contact them via private message.
  4. I'm not seeing any record of staff action with regard to that story. If it was taken down by the author, they have left no explanation as to why. I'm sorry.
  5. Eh, that's just in that particular subdomain. Each subdomain is actually a discrete database, so you have to total the stories in all of the subdomains to get a clearer picture.
  6. You would have to ask that both accounts be deleted. The forum and archive are separate accounts.
  7. That has to be done by one of our admins, DemonGoddess061 or Melrick. Drop them a PM and they can take care of that for you.
  8. Thank you! And much happiness to your loved ones as well!
  9. You need to use the email address you used when you created the account. I'm going to PM you with that email address, since I don't want to post it on a public board. If that's the email address you're using, then let me know, and we can figure out what else might be causing the issue.
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