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BronxWench last won the day on December 14

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  1. Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to @WillowDarkling

    All the best to my Neko-baby! Love you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday, WD! Any chance you’re turning 40? (WD-40, get it? Ima laff riot.) 

    3. Melrick
    4. WillowDarkling


      Thank you so much, Bronxie, and all of you guys :D 

      I got to spend most of the birthday itself in the car with the parental units, driving for nearly six hours to the north side of the country, and meeting up with the sisters and the youngest niece at the apartment we rented. Friday was spent mucking about (mostly entertaining the two year old, even though she absolutely does NOT want me to get too close to her, ever), and going to dinner at my uncle’s house to celebrate his wedding, on his 60th birthday, and then going to the hall where they were going to have his birthday party at to get the tables and decorations and all ready. Saturday was then spent at my uncle’s birthday party, and then Saturday evening was spent watching the first numbers of the presidential elections :D  It was pretty obvious by midnight who would be winning, so we got our tired asses to bed, and then got up before noon today to drive for six hours back home, in shitty ass weather this time, since we’ve got a random surprise bout of winter-y weather heading over the country. So, yay to a birthday weekend :D  

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