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BronxWench last won the day on April 21

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  1. So, who here got sidelined in the government shutdown? 

    ::raises hand:: :bash: 

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    2. JayDee


      For informtion on the UN Migration Pact that hasn’t come from Infowars:


      For the government shut down – It’s pretty funny that when Congresss of any political side majority has a government shut down all of the congressfolk’s wages aren’t included and they still get paid.


    3. InvidiaRed



      read it for yourself. The potential for abuse is too ludicrous.

      bbc is just as bad if not worse than whatever infowars is but that’s diverging from the point.

      After all. Its never congress that has to suffer for its stupidity. So congress won't do anything because both sides share stupidity(And the fact that most of them are millionaires at least.. Future shutdowns could be avoided if congress’s wages were at stake but imagine the horror of a political body that actually has something to do. Or lose.

    4. Daye


      Basically there was a funding bill in place to keep everyone working and getting paid over christmas into next year. All approved by the senate and Trump refused to sign it

      Absolutely Trump’s fault basically.


      My sympathies to BW it really sucks your job can be affected by political infighting unrelated to your job. 

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